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Everything posted by ramsfan00

  1. ramsfan00

    Hold up gone wrong...

    Holdup goes wrong for this dude at the beginning of the vid... "facepalm". Also, at 4:30 we attempt to hold up two snipers in the trees.
  2. ramsfan00

    Surprise A#%hole!

    Put myself in a very exposed area to try and help my guys out... It didn't end well. At least I can laugh about it now.
  3. ramsfan00

    Surprise A#%hole!

    I read that apparently ballistic helmets dont have any shock value to them? They can eat a bullet but cannot eat melee at the moment.
  4. Good times with the goonsquad :). Gerp gets launched 30 ft from cliff and then craziness in electro. I know a lot of you guys like hardcore, may want to check this one out.
  5. ramsfan00

    Mate gets launched 30 ft from cliff + Craziness

    Thank you both :)
  6. ramsfan00

    Dean Hall On PvE

    Zombies do serve a point at the moment. While they are COMPLETELY BROKEN IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY, if you shoot your gun in a city they will give away your position. Unfortunately they run 200 meters through 3 buildings even when you don't shoot at the moment. HOWEVER, once this is fixed shooting will become a liability due to the zombies giving away your position.
  7. My roommate has seen me play DayZ and was thinking about buying it. His computer sucks so I was going to let him use mine, however will that affect my character at all or is that even possible? I know I read a couple months back this did not work, was it fixed?
  8. ramsfan00

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This guy thinks he has the ability to delete peoples characters. Pitty And no, no one was hacking.
  9. ramsfan00

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I don't know how the devs deal with some of these babies. All I read is whine whine whine. Whine they want stronger/more zombies, whine that there to strong. The devs already stated that the zombie is just a place holder and yet people still whine whine whine. Drives me NUTS. Can't believe I'm saying it... I hate this phrase... but its f*&^ing ALPHA.
  10. ramsfan00

    [POLL request] About zombies feedback

    I like more zombies. People who just want to pvp seem to dislike it because they get in the way. HOWEVER! This stops the killing of newspawns alot in a city. Who wants to deal with 6-7 zombies and completely giving away your position for killing a newspawn?
  11. ramsfan00

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Omg I cannot believe how much people whine in this game. I played on experimental for over 4 hours last night. Most smooth and stable Dayz I have ever played. Can't wait for this to be pushed out to stable. Oh and one more thing, the fast zombies are freeking awesome.
  12. ramsfan00

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well, at least it was rolled only to experimental. Wonder if its the zombie re spawning causing the issue or the fact that items show right away now.
  13. ramsfan00

    DayZ of being Dead Webcomic

    Rocket just posted your site up on his twitter, congrads bro.
  14. ramsfan00

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Is that yellow chain up for you permanently?
  15. ramsfan00

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    I love Frankie, he is the reason I play dayz, but he does KoS a lot but makes an excuse for it. Like... "Oh this guy is running down the exact path I was going to take. I'm going to have to take him out. Not like I could go around or anything." BAM BAM BAM. "Hes down". Kind of makes me laugh.
  16. ramsfan00

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Wokeup this morning to discover I had been turned into a seagul. Dat dayzness.
  17. ramsfan00

    Reload doesn't seem to work.

    I had this happen to me with my M4 the other day! The magazine showed up at one point in my inventory and my gun. Completely f'ed. I dropped the magazine which allowed me to manually switch it out, however I could never reload it again without going into inventory. Even with a different magazine I still couldn't reload. Fixed this by dieing :D.
  18. ramsfan00

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    Don't listen to these Dayz elitist Kalibyr. There are plenty of players who hate having to gear up and would pay someone a small "fee" to collect gear for them. Just because some people like to take the time to gear up doesn't mean everyone does.
  19. ramsfan00

    im pissed off...

    Alright dude, a few things to follow. - If you spawn in as a new spawn, DO NOT MOVE AND EXIT IMMEDIATELY. Join the last server you were on. This works 90% of the time. - Never ever ever ever EVER, press the ESC key at the "Please Wait.." screen. - Not all servers are setup correctly. I play on about 8 servers I know work. Some servers will break your Sh*t.
  20. ramsfan00

    To all the Bambies, watch FRANKIEONPCING youtube vids!

    Frankie is the whole reason my friends and I play this game. I first discovered Dayz by coming across his videos on youtube. Bought it, and it was awesome! Told my friends about Dayz, they saw the trailer and thought it was lame. Saw his videos and bought the game that day.
  21. ramsfan00

    Combat logging protection flaw?

    While the community that browses the forums are aware that there chracter will sit on the ground for 30 seconds when logging out, is there anyway for players to know this is occuring without them having to look at some kind of log? If not perhaps even a warning indicator when the player leaves the server or exits the game will be helpful. Or have the timer occur immediately after logging off. There is just no indication to existing and new players that the combat log protection system is in place within the game itself which to me is a flaw.
  22. I created an account just to give you my beans.
  23. ramsfan00

    Dayz standalone in a nutshell

    Found this on youtube, figured I would share :) . Titled : Dayz standalone in a nutshell.