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Everything posted by Kal_Zakath

  1. Kal_Zakath

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Bipod back in game, still not attachable to Mosin... Intended or not working as planned?
  2. Just check every video on TV or on the internet of soldies moving around in towns or somewhere else in combat situations. They always have their weapons raised infront of them when they expect threat just around the next corner but they still move fast. They do not sprint around of course but they also do not slowly walk. And they often also walk fast in a state between standing and crouching. The new movement system is forthrightly spoken crap... So please stop coming with these typical arguments like "it's more realistic". Has nothing to do with realism when you slowly cross a street in a situation in which you could get shot every second.... And no, I'm not saying you should be able to sprint and shoot like some action-film-cowboy^^
  3. Kal_Zakath

    Cannot prone since couple patches ago

    Well as this was my only idea I can't help you, sorry :/
  4. Kal_Zakath

    Cannot prone since couple patches ago

    Have you tried both prone keysettings? In your options you have 2 times stand, crouch and prone which you can assign to a certain key. For me only one of each is working.
  5. I was behind a tree trying to cover myself from a guy a couple of meters infront. It seems that my arm was visible cause he shot twice into my arm. Immediately the message came "I think my arm is broken" and "my arm is in pain" and my character was unconcious and dead. All in a few milliseconds. Seriously? Since when do people instantly die because they get shot in the arm? Broken arm - ok bleeding - definitely ok there could even be a shock sometimes (although high adrenalin would actually work so you don't slip into shock. that would happen later) but immediate death because of a bullet in my arm? Common.... I think the way you take damage should be reworked :/
  6. Kal_Zakath

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Thx man for the info man :) Anyone else tested the xbow so far and couldn't get the bolts back? But I think as we are now 2 at least I will put it to the bug section. I loved that crossbow back in mod times and I want it working^^
  7. Kal_Zakath

    Something should be done about damage you can take

    I've been playing DayZ and the Mod for quite a while now, I've just not written much on the forums. Sadly I don't have a screen or video of that situation. There was no other way he could have killed me. But as someone stated, he killed a guy by shooting his foot, it seems that there are indeed different hitboxes (because we know a headshot kills instantly and the arm or leg can be broken etc) but there seem to be also a certain amount of HP that you lose by getting shot. So at the moment it seems quite normal to die because of that but I started the thread because I think it should be changed somewhere in the future that you almost instantly die by getting shot in your arm. I wrote that "can you read" because you have been the 3rd or 4th person who told me I can't know I was shot in the arm. I do know it, you can trust me on that.
  8. Kal_Zakath

    Something should be done about damage you can take

    Never seen that happen. Every time I got shot by someone at close range I died after a couple of shots without a chance to react. Are you playing another game? And if you can read, then scroll up again and read what I wrote. There is this nice server message that tells you what's hurt, broken, in pain etc. And the only point of me that stuck out behind the tree was my backpack and as it seems my arm. Nothing else. My had was behind because in first person I couldn't even see him and in 3rd person I could turn my camera around before I died so I could watch him. And I hardly doubt he shot me through the tree ;)
  9. Kal_Zakath

    Stay away from the shipwreck

    I've been to the ship 2 or 3 times now and the only thing I encountered was getting wet while walking around the higher party of the ship's inside although it wasn't even raining outside. I suppose the ground textures are somewhat like stable water atm so you walk on it but you get completely soaked^^ Only other thing is that when I logged out on the ship and back into the game I wasn't on top of it anymore but down on the ground. Lucky me I came out with sprinting. Normal walking had me stuck between it and some rocks
  10. Kal_Zakath

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Suppressor for M4 works partially or at least has worked 1 or 2 patches ago. It made the shots less loud but not so much that it couldn't be heard in the vicinity of like 20 meters. But being further away really silenced the shots. Pistol supressor (which I used quite often) seems to silence shots by a random number^^ Sometimes they were quiet and sometimes loud. But maybe it was all due to weirdo sound bugs in general :D
  11. Kal_Zakath

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Has anyone tested the crossbow bolts vs zombies? I've had only 3 shots so far before I got killed and since then I wasn't able to find either bolts or crossbows again^^ Thing is: I shot 2 zombies in the heads, they died but no bolt in their dead bodies although I saw the bolt sticking out of his head. Neither possible to take it via zombie's inventory nor envireonment nor by directly aiming at it pressing button to take it. I missed one shot which got stuck in a housewall. I saw the bolt but I couldn't take it out. So are they bugged in general or was it just me having some bad luck? Would like to know some more about it before posting it in the bug section as 3 bolts aren't really a good number for efficient testing :P
  12. Kal_Zakath

    Something should be done about damage you can take

    Oh that's bad, good to know though^^ Because he shot twice right after another without time for aiming at another point between the shots.
  13. Kal_Zakath

    Why DayZ standalone is becoming shit (new youtube video)

    Good to know that the shotgun is buggy atm^^ Not that I start using one and get killed immediately :D
  14. Kal_Zakath

    Why DayZ standalone is becoming shit (new youtube video)

    Well your first shot definitely misses him I'd say. And I'm not quite sure whether your second one really hit him. Although at least the second one should have hit as you were shooting with a shotgun which should have at least some spreading^^
  15. Kal_Zakath

    Something should be done about damage you can take

    Which is kinda odd and shouldn't be possible^^ shooting his foot should result in him having maybe the same effect like a broken leg, but you shouldn't die. I think devs need to work on that once they have time I know, I once ruined a backpack and all the stuff in it when I killed someone from behind. But shooting the side of the backpack should only ruin it and not your body^^
  16. Kal_Zakath

    Something should be done about damage you can take

    Well I only got messages concerning my arm, nothing else. And the way I was behind the tree the only thing that could have been visible were my backpack and my arm. As shooting the side of my backpack shouldn't kill me, I suppose it must have been my arm ;) Yeah sure....that's the usual way for a bullet to fly -.- troll someone else please