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Everything posted by Acco

  1. Just had a similiar encounter.. goddamn high rof tracer rounds all around me..
  2. Hey everybody, yesterday my buddy and I were taking some test shots at a highrise about 800m away with identical Mosins (both pristine with pristine deployed bipods, pristine long range scopes, pristine compensators and ofc pristine ammo). We were both energized, hydrated and healthy. None of us was in pain. We did wait a sufficient amount of time to regain full stamina/not to be out of breath anymore. (We play on hc servers btw). Anyways, I felt my scope sway - regardless if only in ADS- or in ADS-zoom-mode (holding rightklick while looking through the scope) - was pretty bad, also when prone with the deployed bipod. Not like I had remembered it from previous chars with sniper mosins. Granted, I don't get to play fully pristine sniper mosins often, but something was off. Through Teamspeak, I explained my situation to my buddy und we compared our individual scope sways. I came to the conclusion that he had severely less scope sway. He then recorded a few seconds of himself aiming through the scope under identical conditions (prone with bipod deployed, ADS-zoom). And indeed, the video clearly showed that he had at most half of the scope sway I was experiencing. Now, the range was ofc rather extreme with about 800m, so it's not a gamebreaker for me, but still, I'm very curious to what could have been the cause of the rather significant difference in our scope sways. Does anyone have an idea? Cheers, Acco
  3. Acco

    Different scope sway

    You were right, thanks! Just injected me some juicy morphine and the scope sway is now much less - comparable to the scope sway my buddy experiences. I was hit by some zombies before which probably was the cause of all this. Good to know! TL;DR - You can have broken arms/wrists/hands/whatever which will negatively affect your aiming. Because there is no status effect message you won't notice easily. Inject some morphine to remedy the situation.