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About severindk

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  1. severindk

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    So make yourself a gaming studio and make a better game. You just confirmed that you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. 500 scripters wouldnt help anything. Sometimes more people can just ruin the development because it makes it harder to work together and reach the goal you want. If you change one thing in a piece of code, it can just cause 2 new bugs, then you fix those two bugs, you end up with 4 new bugs. And so on. Just realize it takes time to do these things.
  2. severindk

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Look at the post I made just a few minutes ago. The same goes for you.
  3. severindk

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    You are clearly not old enough to be here. Wipe your eyes and go play something that else if you are unhappy here. You are being made aware with BIG letters on Steam when you buy this game, about the issues that can occur. Do you really think the dev team just sits around and picks their noses all day long? You have no idea about the amount of work that needs to be put into a game like this. Grow up dude.
  4. severindk

    DayZ Needs A Theme Song I Can Run To

    Nice one. Have some beans.
  5. severindk

    Easter Egg!

    Dont care if its been posted before or not. I havent seen it before :P Nice find.
  6. severindk

    DayZ Needs A Theme Song I Can Run To

    Awesomeness starts @ 0:11 - You are welcome. He keeps saying "Business", but we all know he really mean "Beans"
  7. severindk

    Several gameplay suggestions [With Poll]

    Cool. Will see if I can think of some weapon related suggestions and send them to you. I just added another idea to my first post.
  8. Is it possible to join servers or start one myself where I have more control than on a normal server? Like disabling zombies, thirst and hunger. Its a bit hard to stress the game and find bugs when I constantly have to think about food and water. It would benefit the development a lot I think. Update: I just got an answer from Lightfoot, so just ignore this thread. For those interested, the short answer is: "No"
  9. severindk

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Does anyone know if I will lose my current non-experimental character if I go into the experimental build? I really want to take part in the testing, but on the other hand, I dont want to "quit" on my DayZ bud who is logged out right next to me :P
  10. Posted a final update for this issue. View the first post in this thread.
  11. True, but thats just part of a development process. I am nowhere near as talented as these guys are, but I get this issue from time to time too when I development my own projects. You think you fixed the issue, then another one shows up, you fix that and then the old one is a problem again. Haha. Its impossible to predict the behaviour of a huge project.
  12. severindk

    Several gameplay suggestions [With Poll]

    Cool ;-) I like your idea of collecting rain. Really good idea!
  13. severindk

    Optimalize > FPS under 20. Cant play!

    Have a look here. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172896-new-hope-they-have-identified-the-fps-issue-and-solution-is-being-tested-on-experimental-build/
  14. severindk

    76 - Possibilities list

    Currency is usually something just for working societies :P But if you got a can of tuna, I could trade you a few bullets... To the head :lol: