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Everything posted by Scott61

  1. Scott61

    Mushrooms of the forest

    How about being able to eat all the Pumpkins laying around,there are pumpkin patches in every town ;) Mushrooms would be cool :)
  2. Scott61

    Zombie behaviour

    All great idea's,would be nice to see a variation of them Can't forgot about Hordes slowing moving through the cities and countryside, having stray Zeds falling inline to grow the Horde...every bigger!
  3. Scott61

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    They kind of grow on ya,I am not having as hard of time with them now it has been a few days with the new Zeds.I can sneak around them,axe them and outrun them as well as blast them with an SKS or pistol while running from them.There spawn rate doesn't seem to bad anymore and they do not spawn endlessly as every town I have axed and shot them all until gone. Since the patch fixed the lag/desync issue I am finding the new Zombies entertaining,they do have super high powered sight though Keep up the good work,the patch was chock full of good surprises and the quick help with the hotfix got my game back on track and I am loving the new Zeds With how they tune into gunshots ,it definately no doubt will start making some to having to "think before they shoot" Which is welecomed and a step in the right direction mking Zeds a danger to all including the trigger happy :)
  4. Scott61

    Help me understand..

    Yes,it has been posted on youtube I also have had a guy attack me out of the walls,then he highjumped out through the wall and finished me off lol Server hopper most likely spawing inside the wall logging in and out of servers looting clean the airfield over and over on many servers to get "geared up" Private Hives wont fix the glitch in the wall,but would curtail server hopping for Gear gain!
  5. Not once did I say they should be Nerfed ? not sure where you gathered that from... The rest,since the "Hotfix" I do not have the Lag/DeSync" dragging me down and the game runs fluid again so it is much easier to play,thus the Zeds do not seem that difficult I am entilted to change my opinion whenever I wan...Especially as I live in a Free Country! You should not try to take what people say out of context!
  6. Scott61

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I totally agree,that is rather lame being able to turn the mouse view and see around corners lol If that was taken care of it would make 3pp a lot more interesting Other than that,I like the choice myself,I play both hardcore and regular and like having to characters and versions 3pp view is excellent for taking screenshots all geared out in far away places :) I myself get more awareness in that view,hardcore view tends to make me sick to my stomach after awhile and I lose orientation with that view. while on regtular servers I switch tro first person view a lot,and it is nice to hve a choice to be able to switch back and forth! All about choice I suppose... ;)
  7. Scott61

    What im i doing wrong ?

