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Everything posted by Scott61

  1. Scott61

    Tired running around for trucks >=[

    I've found three trucks now,all in working order without even looking for them.Just stumbled upon them,fired them up and went for a ride.I was not able to figure out a way to refuel them at a filling station and the only fuel cans I have found have never been around a vehicle so did not get to try a fuel can yet to refill a vehicle.The trucks are loud and ok to rip across the map for a reason but not very practical to use for every day travel as some have mentioned there very loud! There out there,and like all things in DayZ if you really really want it then it will be very very hard to find.... if you do not want it or need it or are not looking for it..... well then whatever it is spawns all over the damn place :lol:
  2. Been looking around a lot for a hacksaw but have yet to see one in the new patch ? Forgive the title typo,not sure how I can edit the title
  3. Scott61

    Anybody seen a hackasaw ?

    Thanks everyone,made a sweep through three medium sized villages and finally found a hacksaw in a small wooden shed wich had a lean-to on it. Thanks again :beans:
  4. Scott61

    Anybody seen a hackasaw ?

    saw hacks lol ok thanks,I've been in and out of every wooden shed ,garage ,shop etc. I can find yet no hacksaws for me I'll keep looking though... thanks again :thumbsup:
  5. Scott61

    Servers Need to be done Differently.

    yup.let's limit the amount of servers.... if someone does not like one,just get rid of it! I prefer a lot of servers myself,it alows for more choices I would eventually like to see a private hive for each server so gear can not be brought from one server to another thus eliminateing server hoppers totally as there would be no advantage to hop server to server to server just to loot airfields and military bases like so many people do!
  6. Scott61

    Thank You NWAF

    Hmmm... I wonder what you will now be doing...with all those bullets! more bullets than brains...er food I mean lol
  7. Scott61

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Definately a way to tenderize them,before you Canabalise.... them :lol:
  8. Scott61

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    My game CTD and .exe quits responding when closing the game out,other than that small issue the game runs fine while playing it.The infected seem capable of killing or knocking uncousness with one or two hits now,or so it seems at least.However there not bad all in all,and I see fewer glitches with Infected now,so all in all pretty good actually. Great patch so far all in all.keep up the good work!
  9. Scott61

    Did you lose your tents recently? Watch this...

    I really only haveone word to describe this video.... well... it not even a word! ?
  10. Well PU Scope on the SKS is new to me,but then again I only play this once in awhile ever few months or so... and I have not carried an SKS for around a year now...so maybe I just noticed it then lol The bugs are not even irritating in this patch,compared to eralier patches that were game breaking patches This is the first patch I have ever gotten decent frame rates and smooth game play Zeds although are few and far between behave ok and are starting to not clip so much ete so ya,I feel the Devs have done a very good job on this patch,and coming from me that says a lot as I usually have nothing but complaints on there patches... and.....this patch has not even been hotfixed yet! Keep up the good work ,the game is truly starting to get somewhere IMHO
  11. Scott61

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    It may have been just a misspelling on my part,I thought I was cold but as you point out,I may have been serioislly over heated lol Thanks for the response!
  12. I seem to be finding what I want and need in the usual places,the items expected seem to be there.Food is everywhere,so I am getting fat and lazy... A lot of new cool items,and features...such as adding a PU Scope to the SKS amd other such things. Seems like an excellent patch so far IMHO What bugs there are almost seem irrelavant compared to all the good stuff I have seen done on this patch, especiually with smoothness,the game is running great!
  13. Scott61

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Over all ,excelent patch Thank you Dev's good job! PU Scope on the SKS,awesome... Steaks are back to being burned right away.I tried a few times to cook some but burned them ever time lol The .45 Derringer is quite nice,found a clip for an MP 5 ...but still searching for the gun,Game play is smooth,large cities have Lag considerable reduced for me for the firets time.I can actualy venture into Electo etc. and look around.I have to Hydrate a lot when running,I over heat when running around which is good,although I have become Hyperthermic and can not seem to shake it and I can sit by a fire for hours in door,out door by a fire under a bridge you name it.....It says I am slowly warming up but I never do... Still though,excellent job all around!
  14. Scott61

    Nature- Is It In The Final Plan?

    That pretty much sums it up!
  15. Scott61

    Someone Help Me to Die

    where are you,if I am somewhat close I oblige you with a mercy bullet ;)
  16. Scott61

    Server favouriting

    pen and paper,write down which server you enter and if you like it after playing favorite it ;) I use the filter option myself,filtering out all but the servers I play on opting for playing on one server at a time until my Character dies,then back to pen and paer trying other servers until I find another that a like to run another character on... again then playing only that server until I get killed and using the Flitering option so that specific server is displayed with all or most other servers filtered out. I enjoy doing a whole life on a server,more so than jumping a character server to server looking for action,loot or whatever Make it easy to know which server you play,when you play the same server over and over again ;)
  17. I've lived the Hermit lifestyle for now more than 250 hrs with almost 600 hrs into the game.I'd like to see an hour counter in the game as I keep track of hours per character,living one character per server until death do us part.Upon dying,I choose another server to live another life. I only fight when provoked into it and will try an communicate rather than KoS'ing someone ,although mostly I sneak and hide out practicing avoidance.I keep lotting for prostine items,carry enough food,ammo and medical supplies.Trying to hunt to survive is my pastime now inbetween doing raids for items I am running low on,usually patching my clothes eating and drinking with a sowing during a fire while waiting for items to cook or even just warming up. Guns and weapons I usually carry as many as I can opting for a.357 and a Mosin or SKS, and or an AK with the new High caliper pistol with the scope as another nice pair. As I find clips I then look for automatic handguns rather than carrying the guns without clips always prefering the .357 for Pistol of choice. I prefer the lone wolfe,sneaking around style of playing,and I am a definate gear monger... So I dunno,living a hermit life running around hording stuff seems like an ok way to spend time in DayZ to me IMHO Once persistance is running smooth,I plan to horde even more ..... :0)
  18. Scott61

