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Everything posted by asgar

  1. The new Zombie movement is a fucking joke! They are to stupid to fix the wall glitching, since the last patch everry fucking zombie in Chernarus spawns around you if you shoot a single fucking round and for everyone you kill there spawn two new ones. and the newes patch makes them fucking usain bolt zombies that are twice as fast as every survivor...are you fucking kidding me? FIX YOUR FUCKING BUGS THEN ADD NEW STUFF!!!! you can't even use a fucking bandage because there are suddenly spawning zombies while you can't move...this is a fucked up game...i rather start playing the mod again...or 2017 for ARMA III everthing is better than this fucked up game.
  2. asgar

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    i would hope you die, instead of him^^
  3. asgar

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    yap it's a 7 round .45 clip. easy to recognise by the holes on it's site
  4. asgar

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    great patch! i started playing at 4pm...and noticed, character gone..ok let's go loot some cities. I played till 11pm fully equipped...pretty annoyed by the constant desyncs happening whenever someone's loosing connection and then ...boom session lost, i relog, char gone and a whole day of work for nothing. keep up the good work and the "we wont push patches which contain game breaking bugs" bye DayZ i'll be back once base building is implemented and working
  5. asgar

    Show names or no?

    of course they don't, but shouldn't their playstyle influence how people react to them...and to know their names would help that
  6. only 10% vote shoot on sight...where are all the KoS kiddies I meet almost every day ingame?
  7. no he asked to use some of the fine working mechanics in DayZ. That's all he asked for.
  8. asgar

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    isn't it funny how all the KoS kids are crying "nonono" we can't have that shit..."i can't play nice and shoot people in the back if they know i'm an asshole" i like the idea to make bandits easier to make out in some way
  9. asgar

    The Future Of Chernarus

    but you don't have to support the KoS play style which is clearly not the sense of the game...if you want KoS play a shooter not a survival game
  10. asgar

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    ok, i shot the Mosin, the Modell 98, the Swiss Carbine, and a lot of the Carbines that were produced after the design of the Modell 98. And the Modell 98 would be my first choice over any other rifle out there. it's design is 125 year old design, but it's the best design on this planet. which is why the americans stole the design and the rest of the world produced it in license. and if you can't get a better result than a 4 inch group on 90m with any of these rifles...you're doing it wrong
  11. asgar

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    let me guess...you are american...and your american media told you the mosin is inaccurate...and it has to be true since it's a russian rifle...right?
  12. asgar

    Combat Log?! (not what your thinking)

    let me guess, you are a little KoS kiddy otherwise you wouldn't care for something like that, if you want a combat log go play CoD or Battlefield or any other shooter ...SHOOTER and not a fucking survivial game, thats full of stupid people who don't understand what survival game means
  13. asgar

    The Lag is Real

    same for me, massive performance drop had 40-50 fps now its 13-20 with massive freezes. i7 3770k GTX 680 OC 16 GB 1666 RAM running from SSD but, since it's an alpha report on the bug tracker and wait for it to be fixed. after that, continiue playing ;)