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Everything posted by MartinsDieHard

  1. I know there are many topics about walking or falling through a wall on ground level or more devastating on the 2nd 3rd or 4th floor of a structure or building... My suggestion to this problem is: you can have your glitches.. take your time with them, but dont get me killed almost every 4 hours if i dont have 1-2 morphine with me thats damn cruel game. to get to the point It would be really nice if glitches through open rooftops (only on vertical impact*1 and within its structures property) and in closed buildings or with some sort of handrail protection ( vertical or in motion*2 ) WOULD NOT DO ANY LIFE/BLOOD-LOSS OR INJURY ;***( *1 while standing still, crouch or walking slow or ducked on the quardant of the rooftop property -glitching down one lower floor or more floors in the structuce - glitching down into the "between" space within.. (like from the schools 1st foor "doubledoor" room to between groundfloors foodroom and middle door corridor) *2 while standing still, crouch or walking and run in any mode in any closed, walled or handrail supported building or structure -glitching down one lower floor or more floors in the structure -glitching down into "between" space -->glitching down walking or running out of the structure so basically as prevention we need godmode within these parameters for height difference glitches and and a outsourcing of 2+ floors structuces or parts of structure ( like rooftops ) to accomplish this. that should mean you get no broken leg or become unconscious or die as cauce falling without intent. If prevention doenst work as i suggested however some kind of after death inspection or even after hard injury or unconscious inspection by the server should happen like: investigating wait... (30sec-1min max) killed by falling into the building <<<<<<--- SYSTEM ERROR ---gear saved logg in safe where you landed killed with bullet by mrEsc or just Player killed by running off open (not handrailed or balustraded) roof top 18m <<--- SUICIDE new game awaits killed with Machete by mcEnter killed by walking off not handguarded scaffold 15m <<--SUICIDE new game killed by sickness/hunger/thirst killed by running off 3rd floor closed building 13m <<<<<<--- SYSTEM ERROR --- gear saved logg in where you landed killed by running off handrailed scaffold 14m <<<<<<<--- Error etc logg in with your gear killed by Zombie unconscious due falling into building <<<<<<--- Error broken leg fixed itself due server error Until the game tells me how i died and if a system error occured so i can keep my char and loot i will definetly wait this 30sec up to 1 min until my death is investigated and declared as cauced by human failure, pvp or glitch. thanks for your interest Good loot and have fun
  2. MartinsDieHard

    SAFE wall glitch + after death inspection

    @KerrSG1: thats why i say to differentiate the buildings and if the building is closed the "fall damage" death is reversed... basically OFF the GAME PHYSICS "fall dmg" in those "safe" buildings entirely and then only attach it to open roof top endings or open scaffold and a impact area underneath to verify.. where you can fall BY YOURSELF without beeing pushed by invisible mr.glitch.. :emptycan: ..
  3. MartinsDieHard

    SAFE wall glitch + after death inspection

    i didnt write this as a criticism, its a SUGGESTION i like the idea and the game itself alot so when i write this in forum SUGGESTIONS dont crucify me here... i see its a damn hard work with these glitches... so maybe to start with is little inventory safe-ups AFTER YOU DIE and BEFORE YOU SPAWN with a new charakter... so if you die due glitch it gets specified as such and not the same death as after eating a bullet or beeing eaten by zombies... glitch deaths should be registered by the game as such and then send u with all your stuff right back where THE GAME killed you.
  4. MartinsDieHard

    SAFE wall glitch + after death inspection

    i dont understand that much about programming but if my first idea fails it would be nice if the system proofs the cauce of death and differentiate so we all can say: puuh god dank i survived this bad electrofart
  5. MartinsDieHard

    Military Gear lootspawns need immense reductions

    Yess you want 3 hours of looting for some axe or maybe chainsaw soon..if there isnt any gun or better then die glitching through a wall like always...? If firearms get more reduced they might also invent a sleep mode where i can die with a black screen right on... funny then <_< ps: i just "hopped" big north-west airfield which took me 3-4 hours with 8-10 x 180-280sec pauses to find a damaged long range scope, so to equip a gun or rifle properly it takes about DAMN ENOUGH TIME ALREADY (except m4 SPAM*guards, they are everywhere those damn things !!!!) HF, PEACE and DIE GLITCHING :P