Hey DayZ Fourm users lately I have been having problems with DayZ and it is annoying. I launch DayZ and I join a server it goes fine i'm in the server for about 60 seconds and this message pops up Battleye:Failed to update I have a tried every solution I went to the website downloaded the dll files and replaced the ones in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye folder and Taht didnt work so i uninstalled my folder and then I re-installed it so that didn't work so I completely uninstalled my Arma2 and Arma2oa about 10 times and that didnt work so I bought the DayZ Standalone and I can't even play that when ever i play the SA it says The Handle is Invalid I don't know if this is the right format for this forum but I do not care I am really frustrated and I just need some help or some options I googled this problem like 40 times yesterday I worked ALL day on fixing it No results and today I am stil lworking on it I have worked Three and a half days Does anyone have ANY solutions? Pardon my Run-on sentences I am just stressed I HAVE WINDOWS 8.1