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About skates15

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. skates15

    food? Where is it?

    I stay away from buildings with doors open and have run into a fair amount of zombies. The largest town I was in, which I thought was pretty big (don't recall the name), every building had a door open, which I thought was odd because it was so large.
  2. skates15

    food? Where is it?

    I'm new to the game and must be doing something wrong because I just spent 3 hours going thru nearly 60 buildings and found a pen, 2 rotten kiwis and a shovel, then died of starvation. So, I tried again by going inland and went thru 30+ buildings, same result, starvation. It was definitely a huge waste of time overall. One tip was to not go on populated servers, but I'm trying to learn/play the game and no better way than to go on populated servers. I don't mind the rest of the game, but finding loot is nearly impossible, for me anyway...this can't be what the game is about can it?