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About helpcooldo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. So i just tried rejoining a server that had this.. i didn't even load back in and got this.. Warning: preNLOD format in object ca\data\flag_usa_co.paa I looked this up and it's somethign to do with trade cities i think...help? O.o
  2. I'm using the OA mod and dayz commander to keep it all updated and runnign currectly. It's obviously some anti hack but if it was kicking me out for something wouldn't it SAY that.. like hey "this file" is not accepted!. no it says nothign is found and then kicks me back into lobby. It's not a defualt ani-hack thing because only certain servers have it. but a good portain of the servers have it.
  3. Still kickign me out.. HELP? D:
  4. Ok so i did a check, i was missing 14 files.. this is like the 20th time i've had to do this.. this gam eneeds to be fixed! DX eitherway ima try again adn tell you if it worked!
  5. So this is like, an add-on that some servers have.. It's some protection thing I guess.. all I know is i get into servers. this thing pops up and it's not even like, thinking i have bad stuff.. it says "~NO~ bad content was found" and then i hit the ok button and it kicks me back into the lobby... I don't hack or anything and it does it for every server.. how do i fix it?? D: