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Posts posted by ProfessorRex

  1. You got attached to gear. Big mistake in DayZ. Never get attached to gear.


    Bandits are not "bad" or cheating in some way. They are an inextricable part of what makes DayZ so much fun.


    Although I have to say that adding in handcuffs was one of the smartest things they did in the SA. Makes for all sorts of more interesting banditry than existed in the mod.

  2. This happened to me. You have to drop all of your items if you find that some are ruined. Likely a bug with what you are wearing. I lost my weapons and most of my clothing. But found more soon enough. Sucks to lose your items, but it is better to lose some and play more.


    This worked. I dropped all my ruined items/clothes and had a zombie kill me. I knew it was one of those two things that fixed it. Based on your story I'm guessing it was dropping the shit. Came back and grabbed my pristine Mosin and damaged fire axe and haven't had any problems with those.

  3. I've logged over 121 hours on DayZ without significant problems. Last night I logged out on the roof of the Solnichny three-story factory building after some fun firefights with my group, and today when I've logged back in my game has been crashing every 30 seconds. A couple of times it crashes while I'm waiting to spawn in to the server. After the first crash I got in for a few seconds to find I'd fallen to the bottom floor and my legs were broken.


    Any idea what could be causing a sudden string of crashes and how I could fix it?


    Never had any issues like this before.


    EDIT: I read in another thread that ammo boxes/hard cases could cause crashes. I had an ammo box. So I logged in and dropped that. I also dropped my TTSKO pants because I noticed that they appeared Pristine on the Loading Screen but were Ruined in-game and I thought that might be an issue. So I took those off at the same time. Didn't work. I crawled like two or three feet after dropping them and then crashed again. Currently re-installing and seeing if that fixes the issue.

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  4. I mean, OP is right enough, but I don't necessarily think the two things are that separable. There are very few situations right now where you can give up your life without losing your loot.


    So really all this means is that newspawns are reckless. And even if you implemented an experience system or something (my favorite idea was having your character grow a beard over time) to incentivize staying alive, it wouldn't fix that, since newspawns wouldn't have much experience anyway. A fully geared player is going to fight hard for their loot.


    I guess the one other negative situation caused by attachment to loot over characters is that people are less likely to comply with being held up. But my experience is that most people will comply if you get the jump on them and outnumber them.


    At the end of the day, this game wont be able to perfectly simulate the desire to live, because it just isn't real life.
