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About skow

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  1. skow

    More than one character

    Don't let your brother have your steam info. Your brother should have his own steam account and separate copy of the game.
  2. skow

    How i take care of babie killers

    what you dont realize is that if they part ways later and you end up crossing paths again, chances are they aren't going to remember what you looked like. It's not like they can see your name. And 90% of players shoot on sight once they have a weapon. Survival tells me that if I help a player get a gun, they will later be a threat.
  3. I shoot bambis because once they get geared, they'll shoot a geared player. Who cares anyway? It's survival. Kill everyone you meet.
  4. skow

    How i take care of babie killers

    Then later that day that bambie shot you with all the gear you got him. Way to go.
  5. Force feeding victims fecal matter? What makes you think you can even pick up poop into your inventory? Yeah, I would find that utterly hilarious. Just as hilarious as force feeding someone rotten food/DISINFECTANT SPRAY?/anything else. Your mind is programmed to think fecal matter is a million times more disgusting than any other inanimate "rotten" object, and for that I'm sorry. You make it sound like you will actually have to eat the poo yourself in reality. It's just a video game, dude. I find killing humans absolutely more inhumane than taking a shit. Sorry And as part of the "realism factor it provides"...I'm basically talking about the realism factor that is already implemented. If you have to eat, then you should probably have to shit. Currently if you eat/drink too much at once you throw up so you should've seen this coming.
  6. I now ask you, why would any logical human being want to have to eat in a video game? I don't understand how having to eat and drink isn't as equally displeasing and, in your guys' opinion "an annoyance" or, as having to relieve yourself BECAUSE you have to eat and drink. I honestly don't think you understand the vision the developers have for this game as far as immersion and reality goes. I get it, you find peeing and pooping immature but it's a natural function just like eating and drinking.
  7. Honestly, you folks should have just petitioned eating/drinking all together. What's the point of eating and drinking right? Let the developers make their game and quit crying.
  8. You envisioned a game that has eating, heart attacks, broken legs, executions, handcuffing, but pooping is too much for you? Seriously just stop playing now. If you guys are so absolutely afraid of literally being shit on in a game, just wait until the ability to commit suicide. Any time a player wants to troll you with their fecal matter or urine or nudity, just blow your brains out. That's legit. Or don't get caught in a situation where it might happen, just kill any naked/pooping person you see and move along. Or stop playing, I don't care. #toosensitive
  9. Well hey, there is always other games....that are less offensive...that you can play....instead? I'm not even going to bother explaining myself here. I'd be here all day making you feel absolutely moronic for finding something in a video game offensive. The game you're now petitioning is the game I envisioned when I bought the alpha. Don't fuck it up for the rest of us. /NOT SIGNED.
  10. skow

    Same weather server-wide?

    My mistake, I see now what the OP was asking about.
  11. skow

    Eat All function w/ Planned Cannibalism

    "I am painstakingly full." Hide body...in intestines?
  12. Just think about it for a sec...haha
  13. skow

    Inventory system

    Sorry but no thanks.