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Sir Eglamore

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Everything posted by Sir Eglamore

  1. I currently got a Blaze on my char on regular with 1 speed loader. When I got the speedloader with ammo attached to the gun, you can still reload (via the mousewheel) regular bullets into the gun, then you'll find the speedloader in your inventory again. @OP: Have you tried to drag and drop the ammo on the gun in the inventory?
  2. Sir Eglamore


    Oh, if that's so Dean should definitely put it in until next patch. ;)
  3. Sir Eglamore

    Put M4A1 in backpack

    The sawn of shotgun already fits into the backpack. Tbh, having a M4 in the backpack would only help ripping off players that don't expect you to have a gun with you. As is with the shotgun atm. <_<
  4. Sir Eglamore


    There is no ETA yet and no official post from the devs. Most likely though next wednesday, I'd guess. You shouldn't actually open a new thread in this board but post over at "Announcements & Information" subforum in the associated thread.
  5. Could be a couple of things. Do you have ammo left? Is it the right type? (There are 7,62x39 and 7,62x51). Is your ammo or the gun ruined?
  6. Sir Eglamore

    2 Things that should be implemented ASAP

    Fixed the topic title for you. ;)
  7. Sir Eglamore

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    The amount aswell as the types of zombies have, however, improved over that timeframe.
  8. Sir Eglamore


    I don't want to rain on your parade, but ... beards would discriminate female players. :P
  9. Sir Eglamore

    Information Vs. Immersion

    I personally don't like having all those indicators they added recently. They should be disabled for hardcore at least. Imho.
  10. Sir Eglamore

    Harvest Sticks

    @ OP: Has been suggested alot of times already. But I agree. B)
  11. Sir Eglamore

    Simple Click actions.

    That's exactly how the mouse wheel click behaves. Stand in front of a door -> click it -> door open. Look at a Pipsi -> click it -> drink when rucksack is full / put in rucksack when slots available. ;)
  12. Sir Eglamore

    in-game Sports

    Hey, you can sprint already. :P But seriously, if you want to play football (aka soccer) why not get FIFA instead? Or the already available tons of other sport games. I don't think the core game would benefit much from including sports.
  13. I want to quote myself in this regard. Just in case someone missed it in the poop thread. :D
  14. Sir Eglamore

    Bounty Hunting System

    So ... imagine there were such boards. And they would state a random name for a bandit. How would I know him, if I'd see him? I cannot see any names of players unless they type something into chat. I don't think a sought-after bandit would confirm his name this way. Seems hard to implement for little to no benefit. This exactly!
  15. Sir Eglamore

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Have you actually read the alpha disclaimer? Also Rocket clearly stated that you should not buy DayZ, except you want to actively contribute to the development! To the reports... alot of players here on those forums send in reports via the bugtracker. And to the tweets... dude come on. They often work overtime already. They too have the right to enjoy their free time and have some fun, don't they? Sometimes I really ask myself, if people use their brain before posting. :rolleyes:
  16. Sir Eglamore

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Maybe we got rain season? :P I don't think you have fully grasped, how this alpha thing is going to work. They implement features and put them on the servers, so that those features can actually be tested and we can provide feedback. Hence, when they added the SKS, you literally found it all over the place so people could pick it up and try it out. The amount of guns (like everybody running around with M4s) is unrealistic atm aswell. But that has a reason: proper testing. I don't think we'll see that many (especially military) weapons in the full game, aswell as rain all day on 80% of the servers. ;)
  17. Sir Eglamore

    update 0.36.115535 - disappointing!

    Yea ... because that's all they put in the patch, right?! :rolleyes: Maybe you should have a read on this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175096-update-rev-036115535-experimental-branch/
  18. Sir Eglamore

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    Well, that those guys are being "unadequate ppl" and "dumb" is your personal opinion. Like I already stated, they can play the game how they want to. That is their right. Atm I'd say most of the people are playing KOS characters simply because they do not have as much possibilities, as they'd have in the mod. I personally would hate to see further regulations for problems that might dissolve along the road anyways. I personally want the devs to work on getting their game done rather than having to find half-assed solutions to problems that will go away on their own anyways.
  19. Sir Eglamore

    permanent health damage

    Amputation? Geez no! :P I can already see groups of grunts walking around taking off Bambi's legs instead of just robbing their blood! :D
  20. Sir Eglamore

    There was a guy- a fully geared guy-

    Yea, Grunt is great! :D Errm, no. :P I sometimes dress up fully geared, without hopping. So there is a difference.
  21. Sir Eglamore

    There was a guy- a fully geared guy-

    If fully geared means all the tactical stuff + M4 + ..., we could go along with something like soldier, SWATer, militant. Or if you'd prefer a catchy acronym, you could use something like MILBO (=military bozo / bod), MILSTO (= military stooge) and for the worst cases MILDOU (=MILitary DOUchebag :o ). B)
  22. Sir Eglamore

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    Okay, so you want people who payed for the game and play it how they want it (and that is exactly THE thing about such a sandbox game) into a prison, so that they cannot play the game they bought with their hard earned cash for hours/days? Sounds like a stupid idea. Don't get me wrong, I personally dislike the amount of KoS in the game atm aswell. But I think with more and more content coming into the game aswell as private hives, a lot of the banditry will go away again. No need to put effort into solutions of problems that should go away in the longer run anyways.
  23. Sir Eglamore

    Pain and broken leg indicators

    I disagree. We already have more indicators than we actually need. No need to plaster the whole screen with indicators. The game was doing perfectly well without the "hydrated" and "energized" indicator. And at least in Hardcore mode these indicators be disabled completely imho. You argue, that not all players know about the game mechanics. It is true that DayZ's game mechanics in comparison to those of most other games are more complex. But there are tons of guides out there explaining everything in detail. People need to learn to take the time to actually learn the game mechanics. It's like with ARMA. You cannot simply jump into the game and enjoy every aspect of it without checking out the controls. Not sure why people complain about it so much in DayZ.
  24. I disagree and I think you are confusing something. a ) Fermentation (to get some sort of alcoholic drink) isn't done with already rotten fruit (or corn, ..). b ) Also fermentation won't give you pure alcohol.
  25. Sir Eglamore

    Wall of Shame (Played Time)

    I'm actually more impressed by the 2550,25 € in your steam wallet. You guys should definitely cut unneccessary data off your screenshots. This would actually also help speeding up loading times of forum pages. For those that do not have uber fast internet. ;) (Edit: Okay ... I probably shouldn't have quoted the image aswell then ^^)