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Everything posted by hotcakes

  1. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    The hand guard actually does increase accuracy, though. class Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood : Attachment_Handguard_AK_Base { scope = public; displayName = "AK Handguard Wooden"; descriptionShort = "A basic wooden handguard for AK based rifles."; model = "\DZ\weapons\attachments\support\handguard_ak_wood.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_co.paa"}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_damage.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_destruct.rvmat"}; }; }; class Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood_Black : Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood { hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_black_co.paa"}; }; class Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood_Camo : Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood { hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_camo_co.paa"}; }; class Attachment_Handguard_AK_Rail_Black : Attachment_Handguard_AK_Wood { scope = public; displayName = "AK Handguard Rail"; descriptionShort = "Aftermarket handguard with rails, fits AK based rifles."; model = "\DZ\weapons\attachments\support\handguard_ak_rail.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; dispersionModifier = -0.0440968; dispersionCondition = "true"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_black_co.paa"}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_damage.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_destruct.rvmat"}; }; };
  2. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    I know. I use that one all the time. ;_;
  3. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    Kinda funny how the guy testing the AKM advocates picking up folding stocks for accuracy in that Youtube video.
  4. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    I got it myself. class Attachment_Buttstock_AK_Wood : AttachmentBase {scope = public;displayName = "AK Wooden Buttstock";descriptionShort = "A standard wooden buttstock that comes as a default with AK based rifles";inventorySlot = "weaponButtstockAK";model = "\DZ\weapons\attachments\support\buttstock_ak_wood.p3d";hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_co.paa"};rotateDropped = 1;rotateAlways = 1;dispersionModifier = -0.0440968;dispersionCondition = "true"; class Damage {tex[] = {};mat[] = {"DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_damage.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_wood_destruct.rvmat"};}; class Attachment_Buttstock_AK_Folding_Black : Attachment_Buttstock_AK_Wood {displayName = "AK Folding Buttstock";descriptionShort = "Folding buttstock for AK based rifles";model = "\DZ\weapons\attachments\support\buttstock_ak_folding.p3d";hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"dz\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_black_co.paa"}; class Damage {tex[] = {};mat[] = {"DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_damage.rvmat", "DZ\weapons\attachments\data\akm_accessories_destruct.rvmat"};};}; I don't think the folding stock does anything. Or rather, it inherits the default stock's stats. Conclusion: Pick up the folding stock if you want to look cool. It doesn't do anything.
  5. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    Here's the config file for weapon furniture and dispersion. I have no idea how to open it properly, so someone should look through it for me: http://www.mediafire.com/download/szabb46szw9sbyl/config.bin
  6. hotcakes

    Weapon accuracies

    Pretty sure that value is for the M4 with no attachments. A Magpul M4 with a suppressor and no bipod would have a dispersion of 0.0019072.
  7. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    I threw my nugget away in a heartbeat for the AKM.
  8. hotcakes

    Weapon accuracies

    Yes, that's how I test ballistics. But saying stat studying is pointless is an anti-intellectual line of thought.
  9. hotcakes

    Weapon accuracies

    Sorry bud, but I don't play games without familiarizing myself with the game mechanics.
  10. hotcakes

    Weapon accuracies

    You can get the m4 parts' dispersion effects from daydb.
  11. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    Drum mag is 2x2.
  12. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    Damn shame too, since the ammo is so hard to manage.
  13. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    If you empty the 75 round magazine, you get three stacks of 20 and one stack of 15. Wat.
  14. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    It OHKOs on the torso area if it doesn't have much clothing/is bad condition. Your saving grace was getting shot in the legs.
  15. hotcakes

    Thoughts on the AKM?

    7.62x39mm can OHKO badly armored targets. Not big news.
  16. hotcakes

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Loot respawn was in .45 exp.
  17. hotcakes

    Punching OP

    I punched a motohelmet wearing user 10 times in the head and it did nothing. Still no excuse for getting KO'd.
  18. hotcakes

    SKS Underpowered

    I got the jump on another player and we magdumped into each other for half a second with our M4s, then both died. Ballistics a shit.
  19. hotcakes

    Software Macro for DayZ

    Punkbuster kicks me if I have AHK scripts running. I stop them before I play PB games. *shrug*
  20. hotcakes

    Software Macro for DayZ

    I have two AHK scripts running at all times for desktop stuff. Hasn't affected me anywhere except Punkbuster games.
  21. hotcakes

    Punching OP

    I personally never run moto helmets because I have people to play with so a newspawn can never jump all of us. It's your fault for not wearing one if you run solo. There's so much shock resistance that it probably blocks fire axe knockouts.
  22. hotcakes

    Punching OP

    motorcycle helmet bye
  23. hotcakes

    SKS Underpowered

    Woah, are you a time wizard? Nuggets stopped being $100 since ages ago.
  24. hotcakes

    Leaving traps for people :)

    Please. I don't give a shit about newbies' special treatment. They can learn the ropes like everyone else.
  25. hotcakes

    Leaving traps for people :)

    Holy shit, a survival simulator giving accurate, insightful scenarios that may help people prevent the same mistakes? FOR SHAME.