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10 NeutralAbout Survive_the_Apoc
Just played with 4 friends at the NW Airfield. Came across two people, not sure what language they were speaking in local but got into a firefight. We were all in the jail except for 1. They had to have lobbed 6-7 grenades in on us. That realistic to find/stock that many, or are they super rare? Started to make me think duping may still be an issue . . .
Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
Seems like the developers are creating a lot of technical debt for themselves. They keep adding in new features, that add in additional bugs. However instead of focusing on finishing those features, they continue to implement new things, thus creating more technical debt. Doing so is poor development practice and will come back to bite them. They need to focus on finishing vertical slices of the game, meaning they take a sliver, such as Zombies, and make them 100% working, then they take say . . . tents, and make them 100% working, instead of this 20% here, 40% there approach. But frankly, all of that pales in comparison to how big a problem hacking is going to be now that people can instakill a whole server and fly around. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
And yet the devs remain silent . . . -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Two lives, both times killed by hackers. First was someone about 1km outside of the NE airfield, killed our entire group of 5 with a hacked M4. He wounded one, and kept firing so we instantly knew it was a hacked mag. So we all spread out, logged, and when we logged in were all dead. Second time we logged into a medium pop, met up in Berizino. Fought at least two hackers using duped gear, infinite mags, tons of nades. Managed to kill one, other one shot me from the third story, through his wall, through my wall. These guys aren't even trying to mask the fact that they're cheating anymore. Devs, get some people in servers man. Could easily ban 5-10 an hour in populated servers. Hell, give me the powers and I'll do it for free on a Saturaday night. It's making this game unplayable, aside from if your playstyle is to stay away from any large towns and essentially practice your running. I get people enjoy that, but not me. Without the PVP this game would be a non-starter for me. At least until they give us stuff to build. Would love to at least see a dev acknowledge and respond to all the hacking threads. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Youtube censors/removes any videos with good (read: copyrighted) music, so what you have left available is . . . leftovers. -
How many ammo do you carry?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to HeroAtDay BanditAtNight's topic in New Player Discussion
As previously mentioned, Clan KoSa tends to carry ALL the ammo. All Dayz Ammo Belong to Them apparently. Check out them mags. Skip to 7:40 to see us match the inventory to the name. Previous two kills logged before we could check the name and match it to inventory. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Awhile back I posted about my group taking down a clan of hackers. Here is the video. I believe it shows at least 3-4 different players using hacked mags. We get the name of the last one, but I believe all were from clan KoSa, as there were 5 in total on the server, and we encountered five in the shootout (sniper killed one not on video). What the video doesn't show is that after killing all of them, one returned fully kitted and killed me. Video perspective is from my buddy, and I'm the sniper who is next to him in parts. Cheers all! -
Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less
Survive_the_Apoc replied to Karmaterror's topic in General Discussion
Live, hackers, shot, die, repeat -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Played for about two hours yesterday with my regular people. Played around the NE airfield. Came under fire and two of the team ran inside the tower, while I ran behind and up to a house to hide. Decided to circle back around. One guy was outside the radio tower waiting for my friends to exit. "NigKilla" was his name. Hate racists, so I realllly wanted to drop him. He had a buddy in the field somewhere with a fast shooting rifle laying down cover. Our 4th person was coming to us, but got killed by Killa's overwatch. In any case, I circled around quietly in the trees, and took out Killa while he was mouthing off. My friend comes out of the tower to loot him. Has an M4 mag with like 3,000+ rounds in it. Two of us then ran inside the hanger, and about 7 minutes later a fresh spawn shows up. He says "Don't kill me I'm friendly and have info for you." I ask him to type in chat, and see "NigKilla" pop up, so I shoot him in the face. Then his sniper buddy unleashes on the hanger. Probably lays down 50-60 rounds non-stop. He eventually comes out of hiding to approach, I shoot him, he runs around the back of the radio tower and starts to climb the ladder. Not sure he remembered our third was up there, and she cuts him down with a shotty at the top. Was satisfying killing these script kiddies, especially the ignorant racist ones. I have video, but again no sound since i don't have Elgato plugged into the sound. -
How many ammo do you carry?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to HeroAtDay BanditAtNight's topic in New Player Discussion