    I go North or East to begin with unless spawing in Electro,check all hgouses that are made of brick as they usually have the best chance at loot.Also the large Mansion looking house with Bay windows similiar looking to Police stations,they usually have food and weapons.What everyone says is true,Hospitals,Police stations,Firehall towers all produce weapons and food with usually medical supplies around as well. If the doors are open on houses most likely they have been looted,and the looter or looters may still be in town so be carefull.Once a packpack has been secured,an axe with plenty of beans and soda I head straight North and never look back.Looting is much better up North as there are less people all the time so loots - a - plenty ;) All sound advice above,so follow it and try and try again as the game just gets easier ...once you know your way around and it takes starting over quite a few times for some to learn the game/map/loot places Once geared up.healthy and at least some weapons I set out for airfields and militaryt bases as more of a need than anything for better clothes with more pockets,large backpacks and better weapons.I prefer the LRS on a Mosin so seek that out the most with everything else secondary. Keep trying,it does get easier :)
  8. Been awhile since my post so I quoted myself ... :) On my laptop,generic humdrum rig it was very difficult to deal with Zeds with graphics way down although on my desktop,custom built gaming rig not too bad actually. Since the patch my laptop runs the game the same as before with large cities lagging it down but nomore than before so things are back to normal.On my desktop Pc I can see them better,and definately spot them quicker as well they do not seem all that hard to kill or even clean a town out now since the patch....a small town ;) Spent this morning,in the new town North of NWAF in both regular and hardcore and in both versions I snuck into town as sneaky as I could be... Axed a couple Zeds,looted the Hospital and the Police station among a couple houses and when done and was sure no other players were around I opened fire :) Shooting Zeds,until there were a few and I two handed on my gun run out of town turning every now and a then shooting them down in a line as they come at me.I noticed a few Zeds spawning almost as quick as I was slaying them down but fortunately they were respawning where they died so still had to try and catch me.I managed to run out of Zeds eventually ;) Then I worked my way back South,looting and slaying Zeds at every place within site as I lumbered along in my newly chosin direction,needless to say I killed a lot of Zeds this early weekend morning. The patch has renewed my game with no disconnection from servers etc. and the game starts right up as well my game play seems a lot better.The PopUp about the damage texture for the 9mm ammo box is gone and no longer popsup.So everything seems right as rain in DayZ again :) Now my game is running smooth,at least on my desktop dedicated PC the Zeds I would agree could be a litte bit harder.Not any faster as they are now as there plenty fast when they want to be now.Would be nice to have more slower Zeds though with the odd ones being fast or in a perfect world random slow and fast Zeds alternateing there speed so players can not get use to which ones are slow or fast ;) Making them a bit harder to kill would be good,specific head shot with the axe only for a one hit kill with anywhere else lobbing arms and or legs off may be interesting and with the new physics being worked maybe some day we could see hacking a leg of a Zed and having him keep coming at ytou crawling along the floor or road with his arms dragging is one attached leg along and the leg you chopped off laying on the road....that would make for a slow Zed lol :) I like the Zeds now,now my game and the servers are running good again so yes I would like to see harder to kill Zeds,with alternateing slow and fast Zeds to surprise us.Hordes of slow moving hungry Zeds herding up as they move throughout the countryside as they pass other Zeds standing guard somewhere as they seem to do. Decrease there visual a bit would be all I ask now, as they still can see way to far away IMHO I also noticed this morning playing both hardcore and regular that I no longer took a lot of damage fighting with them with my Axe close range although I have started to be more accurate with my hits so it could be just getting better moving and hittting them especially with the desync fixed as my game runs fluid now again! Good job with the patch and hotfix for all involved ,especially the new towns there really a welcome change to those areas.Please leave the Zeds as they are hoping you take consideration into varrying the speed of them...and the Hordes...we must have Hordes of them aimlessly wandering around through city's,towns and the countryside :) Thanks for all the new toy's/GunZ ....Zeds and clothes,being able to camo paint our guns(Awesome addition), as well as the "eat all" feature(major plus IMHO) Respect is not something that is gotten on demand,but something that is earned IMHO The Dev's have my respect,they really pulled through with a very good update,and a quick hotfix There ain't enough Beans in Chenarus for you guy's,so you'lle just have to excuse my earlier post and accept a thank you for the excellent patch ;)
  9. Scott61

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I like to shoot Zombies from a distance with a LRS on a Mosin,it's my favorite thing to do ;) When Pop is down low on a server,I also like going in all Clint Eastwood like...into a small town blasting everything in site lol lots of fun now with so many Zeds and the way there spawning in now!
  10. Scott61

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    You want to play Hardcore,then go play hardcore! Why do others have to change because of what someone wants for themselves lol I play both,Hardcore and Regular and like it that way being able to have two seperate identity's to play with and cultivate makes me laugh how there are so many people that want this game the way "they" want it lol
  11. Scott61


    The rifles and MG do not spawn with Mags so why should pistols ? Who the hell stores or leaves laying around a pistol or anything else with a Mag in it I seem to find enough pistol Mags,you need to really look and loot and loot again and again... but there there enough I seem to be able to eventually have two Mags for each pistol I carry,including the Amphibia mag I dont think thy need to make the game even easier than it already is to get armed to the teeth as it does not take much to get armed if anything...they should make it even harder to get armed Most stuff at Military bases and airfields have been looted by server hoppers I seem to find at least and kind of irates me as I spend countless hours running from one to another just to usually always find the places looted.Quite often I will be trying to loot,and someone will log in right in the next room lol The Mags are out there,for all the guns in game... you just need to look harder!
  12. Scott61

    Dayz in five words or less

  13. Scott61

    Day Z map size?

    I spend most my time in the North or Westeren part of the map,leaving the coast line for others lol I don't run into a lot of people but I do see others ever time I am travelling so people are out there in the countryside and not all are on the coast in the big cities. The map seems large enough to me and I have run around the entire map quite a few times along with visiting ever known village,city and landmarks such as castles and towers,damns etc. There is a lot of room up North for more villages/towns etc. and some areas look like there being readied for development so there is a lot more that can be done and will be done to this map at the size it is Even now with the new patch,the North looks much better and there is more to see ...and loot :)
  14. Scott61


    prolly wanted your T-shirt for bandages lol ;)
  15. Scott61

    Rural exploration (keepin' it rural!)

