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About H3r0ln

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    Gaming, Cars, Fishing

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  1. H3r0ln

    Super Infantry Clan

    18yr++? go to http://www.superinfantryclan.com/ and register there (not need to be member of SiC to be whitelisted). then go to OTHER GAMES - GENERAL- Dayz WhiteList Info on forum and follow the info there to post ur ingame name and guide
  2. H3r0ln

    Problem with Scheduler

    OLD FORMAT <!-- this job will start after 10 minutes and run forever with a 1 hour and 30 minutes interval between the jobs --> <job id='0'> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <time>001000</time> <delay>013000</delay> <loop>-1</loop> <cmd>say -1 job:0 forever</cmd> </job> NEW FORMAT <job id="3"> <start>000400</start> <!-- run every 5 mins --> <runtime>000300</runtime> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>1</loop> <cmd>say -1 Victory Gamerz Members Are Friendly</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job>
  3. H3r0ln

    server scheduler

    thx :thumbsup:
  4. H3r0ln

    Problem with Scheduler

  5. H3r0ln

    server scheduler

    yeah i know. it works fine for my vilayer server. they have much better controll panel than the fragnet has. harder to get it work correct on fragnet
  6. H3r0ln

    other with server problems?

    vilayer server works fine now. but now the fragnet server is crazy. stops after the restarts and need to manualy stop and restart them
  7. H3r0ln

    server scheduler

    hey can someone plz share a scheduling setup for 2 hour restart that works fine?
  8. H3r0ln

    Restarts or full server?

    i have one server at vilayer that works fine with restarts. but the server from fragnet has the restart problem after every autorestart every 4th hour. so also need to login on adminpanel and restart it myself. kinda annoying since this has been it like 3-4 weeks
  9. we have 2 server up to go :) feel free to play :thumbsup: http://www.superinfantryclan.com/
  10. H3r0ln

    other with server problems?

    yepp only bec is the problem now. no server msg about the restarts. but it works smoother now :thumbsup:
  11. H3r0ln

    other with server problems?

    yes and cant set when the server will start up eighter..lik 1pm
  12. H3r0ln

    other with server problems?

    got mail from them and they are looking into problems with bec. hope this random crash thing soon stop
  13. H3r0ln

    Current best server hosting company

    yes and now after latest pach bec is f**' set server time is f*** their server restart time is totaly f***...... wery slow at reply on their tickets...
  14. H3r0ln

    other with server problems?

    ok i have a problem with vilayer server. after they got problem with acplayer site and they was moving that. my server been f*** up. and now after new pach it goes down all the time. any other who have vilayer that have same problem? or other server host???