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Stixx (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stixx (DayZ)

  1. Stixx (DayZ)

    I need help (Graphics Card)

    Super happy with the GTX 780Ti. Running a resolution of 4960x1600.
  2. Sounds cool actually.....I'd be up for being a runner to bring supplies in.
  3. Stixx (DayZ)

    I feel like someone is watching me.. wtf?

    always watching....
  4. Yes!!!! It WAS waaay more stable on Exp. Dunno why or what changed. I played on the 100, 75 and 60 person servers..with NO problems...ok one server with Hicks on it..bombed but that was it. Now the Stable 40 player servers DO NOT seem to run near as smooth.
  5. Stixx (DayZ)

    Sensitivity Broken for Anyone Else?

    Its great outside but daaaam hard to move inside buildings....but I will say..its an improvement to what we had.
  6. Do you know how excited I got seeing these at the gun store ...gotta be full of beans...right?
  7. Stixx (DayZ)

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Not a pvp'er. I shot only 2 people in 300 hours both in self defense. Poop shouldn't be in game. There are plenty of other ways to infect water supplies. Dead animals? Pooping will lead to people feeding or crapping on others...will this make game play better...IMO nope. I see no usefulness for it. My two pennies.
  8. Stixx (DayZ)

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    That's it....beer an soda from now on.....
  9. What I'm saying Dallas is that he prolly never expected it to take off the way it did....and rather than lose out on a profit sell a game in alpha that can NEVER be very complete with its terrible engine. Also knowing someone was going to take his idea and POSSIBLY do it better. To cash in while they could! Very plausible.. and really who WOULDNT try to cash in while they could...it would be stupid not to. Hey...they told you Not to buy the game....their hands are clean...if it never gets fixed...am I right?
  10. Stixx (DayZ)

    When you've played DayZ to much......

    Lol...I bought them both of the big ones for my paintball guns when I fly out for tourneys....going to paint a can of beans on the yellow one.
  11. Here is a nice little theory. ...bash if you want but defiantly plausible. Dean knew he had a broken/crap engine. Knowing it will NEVER be fixed completely, also knowing it CANNOT do all the things they want it to do. So...lets sell an unfinished game that may never make it to market as alpha oh and tell everyone Dont buy it. That way they can cash grab on the hype DaYZ mod generated. Even if some big company steps in to make a similar game even better...oh look Dean and BI got paid. Do we honestly think BI and Dean DIDNT know about Sony? Im a huge fan of DayZ. Tho starting to lose faith. Scream alpha all you want...white knight for dayZ too, it wont fix the glaring problem with this dated engine. Im sure the Devs ARE working hard...I dont blame them. They prolly are doing the best they can. Only time will tell. You cant polish a turd...and even if you roll it in glitter... its still a turd. Let the bashing commence. .
  12. Stixx (DayZ)

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Personally I think its a bad idea. The coast will be nothing but shit everywhere. Water supplies could be contaminated with dead zombies, dead animals and dead players..so really do we need poop. I dont think so. How about dismemberment? Rape? Oh why not? If you can force feed someone a handful of crap...whats wrong with alittle rapey...or cutting off limbs? Can we poop but not pee? Thats not realistic...what are we ..birds? just sayin...theres other ways of going about tainting water supplies.. silly idea.
  13. Stixx (DayZ)

    m4 appreciation

    Lol hold it til it goes click... I guess.
  14. Stixx (DayZ)

    regrets? i have one son

    Holy Zombie Jesus ...my eyes! Son...I think your English teacher just rolled in her/his grave.
  15. Stixx (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    So much for the respawning loot! We got respawning rubberbanding... Oh well thats whats Exp is for....to test..sometimes its good...44 sometimes not so good .45 keep up the hard work Devs.. still doing a good job.
  16. I've only had 1 linksys soft brick itself.Pain in the ass to unbrick..finally did tho luckly. But absolutely make sure you understand what you are doing as IamDinner said. You can do more harm then good if you go willy nilly on it.
  17. I was having issues with my Dlink 655 router...updating firmware fixed it. Just a thought...most people forget to keep router firmware up to date.
  18. Stixx (DayZ)

    Bow and arrow

    Its the ashwood stick
  19. Stixx (DayZ)

    Bow and arrow

    I gots the bow too..but how to make arrows.
  20. Stixx (DayZ)

    New Experimental?

    Awww Tribes....what a great game... psst we are showing our age! Lol I'm running a resolution of 4960x1600 so I need alittle more speed...but after that update it was insanely fast. BTW DEVS...you prolly dont hear this enough...Great Job.
  21. Stixx (DayZ)

    New Experimental?

    So tested Exp. Servers last night.. 100,75 and a 60 player. Wow I was amazed how smooth they all ran. No...I repeat... No rubberbanding at all. Tho did have one session time out while playing on the server Hicks was on. Not a fan of the accel time tho. Also seems like there was a graphic update..things looked better. Nothing I could point my finger at...but it seemed more crisp..clear. My only complaint is that at dusk as the sun is going down if you look towards the sun it gets darker..if you put your back to it..things get really bright..or if you are in the woods its brighter than open field. It seems backwards. Throwing stuff seems useless unless it causes damage...which I didn't notice as a friend and I hurled can after can at each other. Alittle disappointing...I mean...whats the point of throwing stuff then? Yes I get we need physics for other stuffs. But its not really tactical bacon if I CAN'T knock someone unconscious now is it? As for mouse movement I never had problems...after this update I had to LOWER sensitivity. It was stupid fast, I'm sure some others will welcome that. In all a good update, things are a bit better. The big servers are a blast. Need less KOS but what are you gonna do...its DayZ!
  22. Stixx (DayZ)

    DayZ - Stories #2 - The Russian Girl

    He sounds like the narrator for National Geographic lol
  23. I dont see them working together... just alot of kneecaping...or as Walking Dead fans call it..getting Otis'ed.
  24. Stixx (DayZ)

    The "Compass Bearing" game...

    Haha I use a pen too....much to cheap to use coins...those I keep hidden in the couch!
  25. Stixx (DayZ)

    Sudden death

    Watch out for those pesky ladder bugs....they like to crawl up your pant legs while you climb up too!