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About generalginger

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. generalginger

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    But when the polls dont go the way people want to, the tears will be shed. Forward from alpha!
  2. I was just north of chenarus I think. I was running on the edge of the forest letting my inner noob run free. Soon i heard shots, and started running into the forest. He managed to hit me once, so i started to bleed out. Soon i came to a small dam. So i ran up over the hill so there was a hill between us now for a few moments. I hid in a bush for a few moments, and in chat i said that if i keep running i was going to bleed out. Eventually the guy who was after me offered blood packs and what not, not knowing i was fine. Soon he just gave up and went back. Not a single shot was fired from me since i never saw him to get a shot at him though. :dodgy: Winchester is too dangerous to be carried around in the open, i found out. :P
  3. generalginger

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    It seems like item spawns have become much sparser, i was on a sever and everybody else said they got it too. Another thing is that the server said there was zombies but they couldn't be found anywhere, well i saw some after being chased from a town by a player, and looking for him. Then i traveled for a bit, and out of nowhere 5 - 10 zombies came out of nowhere and killed me. Tl;Dr- items and zombies aren't spawning right(i think), and zombies can teleport even more.
  4. generalginger

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

  5. generalginger

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

  6. generalginger

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    I've yet to see a game go from zombie/people fighting for survival to bird simulator so fast. 5 stars. You must be really tired.