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Ya.... you would think in a survival game...surving would be the goal Rather than having a goal, to make it so others can not survive lol I take what I need and leave the rest for others,always thinking I could end up dead and have to retrace my steps...
  19. lol.some think they know everything sorry but never been on sniper hill,I hate Electro and spend mytime up North I do actually play the game,and play it the way it was meant to be played The LRS for me was more for looking than shooting and now the game has binoculars I no longer use the LRS ;) You should know the saying.... if you do not have anything good to say then don't say anything at all Your post was useless and a waist of time let alone showing how arogant you are! and I'm not your Son,or even close in age to be called someones Son another statement showing how arogant you are trying to convay how much older,wiser and mature you are than others... unbelievable someof the garbage I read on this forum,it was awhile ago you posted...but then I have not been around for six months or more....
  20. Scott61

    I'm Freezing, wait, why?!

    I appreciate the advice,I try to search and read but I find the forum difficult to navigate thanks again for the informative post!
  21. Scott61

    My character is freezing..help!

    Ah,so the portable burners don't work for warming up,I've been trying the same thing lol
  22. Scott61

    I'm Freezing, wait, why?!

    I have dies once from Hypothermia ,I was in that condition for a long time running around trying to figure out how to get warm. Hypothermia doesnot create an ilness or bacteria but drops the body core temperature.Uusually ends up with the victim becoming disorientated,which this system does not do. Hypothermia is known to have people take there hats and jackets off,wander around in a somwhat drunken type state and eventually they lie down and go to sleep and die. I on the other hand,had the Hypothermia icon come on,kept running around searching fora way to warm up and eventually just fell unconsious and died a few moments later. I now have a coalman stove and propane bottle,matches and an axe but I have yet to figure out how to use the matches,the stove or the axe to cut wood for a fire. I right click on everything and no use becomes of it just allowing me to Inspect the items ? Any tips on staying warm,and using the implemented ways of trying to stay warm ? Running should warm a person up,although you should get sweaty thus wet then and when stopping get cold faster then sitting idle after running.
  23. Scott61

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Well after over six months without even looking,reading or playing DayZ.... It will be another six months before I check the game out again! I Char's were right where I left them,geared up and ready to go.... Just to get wiped ? a week later .... Also have this strange issue where the game mixes up my 3rd person Char with my 1st person Char lol Play one or the other,and I never know which Char is going to spawn into the game Now back to running around ,trying to so call survive lol.Trying to gear up somewhat,just to be shot or shot at...all the time wherever I go lol Hell,even ungeared I get shot at! Definately just a PvP game with ...again no friendly's anywhere ( or very very few,if any).Just people trying to axe ,Hoe or shoot you to death lol Rubberbanding all the time,Freezing over and over all the time,Lag is atrocious and make trying to combat hand to hand with Zeds futile. Sure,there are changes like new towns etc. and animals walking around and new toys/guns etc. with Zeds now climbing stairs and not clipping through walls as much. Yet Zeds can still attack through walls and can sometimes run up and down stairs faster than I can etc. etc. Unlike die hard DayZ fans who have nothing better to do with there life.... I have things to do and am not into a game of frustration! So once again I will be latering DayZ for another six months .... Next Spring I will check it out once again,to see if the game yet has actually been improved rather than just added on to... Have fun for those of you who call this fun lol
  24. Scott61

    No more whining

    If you DO NOT read the posts,why are you even commenting in the thread then ? some of you Die hard DayZ Fanboys are just too much LOL
  25. Scott61

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Very few who play or use to play DayZ post on these forums,very.... very.... few people compared to how many play or have bought the game! So do not for a minute try and convey the amount of posts ,whether good or bad about the game is any indication how many play the game... or how many have already left this game! I don't play or try DayZ anymore,I'm tired of waisting my time running around chasing Beans and Gear in all the same old places. This game wether you or anyone else will admit it is flawed and should be called the DayZ Grind because that is all that seems to happen... Go through the grind of getting geared up just to get bored and go find some action to be eventually killed to have to do the whole DayZ Grind all over again! Alpha,yes it has been Alpha for awhile now,and we get more content rather than bugs being fixed game breaking patches,mouse so tweaked now you HAVE to turn it down....(must be tweaked for the KoS crowd as nobody would actually need that fast of movement other than serious KoS COD Kiddies! and on and on.... I am having a great time playing Altis life now,so much to do and a great engine to do it on I check out DayZ now and again,last patch I put a whole 3 times into it at around 5 minutes each for a total of 15 minutes playing and that was enough to wait for the next patch to check out lol Quality over Quantity should be the mandate! and mabye fix some well known bugs and glitches for a change rather than dishing out new content to impataint kids who are from the fast food generation who want everything now! I really like DayZ SA,but by the time it is finished at the rate the DEV\s are working... everything else I think will have already left it behind IMHO