Some of you guys carry around more ammo than that ;). We came up against BunnyMan, Astong, Cocoy, and one other Friday night, killed them after a fun shootout near the NE airfield, and found hacked mags on their bodies. I'll post the video soon. Not sure if all you guys hack, but if not, check your ranks and get rid of the bad seeds. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Last three times my group and I played we came across hackers. Have video of us taking down 5 clan members and when looting them find a ton of endless mags. Their clan name is KO$A I believe. They all had M4s as well, and given how rare those are now I felt that unlikely to be legitimate. We died to a 6th person who we never found.Next lives come across someone in Berizino. After a gunfight we kill them and find a fully kitted M4 with endless mags. About 20 seconds after we killed them server went down.Just now, NE airfield, three of us in the radio tower after infiltrating and taking out someone some guy shows up and starts talking to us. Then another guy shows up, first guy kills him and we wait it out. Suddenly we hear M4 fire, guard downstairs is dead (doors still closed, no one inside but us). Guy says come out with hands up or he'll kill all of us. We know the guy is on the back side of the building from voice chat, and then we spot him via 3rd person right up against the back wall of the building. More M4 fire, second guy dies in the middle of the room (as in not glitching through a wall). Then he tells me, to come down, he knows I'm laying down on the top floor, and he'll kill me. At this point we know this guy is hacking as he's obviously just shooting through walls somehow. So I try to log, and get back in another server and I'm dead. So I think we're going to retire from the game for a bit until they get this sorted. We enjoy the PVP, as there isn't much else to do at the moment in the game. And if the PVP zones are going to be THAT populated with script kiddies and hackers, then it's worth taking a break and hoping the devs can sort this out. -
Bullet shock/damage values lowered?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to ZomboWTF's topic in General Discussion
The problem with "stopping power" is that it's not really a measurable characteristic of ballistics. It's this made up term the gun community uses to justify one round over the other. At the end of the day, shot placement matters more than anything else, so using something where you can reliably and repeatedly put the bullet is most important. That said, a .357 is generally considered to have great "stopping power" in the gun community, yet its size is much closer to that of a 9mm than a .45. Are you also asserting that a .45 has more "stopping power" than a 5.56? Hollow-points were banned because of their propensity to do massive damage and leave the victim ALIVE, or to die more slowly. Not because they kill more efficiently. Even if the ban was lifted we still wouldn't use them in active warfare, as they're less effective against armed targets because they flatten and expand so well upon impact. -
Bullet shock/damage values lowered?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to ZomboWTF's topic in General Discussion
Except statistically many of the smaller calibers (as in smaller than .45) have a higher rate of incapacitation on targets than a .45 does. You're also assuming that a .45 expands significantly different than a 9mm does, which it does not. Look at tests of same grain bullets into ballistic gelatin. .45 and 9mm have virtually the same expansion, in many cases the same penetration. The only difference is in velocity, which CAN help overcome obstacles between you and the target (armor, doors, etc). A lot of service people say that getting hit with a bullet while wearing armor is like getting hit really hard with a baseball bat (without armor). It's going to do a lot of damage, but it's neither round is going to reliable stop someone. So all things being equal there, would you rather hit someone with a bat 9 times, or 15? Keep in mind that a .357 (9.06mm) round is closer in size to a 9mm than a .45, so that doesn't really support the bigger is better. What you're referring to is the effect of Hydrostatic shock, and while the effects are generally greater in a larger caliber due to it's ability to transfer more of its energy, the effects on an individual in regards to incapacitating them are often unreliable, hence why many agencies prioritize selecting a round that leads to easier/better shot placement over the "stopping power" of the round. Besides that, bullet design in general can have as much to do with hydrostatic shock as the actual size of the bullet. This debate is age old and unlikely to be settled in a game forum of all places. Ultimately it comes down to whatever someone can shoot the best. Personally, for what I do, I'd prefer the extra shots that come with a 9mm, as again, statistically if you need to use it, you're likely to pull the trigger multiple times without realizing it. Exactly why an officer may say he shot someone 3 times and in reality he fired 13 times. The line about the 5.56 round designed to wound and not kill is also a complete myth. Google it and see for yourself. The military would never spec and adopt a round so widespread as the 5.56 is used if it was designed to wound and not kill. That would be completely ridiculous. -
Bullet shock/damage values lowered?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to ZomboWTF's topic in General Discussion
You're incorrect, and still buying in the myth about larger calibers have "more stopping power." Do some internet searches or even watch a mythbusters and you'll see this myth debunked. The benefit of the smaller caliber is you generally have more bullets to fire, and they generally have a higher FPS (feet per second) than the larger, meaning generally you get more penetration and actually more impact power due to a higher initial velocity. So speaking from a "real world perspective" at range, a 9mm would actually have more power, longer, than a heavier .45 that is fired at a slower velocity. Also have to consider penetration, in that a .45 has a larger surface area, so upon impact it's energy is being spread across a greater surface. Ultimately stopping power really comes from the ability to hit the target where it needs to be hit to stop it, regardless of the caliber. -
What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?
Survive_the_Apoc replied to RadikulRAM's topic in General Discussion
Would be great if the devs could create/include a Server rating system that would allow people to upvote/downvote servers based on admin behavior/server side hacking. Been in few servers awhile back where you could tell when you killed the admin, as within seconds of the kill the server would lag hard and go down.