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Everything posted by Mistwalk666

  1. Hey All! No patch today, which is sad. However, we're still going to be playing. Starting at approximately 7pm PACIFIC tonight, and on through the evening/night, Essence of Aggression will be looking for action on our server. Come hang out, survive, hero, bandit, whatever your thing is. Come as an lone wolf, or come as a clan! It might be a slow night on some servers due to the letdown of no patch today, so invite your friends and lets see if we can get a solid, full server experience for players the majority of the night. Server info can be found below! Hope to see everyone tonight! DayZ Seattle, EoA Server. Daylight Only 115188 Regular
  2. Mistwalk666

    New Patch Memory Leak: Possible fix/workaround

    Can confirm. We set up the EoA Seattle server last night to have a two hour, 10 min restart event to give everyone a free chance to regear and delete their kits. Unknown number of public players participated, as well as five clan members. The five clan members all were experiencing the bug, and many had painted weapons. After stripping to our underwear (bye bye guns as well) we totally regeared/deleted the old stuff. It was pretty amazing, as soon as the old gear was gone we had five people who were naked...but getting normal framerates. By the end of the night (grats to all of you who were out there in other parts of chernarus cashing in), our original kits were restored item for item and no one was lagging. I'm no programmer, and have no idea about the intricacy of that sort of work, but I can confirm without a doubt that the old gear has *something* to do with this.