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About Nibashe

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Nibashe

    This game keeps crashing all the time...

    The OPs sig also means fuck you in finnish....
  2. Nibashe

    This game keeps crashing all the time...

    What did you do about it? You're being as constructive as me after a bottle of whiskey
  3. Nibashe

    This game keeps crashing all the time...

    If you use Nvidia drivers, roll back to the previous version of it. The new driver is causing some players to crash continuously
  4. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    Let me spell this out for you. Maybe, JUST maybe, you will understand..... A patch is being developed.. People start to play. Now implementations are active in the said patch. Something happens which makes players crash. Also, at the same time, a lot of players are doing absolutely fine with major improvements. In order to figure out WHAT makes this crash happen, you need to collect data from the people being affected. You then look at all the gathered data and see where you can find similarities in hardware or software configuration. Then you crunch this together, compare it to whatever is being developed at this point and try to localize the error. If YOU cant be arsed submitting a bug report in order for them to figure out whats wrong, then also don't expect it for you to work as fast as you want it to... you are part of a process to push this project to beta. With this, it is expected that you throw in your crash report in order to make the game run better. YOUR stubbornness is what's slowing the game down.
  5. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    You're hiring? :D
  6. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    Well said.... Nothing to add really.. Just surprised you took the effort of replying to his post.
  7. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    oops didn't quote
  8. Nibashe

    More Horror elements!

    I WANT TO HEAR THE SOUND OF TWO OBESE PEOPLE HAVING SEX! THE HORROR! Seriously though, I would love some eerie music, sound effects... Indeed, the music from the movie insidious is amazing. The sound in a game makes up for more than half of the game. I look forward to see what the game has in store for us.
  9. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    This.. Also when you talk about "you've made blablala amount of money, fix blablal" you know that whoever is reading this will just go :rolleyes: ... It takes a lot of money to keep up a big team and this project running
  10. Nibashe

    Dear Dean....

    Since last week..Are you using an Nvidia video card?
  11. Nibashe

    Resetting of character

    So far I still have my character. I need to figure out if this will be a fix or not. I've deleted my cfg files and let them be replaced by the original ones. I was thinking about this before, but I figured that once you uninstall and reinstall DayZ from steam, it would have also reset those folders, but it doesn't. The folders in your Documents folder will not be removed during an automatic uninstall. I did notice some improvements in my gameplay overall as well which is weird because in the past I've edited those files for fps improvements. Anyway will keep you posted.
  12. What a bunch of BS. Please stop spreading this ungrounded and idiotic statement. Anyway, someone mentioned cars not being in there, and people are already hacking... It's not about vehicles in the game or not.. It's the development of the game. It's still in early development, hence it is more easily accessible by scripts and other exploits. Give it time. I hope they will come with a fix soon, however truth be told, these things can take quite some time.
  13. Nibashe

    Resetting of character

    Thanks for the tip man! I will try this tonight and come back with the results tomorrow.
  14. Nibashe

    Resetting of character

    Yes I did, I think its viewing distance etc. The basic things that were recommended to increase FPS. Can this really be the cause of the issue?
  15. Nibashe

    Very curious about choice of gender.
