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About ladatron

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  1. ladatron

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Awesome indeed, spent 2 hours of reparing transit bus and lada niva, after repairing the bus, it was ***king twice that the wheels just dissapeared... repaired again, drove around 500m and again wheel was gone... Then i found lada niva, repaired all the wheels and tried to drive it, after 5 meters i realised i cant steer, so the car just went straight coool !!! got of the car and again, wheel dissapeared... Thats all about my experience with 0.59, thank you ill try the game after next 3 months... when maybe finally the 0.59.1 will be released to experimental
  2. ladatron

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Wow guys today ive been to experimental branch with my friendz and guess what ! We found a vehicle near Mishkino ! We made it to a balota and i decided to make som screens to proove thats real !! :lol: B) -Beanz plz :beans: :rolleyes: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/45351519750342690/91CEF9A4BA8253B69BABDE503C609685683B3027/
  3. ladatron

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Any news from devs ? more details ? Anyone knows something about the implementation of tents ?
  4. ladatron

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Werent these all fu*king hackers and wall glitchers supposed to be gone ? Oh well it seems like something allows them do get into walls again (talking about NEAF mostly) its been 3rd time this week i met guy with infinte ammo in M4 with friends in walls, ridiculous ! First group of wallglitchers disconnected after they realized that am not going to give up in a half hour, had 5 min break of them and then group n.2 joined in da walls awesome. Seems like you are able to glitch again in 0.45 as you werent supposed to in 0.44 Dunno how havent tried... pissed me off i quit for a week...
  5. ladatron

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Good enough, i heard though (unofficialy of course) that the Cauldron Ltd. made big progress with zombie behaviour and the AI, but i dont get why the **** arent we told by devs whats going on ? Am i supposed to google everything about game unofficialy ? Does it even make a sense? I really hope end of may, means end of may not half of june. And i hope the update will not contain just few more variations of tracksuit pants and fireplaces that wont have any use without cooking system... I am just wondering why they added frying pan and after 2 months melee animation to it. hmmm
  6. ladatron

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Seriously, What a hell ? There is no info about work in progress, no info about upcomming patch release date or next experimental patch release. You give players 0 informations. I dont know what happened but last thing what we were informed was that the upcomming patch (already released) should have contained cooking,crafting, fireplaces, crossbow, animals and stuff. We were told this is going to be released within 2 weeks in worst case at the end of april. And here we are 11th of May, and we got crossbow, engraved 1911, item throw "physics" and thats it. Nothing else. So i am wondering what happened....
  7. Crazy shit are even zombies lol, dont be a hypocrite and what can make you mutate like a zombie ? Are we talking now about "Zombie realism" new creatures would really put a life into a game where noone cares about the zombies, where players are the highest thread
  8. Well pal, i dont know whats wrong with other creatures ? Have you ever played or seen Left 4 Dead, Killingfloor, Dying Light etc. ? Its all zombie games and still there are not just "zombies" and these zombies in DayZ are not even Fearsome ...
  9. Hello there, i have couple of suggestions from a larger group of players. I would be glad if this red someone from the dev team. We would like to see a very common survival element which is basic tent. This very basic element would change the whole present gameplay which is now mostly deadmatch, free-for-all and stuff like would change into a basic survival tactics. If players had some oportunity to save their gear somewhere for now, in a tent lets say it would great that game would finaly have some point ! And here id like to suggest some things that should appear in a future maybe: From weapons we would like to see - PPSH-41 - AK74 - Sa58 / Vz.58 - CZ550 - SVD Dragunov These weapons are pretty much common in a post soviet satelit state in Central Europe like the Chernarus is not like M4s HK416 and stuff like that ... Locations like: I dont know what you plan to put on very north-west of map, there is a huge place without buildings. It would be fine if there was some Military base, but dont take me wrong not military base like those already in map, but large complex with armoury for example in underground without any light full of zombies or other creatures. Players would get ultimate chance to get some nicer gear but with pretty much dangerous, they would use flashlights otherwise they would see complete $h#t. That would be definetly great a lot of people would appreciate underground complexes and stuff like that. Creatures: We would like to see some more Fearsome creatures like known bloodsuckers from S.T.A.L.K.E.R series see link: http://zakdegrassi.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8341d46b053ef0133ed40a821970b-800wi I know someone mentioned that its not easy for you do make some AI animals like bears, wolves etc but now you have guys from Cauldron so maybe it wouldnt be bad idea to put in game some bears wandering in forests. Mad dogs running through the towns - put more life in a game Clothings: Add more uniforms in various camuflages (TTsKO is not enough !) Maybe Czechoslovak camuflages would solve the prob. http://camopedia.org/index.php?title=Czechoslovakia http://camopedia.org/index.php?title=Slovakia Thank you for reading this topic. Hope you use something from this !
  10. Thanks alot pal, even through concrete wall ? Well ill test it myself
  11. From what are you judging that i am whining ?
  12. Well mate i guess you misunderstood me, these guys were using this bug, i decided to put end to it so i tried to kill them, but wall like a wall i dont think its that easy to shoot through the wall. This was not meant like a whining pal
  13. Hey today i just noticed that i dont know how but one guy killed me litteraly through the wall, its true i was inside of known bug in the military building, but i was about to chase them, they were 5 inside the top bug, i was inside the bug behind the cell but then suddenly one guy went down the stairs, aimed at wall that i was behind and started shooting with his SKS, got hit by 3 bullets got unconsious. Or could this be caused due to lagging or some possible hacks ?