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About aiaiaiaiDayZPlayer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. aiaiaiaiDayZPlayer

    Npc Bandits

    Hello i want to share my Sugestions for Day z Standalone The Only action part in Day z now is PvP but PvP is rare becaue on a huge map like cherarus with maximum 40 players is the chance too meet a player very low its not bad so pvp is more exciting and thats why i love day z for the great pvp fights but sometimes i never meet some one and than would it be great to have some other goals ( Day z mod: find car wrecks and repair them build bases with friends) fight against Npc Bandits and raid their "Npc Bases" which are spawning on different locations every server restart.. intelligent ai and very difficult to defeat them .. they should go on patrol by vehicles sometimes 2 in one Post more Player Communication... at hidden places are Radio Transmitter where a player can share a voice message at every Radio receiver ( A Message every 30 min to Prevent spam)
  2. To have an Vehicle was the most important goal in day z mod because fast traveling on a huge map is important . I think day z is an game you play with friends, an clan , or an group and it would be funny to conquer an driveable train with them And defend it against other player . And its realistic that bicycles are common so they should be easy to find . I am sorry for my bad english skills