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Everything posted by chuckfx

  1. If he gives guns, ammo, gear, etc. to your group, then yes. It's very probable you'll be banned. And it's not "magic tricks". it's cheating. Report him and stay away from him. Because, you are at risk of getting banned. And, getting banned by VAC affects your entire steam account, not just Dayz
  2. The last week has been impossible to enjoy the game. The game is filled with cheaters. In the last week I've killed over 20 players with unlimited mags. I've been killed countless of times from people teleporting behind me. Some of them not even caring to hide the fact that they are cheating and teleporting right in front. I liked looting with my friends and then heading to Berezino for some DM. But, now it's impossible. We need an update ASAP to deal with these assholes
  3. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    Thanks. You are the first one who gave actual advice
  4. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    Anyone who shoots an M4 for over a minute nonstop eventually hits something
  5. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    It might have something to do with the attack they had on their servers. They stole the source code of the game, so it might be related. I hope next patch fixes this issue
  6. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    You said you would support cheaters rather than DM players. So fuck you. You flip your statement faster than a pancake
  7. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    Noe you are quoting something I never said. Cute. I didn't say DM is the only thing to do. Try to follow me on this one, don't get distracted. It's one of the only things left to do once you have full gear and healthy status. Unless you enjoy running to another town and packing your backpack with yet another rice bag. Besides, what's the problem with DM? The whole purpose of the game is to do whatever the fuck you want.
  8. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    Not mad for losing gear. That's the first rule of dayz, never get attached to your gear. What pisses me off is getting killed by bambis who can't even aim right
  9. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    Selective quoting is fun. Or maybe you didn't read the whole comment. As I said, for the 3rd time now, DM is one of the only things left to do in the game once you have gear and a healthy status
  10. chuckfx

    cheaters make game unplayable

    You guys are hilarious. I can't believe you are complaining because I'm reporting the increasing number of cheaters in an OPEN forum. I've been playing for a long time and I only started seeing cheaters last week. Which is why I'm posting it. Don't like it? Don't read the fucking post. And no, i don't play the game as a DM simulator. As I said, I loot and get gear and then I go to Berezino cause frankly, there's nothing left to do.
  11. chuckfx

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Actions: Removed force feed action for disinfectant and alcohol tincture WHAT THE FUCK?! since when do you remove stuff in an update?! I never force fed anyone, but I liked having the option. BRING IT BACK!
  12. chuckfx

    Fewer Sewing Kits, Please!

    Stop bitching. They need to test them. How can they test them if no one can find them? Once they make sure they work properly, they will lower the spawn rate. Just like every other item they introduce into the game