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Black Dynamite

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Everything posted by Black Dynamite

  1. Black Dynamite

    Luck is as important as skill

    Those items were probably accidentally duped by someone server hopping (which is why you found them at NEAF). So keep that in mind.
  2. Black Dynamite

    Don't let Microsoft take Dayz nooooooooooo!

    Console exclusives do not apply to the PC gaming master race. Also
  3. Black Dynamite

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    Server admins can't run scripts either... 0 customization allowed except server name, hive, and 5 MOTDs
  4. Black Dynamite

    Remove guns from the game.

    lol, remove zombies. That's a "Gerry Newman" move right there. I don't want this game to turn into Rust...
  5. Black Dynamite

    Constantly sick

    This was like, a first day screw up for me. Live and learn, or don't and die. It's a survival game after all, and he broke like rule number 2.
  6. Black Dynamite

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    That's really up to the admins isn't it? Besides, that's not the only problem. Inventory gets laggy as all shit on Deadpool's (the server that doesn't restart very often) because, as Rocket said in the latest devblog, inventory updates are unconfirmed packet spam (you can actually leverage this against other players if you have the better internet connection). So, at the very least, inventory must switch to a confirmed system in addition to the respawns working for the servers not to require frequent restarts.
  7. Black Dynamite

    Constantly sick

    You gave yourself food poisoning. Eat a charcoal tab (or die).
  8. Black Dynamite

    WHy do we need Server restarts?

    Umm, gear/zombies don't respawn... I don't know why you think they do...
  9. Black Dynamite

    How to deal with bandits

    I deal with bandits the same way I deal with white knights. One bullet at a time. Why would I want to help people? I'm not jesus, and white knights aren't really helping people by giving them cans of beans. They're just coddling them, making them soft, and turning them in to purpetual victims of people like me. That's my position, being a carebear is actually making the "new friends" weaker. The ultra militant white knights who attempt to sweep cherno/electro are just as violent as bandits, and should be regarded as bandits with a pretenous waft of fart sniffing. I see no difference between the two. Also, I already have a strike team, so I'm not in it to make "friends" (who are usually always backstabbers I should add).
  10. Black Dynamite


    I would eat a dog maybe. That's survivalism for you.
  11. Black Dynamite

    Question regarding reporting a server

    Lol that's a colocation. Umm, that's not very helpful is it? Sorry I didn't expect that... I'm not really sure how to go about it then.
  12. Black Dynamite

    Question regarding reporting a server

    Can't remember where I saw it. Just use this. http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp
  13. Black Dynamite

    Question regarding reporting a server

    You need the IP address. Use that information to find out which GSP it is.
  14. Black Dynamite

    Question regarding reporting a server

    Use the IP address. IP address ownership is mostly public record. It is public for all GSPs. There's also a list of addresses and what GSP they correspond to on the thread pertinent to this exact issue.
  15. Black Dynamite


    There's a lot more modding than usual, cause there's a lot more shitposting than usual, cause Rocket.
  16. Black Dynamite


    The fuck are you on about?
  17. Black Dynamite

    When i said it...

    That isn't "from Steam" that's from RPS. RPS is awful. They also roll bandit, by the way.
  18. Black Dynamite

    Goodbye Dayz

  19. I can explain the first one. There was a server hopper. He had an M4 in his hands slot and another weapon on his back. He logged in that exact spot you found the M4. A zombie came out and started attacking him during his logoff. The gun dropped to the ground, as they tend to do when you log off in that scenario. The zombie will keep attacking the spot the person logged off in forever, basically it gets stuck in the attack when the client side AI processing is cutoff (by the hopper logging with a zombie aggro). Your client would eventually take over processing, once you aggro the zombie, and it snaps out of it. Bullet landing was most likely lag. The other stuff, I have no idea.
  20. Black Dynamite

    What's going on with canteens on stable now?

    Canteens have the same amount of water. Now it has five sips instead of four, you consume a little less per sip. You consume the same amount of water sipping on a plastic bottle, which holds three sips.
  21. Black Dynamite

    Well This Is Interesting, Another DayZ Spinoff?

    You would think it should be "is" being a product, and thus ephemeral in the literary sense, but after valve pulled it from Steam I thought "was" is more appropriate. This was the first product Valve ever pulled for being terrible, but sadly, not the last. Thanks greenlight! You sure proved the unwashed masses can judge a game based on a demo reel!
  22. Black Dynamite

    Duplicated items...

    Using duped items is not bannable by BE standards. It still makes you an asshole though...
  23. Black Dynamite

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Rule 34. The pony people are banned from much of the internet though. This is the first forum I've posted on where pony isn't a bannable offense. Which is just odd to me.
  24. Black Dynamite

    Problem with .cfg fies

    Some config settings don't save. SSAO for example, won't be fixed until next patch. Does the account you are running Steam/Dayz from have full admin permissions? Running as admin points all the userdirs to the admin's userdir which can result in a total clusterfuck.