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About bobbyb85

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Birmingham, UK
  • Interests
    Gaming, Archery, Wrestling

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    Casual gamer. Play when I can :-)
  1. bobbyb85

    I help people get jobs in dayz

    Only if they're willing to let me work for them!
  2. bobbyb85

    I help people get jobs in dayz

    Brilliant! Sir I need to find people like you online!
  3. bobbyb85

    Where to find m4 mags?

    Found the M4 in Elektro. Had to hike to NWAF to find a mag
  4. That sounds pretty sweet. Count me in if you got room.
  5. bobbyb85

    Looking for survivor buddy

    Im English. My details are on my sig if you want to get hold of me.
  6. bobbyb85

    FPS in Cities

    Tend to be getting 15-20fps. Dont know enough about overclocking to risk my comp though.
  7. bobbyb85

    Bow and arrow´s

    Would love to find a compound hunting bow somewhere. I would be a happy guy
  8. bobbyb85

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    Made me jump today. Test fired a gun, make sure I had loaded the ammo in. A few seconds go by and I hear one back right by me! A bug issue, I imagine, but made me jump!
  9. bobbyb85

    mask/helmet etiquette

    Finally got kitted out today. Still the same friendly guy I was. Still lone wolf though as not met many that want to be the same.
  10. bobbyb85

    Fixed POV Problem?

    Thanks very much! Not seen the issue since, but will try this if it happens again.
  11. bobbyb85

    Fixed POV Problem?

    Hey, anyone else having a problem where the player seems to fix on a POV and you can't seem to shift it? To go in a specific direction, it seems you have to run sidewards :-/ Only remedy I have found is exiting and re-entering the server. Problem being the infamous server hopping timer. Tried aiming, lowing or raising my weapon and pressing Alt....all to no success....bug?
  12. Seen a couple of people. Some friendly, some pretend to be friendly to get you to let your guard down. I always approach friendly, but now a lot more cautious than before.
  13. bobbyb85

    Bounty Hunting System

    I don't know if it will go well. In theory, it will put at least a bit of a stop to KOS'ing, but isn't the idea of a game like this free will?
  14. bobbyb85

    Your first murder

    Im a way I am anticipating and dreading this moment. I have had fights, never come up on the good end though. Never really carried any heavy weaponry around. I like to think I'm a friendly guy....who knows.
  15. bobbyb85

    Your first murder

    My only kill so far is a few Z's with a crowbar....nerve wracking enough!