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Everything posted by mosibfu

  1. mosibfu

    what if?

    i payed 24 euro for something that has a lot of potential, i see it mainly as an investment in a future game, that i can already play. so yeah.. its a good risk/reward in this case, beats playing roulette, especially since i have already spent days and days playing DayZ, it is at this point really a bargain, and has the potential to get way better. in comparison.. i also have bf4 + premium, witch cost me 120 euro, and was more buggy at release, then it was at beta.. and at this moment, i mainly play DayZ
  2. actually there is.. have an m4 on regular, and a mosin at hardcore.. press esc, click exit, and join another game type
  3. mosibfu

    first KOS. I think the forums made me do it!

    i was almost KoS today.. i was on the NEAF with a friend, found a pilot helmet and walked outside to show it off.. next thing i hear on steam voice chat "omg theres a guy here" and shots erupt from his gun.. my reply was "stop thats me thats me", and the rain of bullets stopped. i was only KO, and after a bandage and 10 minutes black screen, i had a charlie chaplin movie, i couldnt walk.. but i was alive.. since then, every bit of gear i find.. i make sure i tell him, when i change my sunglasses, my shoes, my pants... :P
  4. mosibfu

    Anyone else having server issues?

    umm yeah, me and 2 friends went from svet to neaf, on top of the hill, wham 3 of us crashed, then we couldnt join servers for a while.. problem seemed to solve itself tho. 1 was from USA, 1 from philipines, and im from holland so.. lol
  5. mosibfu

    Apocalypse Economics

    there is a trading topic on the forum, also there are quite a lot of people that will feed you for quite some time, if you hand them a long range scope etc..
  6. mosibfu

    Where are Mosins

    yeah i agree with the above poster, to add onto his information. i have found mosins in piano houses, on top of the small roof of the school building etc, they are quite rare, tho yesterday i found 3 in svet (one in the school building, 2 in piano houses), witch i then picked up and dropped on the traintrack to hide them.. (i hide random guns i find, if you dont have a gun you cant shoot me, logic)
  7. A. [EPG]Mosibfu.nl B. i am KO, was bleeding, need A- blood, saline IV and/or epi pen C. NE airfield D. green hoodie, hunter backpack, green m4 on my back, pilot helmet and camo pants // My buddy managed to bandage me when i was KO, i woke up monochrome, he is coming back with lots of food so save the saline/epi pen for somebody else. ty so much for responding on teamspeak tho, you guys rock!
  8. mosibfu

    Last Of the Rangers (The Game)

    i wish your post was above the OP...
  9. Dear mooky32, All you wanted to do is survive, you panicked, and someone that approached you too fast payed the price. Actually i think the player that approached you like that is at fault, He should have stayed out of your line of sight, at least until the situation was properly defused. Being friendly in this game, means giving people their personal space, and if you bump into people, try and let them go their own way. If i get approached, I will tell people I don't want to shoot them, and they should back up and leave me my personal space. when they do, I will ask them if they need help, if they do, i will leave supplies/whatever behind, and tell them to come for it when im gone (and i will tell them when i move out). If i approach people, I will either pull a gun on them, tell them to get on the floor, and if they comply ask if they require assistance. If they turn towards me, or ignore my request.. i will open fire, i am just trying to survive. To get your karma back up, try and scare off bandits, and feed some bambi's, just make sure you give them no opportunity to attack you.
  10. I try to survive, value the human life in a post-apocalyptic world, feed the bambi's, morfine/splint the crawlers.. we will have to repopulate eventually. Tho this being a survival game, anyone that poses a threat to me, or any other member of the human race, will get neutralized. When I am all alone, I feel no grudge for opening fire on a person that faces a possible threat, all it takes is 1 knockout and nobody to cover you, and you end up naked on the side of the road.
  11. mosibfu


    obviously you have not met any of the female survivors.. its a problem IRL aswell..
  12. mosibfu

    Im Lost in DayZ

    you are absolutely correct, it is dubky, have some beans :)
  13. mosibfu

    How bad would i lag

    Satellite is not meant for gaming, you get at least 150 ping to any server. why? a mid orbit satellite is around 20.000.000 meter above the earth. the speed of light is slightly under 300.000.000 meter per second. so just sending a signal to a satellite, in the best conditions, will take 0.06 seconds, or 60ms, (ping) then the signal has to get back down to earth.. add another 60ms then have some hops on the wired network towards a server.. add 10/20ms since you hardly ever have a satellite directly overhead, the sending signals to the satellite will probably take longer then the 60ms, and same goes for the signal from the satellite back to earth. I would not recommend satellite internet for anyone that wants to play interactive content unless they can live with the fact that they are dead on my screen for half a second, before they even know im there on their screen. satellite will bring internet to everywhere, but with these latency's, i would not suggest satellite connection for multiplayer games
  14. mosibfu

    Will somebody please adopt a NOOB?

