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About teh_Fishman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. teh_Fishman

    Arma 2 Combined Operations Won't Launch

    I have the same problem, still cant find a solution
  2. teh_Fishman

    Okay, im really stuck..

    Okay i tried to run as a combined operation but nothing happened?
  3. teh_Fishman

    Okay, im really stuck..

    You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" Ive just dl dayz and this shows upp and when i start the game Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon on 'CABuildingparts' This shows up ive looked up for solutions but i have no idea what it means.. someone explain it to me
  4. teh_Fishman


    Okay thankyou, but what do you do after that? :/ Okay what do i do after that? Oops, i thought the reply didnt send
  5. teh_Fishman


    Is there a better download rather than updater six? i dont like that one as it wont show that im playing it in steam?
  6. Hey there, i recently bought arma 2 just so i can play dayz, i bought it throught steam, my brother downloaded dayz so he can play arma 2 through steam, but i downloaded dayz through six updater or something like that, i was wondering is there simpler download, so it shows that im actauly playing through steam. I forgot to mention i can play dayz but not through steam, it wont actualy have my steam user name, it has my computer user name? if it doesnt make sence ask me a question!!! Please reply asap!!