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About pizuicas

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    Deep in the wet jungles of Central America.

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  1. pizuicas

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Guys: I apologize if this was asked before, havent been able to find it: are the fishing nets spawning at all in the 0.57?. Having a hard time to find them. Thank You.
  2. pizuicas

    Complete Fail

    Moral of the story?....Never, EVER let a zombie "inside" you....not a good thing.... :P Cheers!
  3. pizuicas

    Deactivating a Mine

    We are so sick that we enjoy the bugs...LOL.......same happens to me.....(enjoying the bugs that is...) Cheers!
  4. The game is fantastic the way it is. Had some PvP action near Novo, got killed and had no issues surviving with new toon. It is taking much more time to have military weapons. But the game is much more interesting now. Want a 5 minutes gear up toon?.....not possible now. Which I think is great. Zombies still a lower risk. They should be far more dangerous and aggressive.... Cheers!
  5. pizuicas

    Help me

    get off the coast...pronto..... Only piece of advice I can give you.
  6. pizuicas

    Tents in persistence

    It is confirmed: The tents stay after mid-week reset. We did the test and worked. We placed a couple of items in there just in case and it worked fine. Cheers!
  7. pizuicas

    For Everyone Complaining About The Loot........

    My beanZ to you. Key word here is "lazy". Lots of players just want to gear up the fastest way possible and kill each other in Electro/berezino/wherever...also the fastest way possible.... The game has to be a replica of a post-apocalyptic world: harsh and hard to survive. Health, food and survival techniques above pure PVP. Do I like PvP? off course I do....I love it as a matter of fact, but just when needed. That should not be the core game mechanic. Cheers!
  8. "Some folks have expressed concern that the increasing difficulty in surviving and combating the environment would hurt player interaction. To which I say.. Sure, it will hurt player interaction if by player interaction you mean folks wandering up and down the coast, wearing pink dresses and chasing each other with fire extinguishers. However I firmly believe it will -drive- and foster a different type of player interaction." Brian Hicks. This is exactly my thinking!......way to go...I still think is TOO much loot (canned food). Force the game to a true survival one, like it was supposed to be! Cheers!
  9. pizuicas


    Nice Video....really enjoyed it! keep them coming!
  10. pizuicas

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    I don´t have an actual shot......pity....even more, I cannot recall where they are.....I think they are located North East of the NWAF...they are covered with grass actually....
  11. pizuicas

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Nah...I have played 1,200 hours and this kind of stuff is totally new for me.....so....just keeps the interest going....So you have not broke anything! Cheers!
  12. pizuicas

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    During my trips around the map, I have found different things, like Pyramids, but this one, by far, is the weirdest and scariest of all.....remember the Blair witch project?---- :huh: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e67lrnfjyg79d97/blair.jpg?dl=0 Cheers!
  13. Dear Community: I wanted to ask a couple of questions here. First let me expose what is bothering me: I have noticed that all servers (officials, non-persistent, public) are resetting quite often (between 1 hr to 2 hours top). This game dynamic does not allow to complete/finish some missions, like finding a truck, fool around, find jerrycans and refill them. I am not willing to try out horticulture for this very same reason. So questions are: How are you dealing with this issue? Are there any servers that have longer times to reset? As usual, thank you for any help/comments guys! Cheers and Happy Holidays. :D
  14. pizuicas

    Gasoline Can on the V3S

    I have tried to get inside the truck with the can...no way. This is not possible to do as per now. Another question: Can you refill the jerry again in a gas station for instance? Thanks!
  15. pizuicas

    Two trucks....three thieves....three kills!

    Thank you Steak!.... :thumbsup: