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Stixx (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stixx (DayZ)

  1. Stixx (DayZ)

    cant get pc to start up

    Turning off in seconds can be overheating, or as someone said ram not seated correctly or all the way. It can also be a faulty power supply. If you hold the power button down to turn on pc does it stay on? If so...power supply is shit. Had an alienware do this.
  2. Stixx (DayZ)

    New Patch great...BUT

    I'm not a real doctor but I play one at home....... Programming your Tivo doesn't count. Also as you WOULD know you cant close every open door..so yeah I call BS.Programmer you are not.... And dur...everyone wants the game fixed...go take a break come back later...or uninstall it and go play outside....the graphics are pretty neat there...and No teleporting hackers.
  3. Stixx (DayZ)

    Leaving traps for people :)

    Have you seen Macauluy Culkin lately? He looks like one of the zombies!
  4. Stixx (DayZ)

    I am sooooo Bad

    No no I don't hate because you executed someone. Its the way you pussified yourself by trying to rationalize to us what you did. Why? Does it clear your conscience? Make you feel better? Own it...be like yup killed this dude because I wanted to. You don't see Grimey Rick,Pacific or a few other Veterans claiming.. oooh I JUST had to execute this SOB. Nope they own what they do or don't do. I may not agree with everyone's play styles..but I can respect someone who says yup I just kill for fun. Least they are honest. Maybe it comes with age,maturity or its a generation thing...but God damn...STOP with the excuses and Own it. It is a PVP game..dur...I'm tired of the justifaction/rationalizations and general excuses. Own it.
  5. Stixx (DayZ)

    what dayz needs and will probably never get

    And Stuff... Irish...take ma beans! But leave my peaches....
  6. Stixx (DayZ)

    I am sooooo Bad

  7. Stixx (DayZ)

    I am sooooo Bad

    Oh ma Gawd. My inner grammar nazi is having seizures. English is NOT strong with this one. But I digress..... Not a kid..lol for real? Yes you are, once you hit about 25 you can try that statement again. You'll realize the error of your ways. And watching the video...you clearly executed the person. Reguardless of any events that transpired before the shooting, He clearly had his hands up and obviously complied with you commands. So do not try to sugar coat or justify your actions. You executed him. Man up and call it like it is. That's what adults are supposed to do.
  8. Stixx (DayZ)

    Suicide Prevention: Part I

    Haha...I once tried to stop a jumper at the construction site in Berezino. Sniped him in the knee to stop him. Hey I was helping! But alas....he rolled off. :(
  9. Ooh snap Dami you got 0wned..Great job Rassad and SmashT for your good detective work. I'm glad Rassad didn't keep quiet and posted. Shame on you Dami. Its too bad the ban hammer cant come down on you even harder now that your lies are exposed.
  10. Stixx (DayZ)

    M4 Silencer

    Having made and tested quite a few suppressors I'll put my 2 cents in. They only turn down the volume.period. It is still auditable ,to what degree depends on a few factors...ammo,bore, etc. Downrange on the receiving end its MUCH harder to tell where the shots came from. In some cases the shot wasn't even heard, only the wizzing of the bullet as it passed by. OH and the adapter for the oil filter suppressor...it works! I mean...its only intended for cleaning your gun and catching the oil runoff...*as if* That is NOT using it for its intended purpose. (Works great for shooting rabbits out your backdoor without alerting the whole neighborhood)
  11. Stixx (DayZ)

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    Haha ..nice rationalization. Yup they forced your hand....its ok. Hey it was your choice to do what you did. A leader always has time to think, becuase he plans for all unseen obstacles. Yours was to KOS. I would have respected you more had you just said yup killed that group in cold blood cause well they were in our way. Saying oh they could have hurt others kinda pussifys your stance. Just dont go polishing a turd and rolling it in glitter and expect half the community to not think something stinks.
  12. Stixx (DayZ)