    I will adopt you, name you fluffy and feed you :beans: till your stuffed :rolleyes:. on a more serious note, i sort of have a squad with players from around the world, we would be delighted to take you under our wings, and teach you the basics of navigating, getting food, and getting in & out of towns alive and well. find me on steam, Mosibfu
  15. mosibfu

    Concretely: what differs the pro from the noob?

    Well, I would put it very simple in 2 words, situational awareness, What i mean with that is; before you head into a place, scout it out from a safe spot; are there doors opened, are there zombies, where can i find cover, how can i get away from the place. this also greatly helps with approaching players, seeing them, talking to them before they see you, and just telling them to stop moving and get to the floor.. affirmative action. it also helps to have a sniper nearby, just to spot approaching players before they see you, so you can prepare and take control in a situation, rather then having to decide in a panic what to do. A few examples of last night, me and some friends headed to Berezino, looking for some interaction with players, on a hill we scouted all the buildings, and found that most doors were closed, but some were open. We moved in, took positions around the opened doors, we were not sure how many there were, and where so we kept radio silence until we knew more. Not long after 2 players ran outside, they did not reply, so we opened fire, rather then being flanked after "giving away" our location. one kill, and at this point it was 3 vs 1, and the other player probably ran away, all is well, we were not out to kill people. A bit later, we saw 2 military geared players with m4's on the roof of the build-site, since that is a place where a lot of bambi's go to right after spawning, we opened fire from afar, a few shots hit, no confirmed kills but those 2 took cover... at that point 2 of us moved in, the sniper was still spotting. After confirming the players really had left, we moved back out, I was suffering from so lag so we halted in a barn not far from that build-site. After a minute or so, our sniper told us a bambi was on the 2nd floor of the build site, our sniper saw no backpack + no gun/axe on his back, good thing we scared those geared players. Since I had an extra canteen and beans we approached the bambi, letting him know we knew he was there, and that we had no intention of hurting him. After meeting with the unarmed bambi, our sniper informed us of another unarmed bambi approaching, we had time to take some defensive positions, but bambi 1 confirmed it was his friend, and we greeted him. After telling them about the geared players that were there shortly before, I dropped some beans and a canteen, and told the bambi's to stay up there until i told them to come down, I left them a fire-axe at the bottom of the stairs. I have armed players before witch ended up on them using said weapon on me, that is why I used this tactic to arm the bambi's without getting close to said weapons in their hands. funny fact, the bambi's liked our gear so much, they insisted on making some screenshots of my friends green m4, they however completely ignored the press vest i was wearing.. they were quite new for sure.. a bit later we were running around in balota finding more food (we gave ours to the bambi's), and my friend spotted a player with a backpack and clown mask entering the hospital thing building.. since people with clown masks usually are trolls that shoot at people, we decided to move in, I saw the player go up the stairs, so the 3 of us moved in, knowing there were just 2 ways he could get down. We waited at the bottom of the stairs, I had my shotgun out and my friend had her m4 out, when the masked player walked down the stairs, oblivious that we were there he walked straight in front of me. I said in an assertive voice, "stop right there", the player stopped, i told him to get down on the floor, the player crouched so obviously he was no troll, but rather kind of new to DayZ. At that point I told the guy to not worry, and asked if he needed supplies, he said he didn't need anything, so we moved back and wished him a nice day. anyway, that's how situational awareness lets you take control of the situation, so you get out on top, without any panic killings.
  16. mosibfu


    well a horse doesnt need a gas station to refuel, they mostly eat grass, wont blow out a tire.. and when you end up hungry, you can still shoot it then.
  17. mosibfu

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    actually sunlight is white, not yellow..
  18. mosibfu

    Real life Chernarus.. map links

    where is the coast!!
  19. mosibfu

    Is Dayz over?

    in most streams i've seen dean hall in, he jokingly says:"i broke it yesterday, gotta fix it today".. so when hes gone, the game will be finished within a matter of weeks.
  20. mosibfu

    DayZ Behind the scenes, Studio Tour

    ohh i like the pointy sticks, :D
  21. he said his loading time is less.. thats 100% ssd
  22. if you do the cooking im in :P but yeah, ive been looking foreward to doing this.. once persistent storage is in im going to save up on cooking supplies
  23. mosibfu

    Would you report this kid?

    ping de merde, crazy ping.. well its nice of him to explain at least
  24. mosibfu

    POSSIBLE bugg that cause damage

    if you hold a brick, and drop it on the floor, it will break your foot, not your leg, definately a bug
  25. actually its easyer on ethernet.. the good old hardware lagswitch.. just make a button to interrupt the orange wire, no data goes thru, insta lag.. in CoD you can at this point run around, headshot not moving targets, then re-establish the orange wires connection, and they see themselves die instantly.. so yeah.. this is a 15 year old hack lol... that most 15 year olds can easily find.