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About havagrim

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  1. Eh..it sounds like you are talking about the standalone? This is the mod forum for arma 2. :-)
  2. havagrim

    Arma 3 and the DayZ Mod.

    Ive been searching. Cant find what you claim?! I got breaking point but I am sure you are not talking about that. Is it exile with zombies or what? Damn I wish zoombie would come back, so I could try that out. Seemed awesome.
  3. havagrim

    vanilla and skins

    Also, is the option to wear black survivor clothes removed? Ive tried all the ways ive found to change my survivor outfit to black. Just wont work. Heard it is client side tho and random? Like some people can see my skin as black clothes but I see beige? Please help! :-D
  4. Any chance we will see some new skins in the vanilla mod. Like a lvl 2 skin based on + or - humanity of bandit and hero. maybe some new civ clothing or other army branches like ive seen on some scripted servers. what does the rest of the community think? More female skins?
  5. havagrim

    My encounter with a cheater

    Damn... Guess you guys are right then. I now feel like a douche :D
  6. havagrim

    My encounter with a cheater

    ehhh.. the guys was floating over the field in imense speed before he entered the base. I have seen enough hackers and desync to know this is a cheater.. And he got what he deserved.
  7. havagrim

    My encounter with a cheater

    I meet a hacker. Luckily for me, he had no clue I was sneaking up on him ;) CHeers! http://youtu.be/Vw6KeD6wtDo?list=UU1v1DikSHfGUY-BqGtaNu4Q
  8. havagrim

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    Funny how people have a need to lay out endless friggin debates about morals in a video game. Sure you dont have to be a total twat.. but come on. It was a cool story. You went over and beyond with that guy. He died. No biggie. You did him a favour so he could start fresh with all the new adventures awaiting him and no gear to burden his back. I am normally pretty friendly. But if that would have been me in your situation at a place like NWAF I would have just shot him straight up. So kudos to you for trying. And please. Anyone who gets upset from him shooting him.. go out. Take a break. Count to ten or punch yourself in the face. Over and out!
  9. havagrim

    Ahhrg 3 out of 3 is too much

    Sucks man.. I have never from 600 hours met a hacker (that I know off). But I never or rarely go to the hotspots when I play. When I do I tend to die rather fast anyway.. Good thing you got one of them bitches anyway. Hacking seems like a growing problem and I hope they sort it out eventually. Hang in there and see you down the barrel :-)
  10. havagrim

    Lol @ you

    I have had friendly encounters at neaf aswell. Meet two guys with weapons. We shared food and ammo and tried to take out a sniper who was trying to shoot us we entered the jail building. Was intense and cool. But from experience its usually a war zone lol.. I dont shoot unarmed people but I usually think armed and geared players is ok to take down there. As for missing obvious kill situations it could be as it is for me sometimes. Shitty computer and bad fps. Most likley they just suck tho :-D And I would have axed him to. You did a good job!
  11. Twice when I was looting the fire station roof in the new town close to NEAF I broke my legs.. so yeah be careful.
  12. havagrim

    Where do I find leather jacket?

    Found in any place that spawns any form of civ jacket or sweater I assume. I have found in the red pub, yellow house with storage shelfs in one large room and in train station. Threw it away tho .. dont like the look of it :P
  13. havagrim

    Dayz life

    Ahhh. Thanks for clearing that up. I had ammo in the back off my head but wasnt sure :-) Good job taking some off em with you to the god of war. Like you I hate when I get sniped but I dont mind dying in a noce fire fight. Keep on keeping and cya around cherno :-)
  14. havagrim

    Dayz life

    Yeah. Felt really cool coming together under a common threat like that. Felt just like how I expected it to be when I started playing. Just took over 500 hours of platytime to find it! ;-)
  15. havagrim

    Dayz life

    Pot shots I mean.. not sure what buck shots is if anything? :-D From Sweden and typing on phone so excuse any bad grammar and shizzle.. Just felt like sharing on of the cooler moments in my DayZ lifetime :-D