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    ^^ Couldn't have said it better.
  13. Stixx (DayZ)

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    Huh.. So you being in a leadership role didn't think about having your guys ready to ambush, and you going out to talk to this group? (Or even observe them for a long while) Your team could have covered you easily. But nope you chose the easy way out. Bad "Hero" leadership IMO. Mow them down. And then "feel bad" about executing the survivors. Bullshit You are NO hero. There's lots of ways your story could have been handled. All you have taught your men is to KOS at any perceived threat. How about you put yourself (being a leader) in harms way and I dunno maybe try to find out their intentions. Oh maybe its just to scary and easier to KoS. You had plenty of choices...you chose the easy way out.
  14. Stixx (DayZ)

    Double Cuffing

    if only!! I am not asking to be able to tie a takate Kote, but damit I SHOULD be able to do basic ties...cuffs...possibly hogtie.
  15. Stixx (DayZ)

    Double Cuffing

    We SHOULD be able to do that with rope.!
  16. I play with 3 women in DayZ.(2 are RL friends) None of them will use in game chat as to hide themselves from douchebags. We always use vent tho. Most guys get all weird around them once they find out they are real women.. sad really but whatever. And yes some...I said some of the women are WAY worse than the guys as far as being vicious in this game. I've seen them use their ebil girl powers on poor guys....then bam! They attack. So yeah....guys watch out!
  17. Stixx (DayZ)

    Do you allow others to rob you?

    I was cornered and about to be robbed by 3 mask wearing guys..all holding 357s. After them screaming over mic a few seconds I decided they arent going to let me live. First one took a mosin round to his face, being that I forgot to reload before this encounter, I dropped the mosin and buried my axe in the second guys head..by that time the 3rd finally shot me. So yeah...I'm going out fighting. That was the only time I've been close to being robbed.
  18. Stixx (DayZ)

    Your funny/awesome moments

    Funnest moment for me was outside Elektro. I climbed the crane and waited. Just as a few running players got near I supermaned it off the crane almost landing on them. Their reactions were hilarious...
  19. So a friend and I are tracking 2 guys shooting bambis. They enter the constuction site at berezino. I watch them take a few shots at some unarmed bambis. So yup I figure fair game. Now I dont normally ever shoot anyone..(300 hours and only 3 self defense kills).but these guys were kinda being douches. So I drop one of them...the other ducks behind a stack of bricks...hes pinned and knows it. Some douchie hero ass shoots thru a wall knocking me uncontious. ..my friend is watching the door...waiting for this ass to come thru...but never does...somehow shooting thru door or walls. How is this possible?..we both were in the middle of the room...so niether of us were glitching outside a wall...like sometimes you see. But whatever.i digress..This so called hero then claims that I was shooting bambis....Hey douchie hero...how bout you ask next time. Some of you "heroes" are so caught up in saving everyone you target the wrong people. Suck a bag o dicks whomever you are. How about you track someone and find out thier intentions BEFORE you act...especially if you want to call yourself a hero. End of rant.
  20. Stixx (DayZ)

    Some "Heroes" are just assholes.

    Yeah I know but I really try to play on the good side....I didnt mind dying as much as being told I was shooting bambis....that kinda pissed me off. oh that and getting shot thru walls.
  21. Stixx (DayZ)

    Crash to desktop help

    My friend has the exact same problem...crashes to desktop...but game still running. And cant get back to it.
  22. Stixx (DayZ)


    Oooooooh.....gotcha...those drugs! Now that you say that.. Does this rag smell like chloroform? Mahahaaaa
  23. Stixx (DayZ)


    Driving with your buds in Chero. - Fear and Loathing in L…:
  24. Stixx (DayZ)

    upcoming pistol with scope => Scope for B95, too?

    Use it to shoot at your friends... other than that its kinda worthless(Amphibia)
  25. Stixx (DayZ)

    Infinite Mosin Ammo

    I'm shewtin til it goes click!