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About Templar72260

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    On the Coast
  1. Templar72260

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    Not speaking about video game but about reality. I am not speaking of the mod or any other video games. I am speaking about the probability of finding a heavy weapon in an area filled with military bases/airfields deserted because of a zombie apocalypse. So if you want to have a proper debate try and read correctly other people before "throwing blanket statements out there like facts" haha. To conclude, I'd say that I don't give a rat's ass about having heavy weapons or not, to tell you the truth I'm just practicing my english !
  2. Templar72260

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I don't think that the ones against want a real game. They just want a game where you have to throw rocks at your opponent because one knows that in case of a zombie apocalypse there is no way that all the heavy weapons/vehicles which existed before would still exist. They would simply disappear, eaten by the zombies. All jokes aside, it depends on what you want. If you want a real game you have to accept that some people will have heavy weapons because they were in the good place at the right time ; you cannot possibly say you want a real survivor game if you want to put aside REAL THINGS. The Walking Dead's scriptwriters did not think that having a tank was impossible, why should we ? Heavy weapons would not simply disappear and God knows that soldiers have them.
  3. Templar72260

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I don't understand why some people would not want heavy weapons such as RPGs when vehicles are implementend. We need a way to destroy vehicles other than shooting at them like dumb fucks. Moreover, the lack of reality woud not be having heavy weapons but not having them. Indeed, we can easily imagine that in a 225km² area full of military buildings there are some heavy weapons. It's not far fetched to imagine that the military discipline suffered a little bit from the zombie apocalypse.