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Everything posted by Scott61

  1. Not sure if the Gallery is the right place,but it is a screenshot I suppose B) Up North of the NEAF in the new town up there this morning... I eased in through the back door of the firehouse up there and this is what I found :huh: I looked it all over pretty good,all in pristine condition...everything everything one would have on them if geared up and ready to go! Food,medical supplies,ammo,Mags,clips,M4 Carbine,FN .45 with silencer,a .357 and speedloaders galore...Tac vest,Jacket and pants everything one would ever want all laying on the floor.I have now broke 500 hours running around in DayZ SA and I have never seen this much loot,let alone it being one complete set of gear from clothes down through food,pop and guns and ammo all in pristine condition. It was on a new Clan server I stumble across which I have yet to see so I tried it out,after working my way East from the Western side of the map to the new town this is what I came across.To be honest I was a little spooked it was like someone imploded and dissappeared leaving all his Gear Aliens maybe took him or what ? :lol:
  2. Would be nice,if one could shoulder and weapon and carry one in there hands like a lot of us do.Yet be able to draw the shouldered weapon and have the rifle in your hands then get shouldered exchanging one for the other without having to through one down on the grouind as we now have to do.Anyone wanting to carry two primary rifles this way would still need to sacrifice being able to sprint as it is now when you have a primary weapon in your hands Just something I would like to see implemented,as I usually carry a Mosin on my shoulder and a M4 in my hands
  3. I played the Mod a bit a few weeks ago,was fun running around in vehicles roasting here,roasting there all on free gas too :lol:
  4. Scott61

    Fractures and wooden sticks

    damn,hit quote rather than edit by mistake this forum really needs to allow people to be able to delete there own posts if they want! Any Moderator who could delete this p[ost,please do :)
  5. Scott61

    Fractures and wooden sticks

    ha-ha,I broke my leg this morning not long after posting lucky though I had a shot of Morphine though and it worked good :D Running along through the woods and slipped and fell I guess,or so it seemed damn thing is,my pants were ruined and a yellow (supposed protector case) was also ruined along...with my FN .45 and two clips for the handgun I had inside the protector case(that did not protect anything lol) A lot of damage for just supposedly falling down and breaking a leg IMHO Edit> I was on a sever alone with no others,so no...I did not get shot by a sniper lol ;)
  6. Scott61

    German Anti-Tank Rifles – Panzerbüchse

    .50 blackpowder would be cool :D
  7. Scott61

    Suggestion: Map

    I find map pieces all the time,you just need to look and keep your eyes open and in fact I dont even use the maps anymore...there a waste of inventory space! same as the compass,don't need it all that much anymore Sun is South East usually so it is easy to navigate without a compass I would have to agree that the map is easy to learn and reletively small having a map from the start would make the game kind of arcadish IMHO similiar to the Mod DayZ where you start with a gun etc. I have even been totally lost and almost starved ,but have always found somewhere eventually.Even if it was just the maps border to orientate myself with.
  8. Scott61

    Fractures and wooden sticks

    I am now actually carrying a stick with me everywhere I go,even fixes just having a sore leg from a fracture once made into a splint it takes up 3 inventory slots,which is ok as I am over loot hogging now and carry much less with me these dayzzzz I imagine it will get fixed eventually My last fracture happened from one hit from a Zed,also totally ruined my Jacket,a yellow case inside it and...the handgun and clips inside the case My Tac vest was also ruined,another yellow case and another handgun a clips all from one hit from a Zed lol Just have to deal with it until it gets worked out ;)
  9. Scott61

    "Finalize the string" issue

    I think that may be the in game chat key has been hit,and you would then type into chat with it just maybe though.... / = Open Chat worth a try,hope it helps Edit: maybe it is not chat then,I don't use the chat key so just assumed it may be the problem
  10. Scott61

    I seem to be stuck inside a rock

    Ah yes,I also slipped awhile ago and fell into a hole in the rocks up near the new town North of the NEAF.There is not much you can do other than starve yourself to death ;) I managed to stick a wad of paper into my W Key to get my character running in a corner thinking he would wear himself down quicker running,seemed to work only took a couple hours before he starved to death :lol: Good luck
  11. Items also must be able to fit into your inventory slots that are open,like a canteen for instance needs to slots one above the other/vertical whereas a rifle scope usually take two slots also but needs the two slots to be horizontal to one another. If you can pick up one item you can pick up any items,just need to figure it out,use TAB key to select inventory interface screen to drag and drop or even double clicking on the item in the vicinity area will select it and move it to an open area on you in your inventory.If double clicking does not grab the item for you then check to make sure you have room and do not need to rearrange your inentory to pack that item.You can place the small white Dot you see onto an item and the items name should come up,simply press F Key and the item will get selected and moved to your inventory. Keep trying,it must be something simple I'm sure ;) Edit,just read your last post.There some bugs still out there with some items and where they spawn or lay around sometimes
  12. Scott61

