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About Gunslinger63

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Gunslinger63

    Can't play Dayz Standalone

    my problem is fixed !! I have a second steam account with dayz on it so I went to it and there was no lag and my standard fps was there . So I went back to the other account and stripped of all my gear and moved away from it and after getting around a 100 yards away my fps came back to normal. I then went back to my gear and started going through it and found that I had picked up a pair of cargo pants that contained 5 vest 2 pair of boots and a hat. I will be more careful on the gear I pickup from those guard shacks.
  2. Gunslinger63

    Can't play Dayz Standalone

    I have the same problem, I was getting good fps but now game freezes and only about 7 fps in game.
  3. I have foud 3 pso1 scopes and half a dozen 75 rd ak mags but this was early last week and it was on servers that were loading up. All were found in the vybor MB. Nothing of that significance lately in that area . I did get lucky and find 3 protector cases in the NWAF fire station today.
  4. Gunslinger63

    Helicopter crash site

    is there only two crash sites ? Iv'e seen the one at vybor and lapitino but not a third.
  5. Gunslinger63

    Helicopter crash site

    I have found a couple on public and the loot was there but not next to the crash, it was about 30 feet away making it very hard to see.
  6. Gunslinger63

    Prison Island

    I would say yes, the prison would be a government run facility so it would have the support of the state and government imo.
  7. Gunslinger63

    AK101 Magazines spawn on 0.55

    I myself have not seen a 101 or the mags, plenty of 74 and 74u guns and mags in the jeeps. The only 556 rounds I have seen are at heli sites in the m4 mags. The loot system is insane at the moment.
  8. Gunslinger63

    0.55 loot spawns!

    Has anyone found a hunter or sposin backpack ? if so where ?
  9. Gunslinger63

    75 round drum mag removed from game

    same here found one in a jeep at Vybor. 8 hrs of play from Cherno to Servergrad and back to Zele and not one damn match box. My player is shaking and it won't stop till I get by a fire.
  10. Gunslinger63

    Aimless noob

    So why did you kill this guy ?
  11. Gunslinger63

    .46 coming to stable this wednesday 2 July

    Brian Hicks 4 days ago0.46 should hit stable during next weeks maintenance (assuming testing and exp branch goes okay).
  12. Gunslinger63

    DayZ Rap Battle

    good job guys.
  13. Gunslinger63

    Revenge Fail (Video)

    liked and subbed thanks.
  14. I feel your frustration OP but am willing to accept that the game is very young still. Threads like these just give the Alpha police reason to turn on their sirens and go screaming alpha even though you do make some good points about the logic of the way the devs do things. If after a year and things haven't improved greatly then we will all have reason to believe that they never will.
  15. Gunslinger63

    Some "Heroes" are just assholes.

    A great many that play this game call themselves Heroes but really just shoot anyone that is geared up. I have watched a number of vids where people just assume because your at a spawn point and geared up that you are there killing bambs . If I'm on an AF or MB then blow me away because I will you , but anywhere else it's just plain ole murder and thats what assholes do imo.