    I've seen shotguns in the long animal barns mostly known for producing clothes and the large mansion houses usually have Mosin's or shotguns and SKS's and that's in any village that has the large mansion house I rarely go to large cities,and only do loot runs onto airfields or military bases to find a LRS for my Mosin I like to carry as my weapon of chopice.
  16. Scott61

    Police stations and Pistols.

    yes,seems strange considering I went through a few fire towers lately and seen all kinds of pistols lol I guess firefighters get pistols issued but not the police ;)
  17. Scott61

    Character wipes still happening?

    could be,it takes 30 seconds to log out do what they have done to deter combat logging once logged out your character emains where you logged out for 30 seconds and in that time a lot could happen if not in a very safe place for logging out
  18. Scott61

    Where are all the scopes?

    you just need to loot the military bases and airfields over and over again and again until you find what your looking for there usually snapped up by server hoppers cleaning these places out! There the only places I have seen these scopes,and they are there... you just need to be lucky to find one
  19. Scott61

    It has happened...

    Yes I am finding the view distance consistant with 10x50 vision for the Z :) 80 to 90 percent of there hits make one bleed for sure,I would like to see mabye 60 percent of hits from Zeds producing a bleeding condition myself. Not everyone,or anyone I know starts off in a game as an expert,with that the new guy needs a fighting chance at least.Maybe just be but they do still seem a bit harsh in that sense. They seem to catch up to me easily,and almost impossible to "run away" from without getting tagged with the bleeding/badage ritual occuring again and again. I do believe it is most likely my Lag that makes me not able to run from them as the cities bring me down into a slide show sometimes below 10 fps mighty hard to run in what seems like one second bursts lol but again must be my low specs,the desync /lag issues so should get back what I use to get for FPS after hotfix so no big deal there really as some don't have the lag desync issue and everything is to some even running smoother.I am all for tough,mean and more Zeds but still within reason otherwise eventually it would be good to have sperate servers wityh harder Zeds in a Veteran server aposed to a Regular with mabye not so harsh of Zeds The eagle eye vision definately needs to be cut down fer sure,damn things can see better than I can :0) I am pretty sneaky,usually get 15 to 25 hours per character since my third character from starting the game and I'm happy with that I get some fullfillmet having a character alive that lenght of time and hope for longer in the future as I get better.I'm usually killed at airfields or miltary bases and even then mostly by base camper/server hoppers logging in while I am looting and bang I'm dead while looting a building and not do to me running in there and just going loot crazy as I creep in and check the area out circling the area and doing a lot of watching .I spam the "P" key keeping track of players and amounts to access risk at certain times on servers I play on to keep my risk low So being stealthy is ok with me,I usually loot at night or early dawn or late dusk when the Zeds can't seem to see as good.I creep around crouched down,and look...look and look some more as I sneak around.Usually having no trouble at all in avoiding them but now it is impossible to avoid them it seems and with 80 to 90 success rate to make you bleed it is a major chore. I spend all my time in the woods,and rarely do loot runs only when needing to.Now I have run into quite a few Zeds standing around out in the woods and that's cool as the woods are not safe now :) We must not just think of what we or I want as seasoned players ,but must remember the new guy and how he must try and survive.Sure it is a similator to some realist but it is still a game and games are meant to be fun even difficult games.At 300 hours playing now I am getting the hang of the game and usually don't have much trouble but I am now and truly can not imagine what a new player would be able to do to deal with them. I totally agree with everything you say though,the more I got to check out the new patch playing Again all I say is only IMHO ;) Edit> I mentioned above that third character and since have lasted usualy 10 to 25 hours or so but that was wrong my first two dayz playing DayZ I must have died a thousand deaths lol Third day however I made it to the NWAF and since then each character I seem to manage alright from 10 to 25 hours per character ;)
  20. Harder ? You have to be kidding... On a LRS,barely even able to see the Zombie from way up in the woods he suddenly turns and runs right at me They can see for miles now,this "re-spawning" is bullshit once you shoot them or axe them to death they should be gone forever! Doesn't make sense having them respawn afterkilling one,that is not very realistic at all They can run faster than a human now,especially if your suffering from all the Lag in and around cities I myself can not even think of going anywhere near anywhere that has food or water do to this as it is absolutely impossible for me to enter a village or city without getting killed by being swarmed by Zombies.They hit once,your bleeeding and then can not even run away to badage the wound. They state of the new Zombies makes the game not only unplayable,but so difficult the game is no longer fun at all! Of coarse,this is all just IMHO
  21. Scott61