    Where too loot Berezino? (Mass Scrub)

    If you have a round chambered in a handgun,you can not load a clip into the gun remove the one round that is chambered,then drag and drop your clip onto the handgun Firestations have lots of loot so if you did not find any then it has already been looted supermarkets have food and what not in them,but again if all is gone it has been looted I loot hospitals,firestations,schools and any houses that look like rich people lived in them ;)
  13. Scott61

    Tactical Vest

    Yup,same Tac vests I am talking about ;)
  14. Scott61

    Tactical Vest

    which Tac vest we talking about ? I see them all the time at Military bases and airfields,even in some city buildings and firehouses Black vests,green,brown and green although I guess the rare one these days is the press/anti-stab vest
  15. Yes it works good,same goes for 40 round mags to make stacks of 40 rounds of 5.56 ;)
  16. Scott61

    Okay ummm

    Getting shot at is exilerating isn't it :D Don't forget hospitals,they usually have a gun laying around for whatever reason ;) check the loot spawn map for where things may spawn> http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus
  17. Scott61

    From Trails to Rails...

    Follow the tracks North out of Berezino up to Svetlojarsk(worth looting),through Svetlo and they will take you West.Just up from the tracks between the tracks and the NEAF there is a "new village" worth looting and mysteriously without any Zeds for some reason ;) Go back to the tracks if you check out this new town and follow the tracks again West untill you come across some animal barns and some row garages,loot them and carry on.You will then come across a train station,keep going until you eventually see just North of the tracks a small field with one of those airfield Globe towers,there are industrial buildings and some more garages to loot.From there.... head South east up over the hill you see across the road and you will stumble upon the NWAF ;) Or follow the tracks and road West to see another "new village" Good Luck,there is some mighty fine looting along the way IMHO :D
  18. Scott61

    Survival Gear

    Yes you can catch rain with the canteen,but it takes a lot of sitting in the rain to get some :D
  19. Scott61

    Anyone else get the M4 bug?

    I've been packing an M4 in both Regular and HC lately,also have the BUIS Iron sight on one and have not experienced this issue at all.I just recentely was playing on experimental and just updated back to Stable so maybe new files may fix it for those with the issue.I don't know ....just saying as I don't have the bug and I have just updated recentely. All guns,and there sights or scopes all work fine for me and I have had all th scopes available within the last week.Getting hard to pack two primary weapons though with the new athletic Zeds :D
  20. Scott61

    Lethal Creatures

    Was just thinking about crows and vultures/buzzards,so I searched and found this thread.Excellent ideas and I especially like the link to the 12 most dangerous Russian animals.Maybe now hunting is in the future they can expand on the animals more when or if oppurtunity arises.Wolves,Brown bears,wild boar,a tiger or two,crows,vipers,Wolverine,Mosquito's and Ticks,and dfinately need some fish to catch :D Bump B)
  21. Definate yes to Molotov cocktails, and as a craftable item that you would need to find the bottle,gasoline and create a rag :D
  22. Scott61

    I Actually like The Kick They Gave The Mosin

    Ya for sure,I find that also trying to find a spot to look through is tough laying down on the ground prone do to the long grass :D
  23. Scott61

    Asian Male is the Fastest Runner?

    I by mistake ended up last time with an Asian woman for a character on HC,I thought she would run faster but I don't think she does compared to the white male I was useing thats only IMHO Edit> The white male does not run any faster either, as far as I can tell
  24. Scott61

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Off topic,but so is this guys rude remark I and others do not need to be called Cheats! not everyone likes to play with tunnel vision on Hardcore lol Something can not be called a cheat,if everyone can do it there is no unfair advantage whereas a cheat gives someone an advantage! Good thing we are not all like you,if everyone liked the exact same thing then the World would be boring! same cars,all the same colour,same food,same clothes..... same games,same playing style etc. etc. We would be like clones...not individual people! If you do not like Regular server,then don't play on them...simple, You can make a choice,and others can make there choice! I myself play both HC and Regular,prefering regular mostly do to HC makes me sick to my stomach after not all that long running around with head bob even though it is shut off.The human eye also see's out the sides which is called pherical vision and 3rd person view has that to a degree where HC does not and it is exactly like running around with blinders on creating a tunnel vision effect. The amount of B.S. I read on these forums with people trying to cut down what they do not like,yet others do like is unreal To each there own!
  25. Scott61

    inventory design

    DayZ standalone,and the originol Arma II DayZ Mod have totally different inventory interface screens!