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Mon The BIFF

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About Mon The BIFF

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  1. Mon The BIFF

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    Who cares about instant progress? Really? THATS THE POINT IN AN ALPHA BUILD. If they where planning on making fast progress on the game (and fuckong it up) they would have realeased it a little later ot in Beta build. They want to take it slowly. And doing a good job of it. The mojority of other game devs are not a good example of this. Call of Duty - was good, CoD 1,2, etc.. - Now look at it. They're shovling shit down childrens throats. It's a terrible game, it's impossible to be bad at it. And the people who play it proves that. DayZ - If you're bad at it. Get off it. Simple as that. Stop fucking about and go play CoD.. This game is all about strategics and role play. If you can't hack that then get frigged. This game is aimed at people like me. Who will play it how it should be played. People moan about the bandits and what not, but that IS role play. You ever seen The Walking Dead? Exactly. The majority of deaths in that show are survivours. Not walkers. I would put myself in the Hero category. (me and a friend made a group/clan named 'The Guardian Angels' we help people. Never KoS. But I enjoy bandits. It's realistic. And that sort of realism wasn't created by the devs. It was us. The genuine gamers.
  2. Mon The BIFF

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    This game has full blown potential to be possibly the best game ever created! The sense of freedom and survival it's something that a lot of Game Devs think about... It's always instant fast action prior to dying, And starting again in the same position. That is thrown about too much nowadays. Put it one way, DayZ developers have their fingers on their pulse! They know what they're doing. And that's why (most of us) spent £19.99 on a game in early Alpha stage. Every day these guys are processing game changing ideas, and declining others. I mean, Have you seen all the stuff Rocket has considered and confirmed? It's large list, And a lot of work. But they're dedicated to doing it. (They should be with the budget they have due to their law abiding customers) I love this game! Regardless of the bugs! There's not much the devs can do to put me off playing this. And I honestly cannot wait for the final release. It'll be mind blowing.
  3. These guys are awesome!!! They just fixed my broken leg and gave me some splints to help with my fiends broken leg! Keep up the amazing work guys!
  4. Mon The BIFF

    Trapped at Rify

    I have 'Kind of' the same problem. Apart from. I'm stuck on the 3rd floor. With broken legs... I can't go up or down stairs. And I have no Morphine or sticks... I was walking up some stairs, Fell over. And broke my leg...
  5. Mon The BIFF

    Why loot is not full random?

    It's funny watching everyone argue... This was, from the first post, Simply a discussion about what could improve the game. This is FEEDBACK. Which is precisely what the devs want from us! Why would you release a game at alpha stage if you're not looking for feedback? That is the point of the whole thing. Why is everyone being asshats about others opinions? Get a grip. Personally, I can't see how people are disagreeing with OP - IMO This conversation clearly seperates the Hero's from the Bandits.
  6. Mon The BIFF

    Why loot is not full random?

    Is that better for you buddy, Wouldn't want your eyes getting sore now, would we :D
  7. Mon The BIFF

    Why loot is not full random?

    I'm inclined to agree with OP. Why shouldn't you come across a (dead) family, Armed to the teeth... Think about it. If it was real. (And that's what the devs are going for. Bravo, We all like that in a game) In a RL apocalypse. This WOULD happen. Maybe even find a dead body on a roof top, With a Barrett .50 cal wrapped round his knuckles. I genuinely believe that adding this to the game may well massively decrease banditry and/or PVP (WHICH I HATE!) A lot of bandits at the moment seem to hang out in large towns, Military bases and what not. Because they know Bambi's will try their luck at looting them for the best gear. If we add this RL aspect to the game. Newbies can find the same kind of gear anywhere on the map. If the loot/survivor bodies are continuously generated, There will be know of bandits knowing where to camp. Obviously this is the Alpha. I do not expect anything like this for a while. I'm actually really enjoying the game as it is. Bravo OP. This is a really good idea. Should prompt it to Rocket the dev! I would really like to see this in gameplay.
  8. Mon The BIFF

    Dayz Clan: Dayz Survival Squad

    This is exactly what I've been looking for! Downloaded the game this morning at 3am.. eventhough i start work at 8am. The only reason i bought it is because of Frankie and RHINOCRUNCH on Youtube. They make the game look so good! Anyways, played about an hour early this morning.. found nothing but a few rotten bananas and some wellies -_- I would really love to do something like this, It would improve the gameplay tenfold! By the way, I'm a 20 year old male, born and bred in the UK. Really looking forward to spending plenty of gaming hours on this, if my girlfriend doesnt moan too much ;) I'll be happy to sign up for Radicall when I get home from work later. But for now, you can all add me on Steam and Skype if you like. Steam name is: FooFighterr_ Skype name is: Mon.The.BIFF Hopefully be playing with some of you in a few hours :)