    12 Yellow Boxes

    Ah Ha! So this is why I can not find no little yellow boxes :)
  22. Scott61


    They should then be making the raincoats able to be put on over top of whatever you are wearing! In fact any coat should be able to go over a shirt? who takes there shirt off ...to wear a coat lol A raincoat,is meant to be wore over top of your normal cloths nobody in the real world takes off there shirts and or whatever to put a raincoat on!
  23. I have a short story I would like to share While cruising around the map just the other day,looking for a LRS and after spending 10 to 12 hours running back and forth from airfield to military base back and forth over and over for quite a few days.... (mostly do to everywhere being cleaned out by server hoppers but thats besides the point) I am just the other day looting a Barracks,and I hear this voice....."I'm friendly" "Hello,I;m friendly....please don't shoot me" By that time ,I had a M4 with a scope drawn and up aimed right at him as he stood just outside the front door of the Barracks I was in. Feeling nervous,as I usually get shot and killed in these instances and have yet to be able to trust anyone at all.... Nick,as I found out his name later keeps talking to me saying he is friendly and to please don't shoot him... I told him I am also frinedly,and that I am only looking for a LRS and that he can have everything else that is around! I creep up to the doorway leading out of the barracks,eventually leaving the somewhat saftey of the building looking around for any friends he may have as I am a suspicious person now in DayZ. Nick,he just keeps talking,"I'm friendly ,please don't shoot me","I have a LRS,if you want it you can have it" He has a Mosin shouldered,with the PU scope on it.He picks a LRS out of his inventory and places it on the ground and backs away.all the time saying "please don't shoot me" Maybe he didn't have any ammo forthat Mosin he had shouldered,I don't know,most I have met shoot on sight with no conversation! So I pick up the scope and eventually I calm down and start to talk to him and after a bit of conversation I shoulder my weapon.We chat a bit about where we been,how long we have had our characters happening etc. I ask him if he needs anything,a canteen for water,food,drinks,compass...and no he says he doesn't need anything. Has all he needs,doesn't use the LRS and likes his PU Scope better Traded a M4 rigged out to his buddy for the Mosin and found the LRS awhile back After almost 300 hours in DayZ,and not meeting a single friendly person.... I meet Nick,and... he gives me exactly....what I was looking for,what I always look for! My eyes are not that great in RL,I use the LRS in place of not having binoculors Thats all I use it for other than trying my luck shooting the odd Zombie from as far away as I can I have yet to kill anyone,and still feel I have no reason to Thank you Nick,that was a special day for me and a great experience meeting someone like you in DayZ I really love the concept of the game,and I wish there was more like you around as it gets lonely from time to time running around looting and carrying on and it was very nice having a conversation with someone...let alone getting one of my most prized possesions/loot given to me This act of kindness,makes up for all the bad I have expeienced and gone through at the hands of maniacs etc even makesup for dealing with glitches,bad patches,and any other misfortunate experiences For me,this was a great experience Again,thank you Nick and it was nice meeting you in DayZ! S~
  24. Scott61

    Thanks Nick,for the LRS!

    Must be just bad luck,not meeting any friendly's Although once,way up North looting a town at night...as I was in a building someone walked in to the same building with a flashlight turned on scared the crap out of me,he said he was friendly but I just got up and ran like hell out the door turned a few corners and layed down prone in the grass. He left the building looking all around as he jogged out of town. There were only two people online in that server after I checked the P key Go figure,huge map only two people and who do you bump into in the middle of the night lol Could also be,as I re-visit military bases and airfields a lot All known to be hot zones and may just be why I do not meet many friendlys lol I guess I have run into some friendly's here and there though,but Nick was the first I actually met ;) I am still playing that same character on Regular,and I still have the LRS he gave me :)
  25. Scott61

    So i was on Reddit...

    Ya ,that was funny lol thanks for sharing!