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About hanx91

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hanx91

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Its Day Z alright. Played of 30 min, found a Blaze with a scope. 3 min later it was gone same old inventory system different look. 5 min later found an svd with a clip ive never had one before, three min after that ate an apple couldn't pick the gun up again then it vanished. A few min later someone shot me in the back. Ive never complained ive waited and watched and played. So after three years or whatever, you got a playable frame rate, big deal `You got an army of bohemia trolls great good for you. The games just not fun. Fix that
  2. IL think private sservers are the best were gonna get for all kinds of cheating
  3. Is that true ? do visualy impared gamers need high gamma settings? I have no idea. if so why even bother witha nighttime game. if you are at the mercy of these metagames? Why develope the flaregun? Maybe we just have to give up on public servers what do you guys think
  4. Limiting the range of gamma and possibly brightness options for players would make currently useless and unused items like flashlights, lamps, and now flareguns an important and vital part of the game. Players may have more intrest in playing at night. What do you guys think.
  5. I was thinking how nice it would be to hear an occasional zombie cry out for "Brains" in russsian. Then I read this post and realized "this guy has got it!" If only the game were to incorporate a tad more motivation to the zombie parts and perhaps a couple more noises, prerhaps a feeding noise after a kill. you could listen to it for a while after going unconcious..
  6. hanx91

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Add me on steam shotright! Ill join when I get off work. Im 47 and new to day z, but I know enough to get straped and fed, I'm a reluctant killer but I hear it gets easier. I'm pacific time but its casual, I work alot anyway