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About theelfishgene

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. theelfishgene

    Rocket's overall plan.

    "Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them." Let's not beat around the bush here....you're an idiot!
  2. Rule Britannia etc! I have to admit that as a Brit i have met just as many friendlies from the states as well as from certain parts of mainland europe....but those bloody germans though! :P
  3. Courtesy of Eurogamer! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-07-09-watch-dean-rocket-halls-huge-rezzed-q-and-a-for-dayz
  4. theelfishgene

    Seattle 35 Removed

  5. theelfishgene

    What's your personal alignment?

    Chaotic Good Chaotic Good is known as the "Beatific," "Rebel," or "Cynic" alignment. A Chaotic Good character favors change for a greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. They always intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of alignment with the rest of society. They may create conflict in a team if they feel they are being pushed around, and often view extensive organization and planning as pointless, preferring to improvise. That's me!
  6. theelfishgene

    Why did you shoot me.

    I have never been shot as a starter survivor, i can only assume these people and the op complaining about being killed for nothing are venturing into the wrong areas for a quick buck! When you spawn on the coast, instead of running hell for leather at Cherno or Eleckto or Balota, try heading north into the wilderness! You are only making things difficult for yourself by giving yourself up to the douchebags who patrol those areas looking for a quick kill and a chance to spoil your day. It's a survival/social experiment mod not a FPS, i'm sorry but all these people complaining about being killed only have themselves to blame!
  7. theelfishgene

    Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

    This is something that definitely needs addressing, one barn three zombies, on killing the last zombie, about twenty or so spawn from nowhere and completely fuck us! Closing doors did no good as the newly spawned magic zombies just teleported right through them :D Yes yes i know alpha blah blah :P
  8. theelfishgene

    are you guys fucking retarded?

    Obviously the OP's first language isn't english, but he does now go down as creating one of the most incomprehensible and quite frankly crazy ass posts i have read here! +1 for Utter Madness! :D
  9. theelfishgene

    HaHa! Karma!

  10. theelfishgene

    Looting barns and cities pointless?

    Sorry I am no bandit and refuse to turn to a life of crime just for entertainment value. Iv'e been beaten to it, but yes as others have mentioned...hunt bandits and pk'ers! Not only will you get the satisfaction and joy of playing paladin but knowing those scumbags are wailing like stuck pigs when you pop 'em is oh soooo sweeeeeet! :D
  11. theelfishgene

    Game cannot survive!

    Damn that made my day! :D
  12. theelfishgene

    Every time I don't shoot, I regret it.

    As an experiment of sorts, i broke from my usual group and went solo for a few days, boy oh boy do you need the patience of a saint now! Out of twelve encounters with other "humans" nine ended in bloodshed and death (mine)...that's not a healthy statistic. On all occasions i have refused to fire and attempted communications through type and voice, of the three encounters that didn't end in a premature death two had the other survivors running like hell away and the third one the guy stopped and talked. We got on like a house on fire and successfully foraged some great gear (nice one Toxic77 if your reading this) I'm gonna stick out the "carebear" role from now on unless it's completely obvious the douche needs capping, making friends on DayZ is a helluva lot more fun than playing deathmatch or acting like a klutz!