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Everything posted by b0bhasb1tcht1ts

  1. b0bhasb1tcht1ts

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Ha I definitely went overboard too... I run a 500g bipod on my AR and it really doesn't hinder me at all. I don't know about other people but I utilize my bipod much like someone would use a vertical hand grip. So one can actually use it to help increase their stability when firing from a standing position. No it's not one of those vertical grips with integrated bipods. (those things are ugly as sin) I agree. Running a bipod and bayonet is stupid, but i wouldn't see the harm in running a bipod and weapon light together (unless it was say a dedicated sniper/hunting rifle) It makes sense to have a light on an AR as a home defense firearm even if you have a bipod or say it's the apocalypse and have to clear a building at night. I don't think you would take one off just because you put the other on. I wouldn't do the bayonet though... so old. Yes, you didn't say impossible. Sorry... I wouldn't say a scope is makes it harder to hit a target at distance, especially when your other option is using iron sights. Obviously it's easier to make the shot from prone or even crouched, but one would definitely have a way higher chance hitting a distant target with a scope. Of course there's going to be gun sway, but not so bad that you couldn't make a shot and hit the target. Thanks for the source! A very interesting read. I still have doubts as to the inadequacy of the 5.56/.223. I've seen some really nasty exit wounds on yotes. I know... coyotes aren't people, but I really don't see there being much of a difference in wounds when you shoot a person from the same distance I would really like to at least see the M4 in the game be able to hit someone at 100m of course not at full auto, but if my girlfriend can shoot a water bottle constantly from 50m with minimal experience (i know half the distance, but i'm confident she'd hit a silhouette at 100m) than I'm sure this "Average Joe" in game could do it... Back to the thread I'd like to see increased gun sway, a more accurate M4 depending on fire-type not Magpul forend and stock (it'd be nice to be able to zero optics too), and not coming to an almost complete stop when running up hills especially since the hills don't seem too affect zombies. I know it's still in Alpha so I can't wait to see the finished product.
  2. b0bhasb1tcht1ts

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    I couldn't resist commenting on a couple of the things you stated You really believe that adding a flashlight/bipod to your weapon renders it useless unless you're prone? Ah yes... That makes complete since... Now i know why I'm such a terrible shot when I'm standing... Come on... That's complete BS Also, adding a scope to your AR would make it almost impossible to shoot, i'm assuming you mean useless prone? Then why does almost every one that owns an AR have optics on their rifle. In addition to my bipod, I have a 1-4x optic on mine and I have no issue shooting standing. Have you ever shot a firearm? "The M4 does not adequatly incapacitate targets, according to US military." - I would love to see your source for that. If the 5.56/M4 Carbine didn't adequately incapacitate targets, the US Military would not issue it.