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Everything posted by hotcakes

  1. *5.56 moves at 884 m/s and 7.62x51 moves at 860 m/s Don't think there's a value for air friction. If there is, I can't remember it.
  2. Muzzle velocity for 5.56 is around 840 m/s whilst 7.62x51 is around 880 m/s (sauce: game files). And you can rangefind with the ACOG.
  3. hotcakes

    Why do you push?

    Offense should always be slightly stronger than defense for the sake of gameplay. Breaching isn't impossible right now, but the stalemates have to go.
  4. hotcakes

    The Mosin; Camo or Black? Also, Outfits!

    Was a bitch finding good pants because mine keep breaking. Edit: I'd use a virgin nugget or a black one.
  5. hotcakes

    Why do you push?

  6. hotcakes

    Cannot find certain items for the life of me!

    A ruined vest offers the same protection as having no vest.
  7. hotcakes

    What are good smooth settings?

    Ho ho ho. Whatever you do, don't fuck up your object detail. That's what determines how far away you can spot.
  8. hotcakes

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    H1Z1 hurr durr
  9. hotcakes

    Zombies eating corpses

    It's in the game already. Zombies will keep hitting a dead player for some time before moving onto the next target.
  10. hotcakes

    Why do you push?

    Because most people aren't actually defended well enough. We've wiped enough groups while breaching that we don't think it's much of an issue. If you don't make the first move, you're making yourself more vulnerable than you have to.
  11. We were shooting this one gal's group at 400-600m and she would not bloody die. Later found out she was a streamer and that she got shot close to 10 times, mostly near the legs.
  12. hotcakes

    2 BS Deaths?

    Stance only matters if you're prone and using a bipod. The cartridge fired moves at around 840 m/s when it exits the muzzle so there's not much leading involved when used in the urban environments the M4 is best used in.
  13. hotcakes

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    In MW2, people used the grip attachment on the pump-action SPAS-12. The recoil would reset so quickly that it was a useless attachment. People thought it would decrease spread, but the joke is it actually increased it.
  14. hotcakes

    Experimental Servers Stuck (US East)

    They're crashed servers, m8. Have you never played exp?
  15. The ACOG still works with modified FoV from what I can tell. If not, you can set the dayz config file to read only and your FoV will reset to default every time you access the settings. Dunno, never tried it. If shooting with no adjustment works you probably have to dial the zeroing to 100m.
  16. It's not rocket science. Just use the lines to rangefind, set the correct zeroing and aim with the center cross like you normally aim with. I can shoot zombies at practically any spotting range with the bipod. You can turn down your FoV with the ACOG to improve sight picture.
  17. You can take these stationary shots easily if you have a bipod active. That gives most M4s builds nospread. Fun fax: The muzzle velocity of 5.56 in-game is around 840 m/s. It slows down over time due to air friction. To rangefind with the ACOG, drape the line that fits best across the victim's shoulders and read the number. It's pretty accurate.
  18. hotcakes

    AKM questions/bugs/stats

    It's named handguard_ak_rail.p3d but I dunno how to open p3d files properly.
  19. hotcakes

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    I tried sniping with my M4 the other day. It was impossible to see what I was doing with only the ACOG's zoom. I think I got one incapacitation at 400m because that's the reasonable range limit of where I can shoot. And in the branch I was playing, dust upheaval was still broken so I was literally shooting and hoping for things to happen. Then I picked up a nugget, slapped my M4's bipod and an LRS on it. I got two kills and one incapacitation in 30 minutes. I would point and click at people when they stood still, and they would get knocked out in one shot. I could see what I was doing, too. Both of these guns were configured to have no spread, but this much archetyping is disconcerting.
  20. hotcakes

    Looks or functionality

    You can do both. I call this the blue U.N outfit. U.N Helmet Press Vest Rider's Jacket Blue Cargos or similar Blue Mtn. Backpack Just be careful of getting shot in the legs.
  21. hotcakes

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    It already has 0 spread with a compensator. If this was intetional it doesn't matter.
  22. hotcakes

    AKM questions/bugs/stats

    Don't think there's a RIS guard for it. There's arailed guard that decreases dispersion but I have never seen it spawn.
  23. hotcakes

    Official Character Names

    The characters' (voice actors?) names are Zozo, George, Jennik, and Vasa. http://paste2.org/JM0PeNdU
  24. hotcakes

    Bugging out

    I don't give a shit about camping until someone hacks underground environments into DayZ.
  25. hotcakes

    AKM questions/bugs/stats
