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Black Dynamite

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Everything posted by Black Dynamite

  1. Black Dynamite

    [FIXED] Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection

    Steak and Potatoes's solution worked for me. Deleting the reg keys seems to be the critical part. I would highly recommend trying this for those still having the bug:
  2. Black Dynamite

    [FIXED] Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection

    Well that worked. Oh no it actually made the problem much worse. Now it says "Bad Serial Number Given At Setup". Fuck Steam I hate Steam... EDIT: After a few relaunch attempts it went back to the previous problem (version out of date). It's a Steam thing for sure, my friends with the real version of ARMA2 and OA aren't having this problem.
  3. I'm glad they vanish almost instantly. Their corpses get in the way for the few seconds they're around.
  4. Black Dynamite

    BattlEye Solution for "Failed to update" kicks

    You're right it's not really BE's fault that steam is locking the file, it's just inexplicably odd. I also should clarify I had closed out the Dayz application when I discovered the file still locked as well, but Dayz application had been running previously without Steam being closed and reopened. EDIT: I also didn't mean to come off as I was harshing on BE, I was just a bit annoyed having worked on the issue for a couple of hours before I figured it out, even though Steam turned out to be causing the problem, not BE itself. Every time I see a BE global kick/ban it fills my heart with joy.
  5. Black Dynamite

    Server list glitchy

    Yeah you're right, I was thinking of port fwding not DMZ. My mistake.
  6. Black Dynamite

    BattlEye Solution for "Failed to update" kicks

    I fixed this by deleting beclient.dll and renaming beclient.dll.new to beclient.dll Edit: It was definitely BE fucking up and not file permissions as OP suggests, marked the whole thing as "Everyone" and passed to child objects (beclient.dll and beclient.dll.new) and BE still wouldn't pull its head out of its ass. Beclient.dll file was also locked in use by Steam until I killed Steam.exe*32 so that be why.
  7. Black Dynamite

    Server list glitchy

    You can sign in to the firmware and just start disabling things until you get it, but I would recommend setting up a DMZ. When I was on the server list I was seeing requests on TCP 51137 51138 and 51144 so that should give you a general idea of the range to DMZ.
  8. Black Dynamite

    I bought SSD disk as Dean rocket recommended, but

    A lot of people say that, I've never had the problem. My specs aren't much better than anyone else's, I have an SSD as well. I think certain graphics card/driver iteration combinations have the problem.
  9. Black Dynamite

    Server list glitchy

    Default config screws up a lot of things, like SIP communications. Not sure if that's his issue or not, hence why I asked.
  10. Black Dynamite

    Hacking or glitch in NEAF?

    I think your guy was in the wall. It's pretty well known that the walls aren't as solid as they seem. I've gotten trapped in the wall in those buildings while just minding my own, running around the building and then randomly get warped into the wall.
  11. Black Dynamite

    Server list glitchy

    What brand/model of router?
  12. Black Dynamite

    Crosshair/Dot gone soon.

    I'm very excited about this change.
  13. Black Dynamite

    Bullet Dmg

    If they aren't bleeding and fully hydrated and energized, they are going to get back up. Quicker than you think. Gear that gets ruined absorbs some of the damage, and the person usually doesn't bleed. EDIT: Most of the time people go down due to shock rather than blood loss, which depletes very quickly.
  14. Black Dynamite

    Nighttime: Well that was odd

    I remember this argument from Everquest, boy does that take me back. The answer remains the same: Turning up Gamma Correction is not cheating, nor is it exploiting. It's an artifact of games being a simulation of a three or four dimensional reality being simulated on a two dimensional screen. If someone dislikes it - don't use it, you don't need it anyway. I never play on night servers. It doesn't seem properly implemented yet, and those servers are uncommon, high latency and mostly depopulated.
  15. I've seen this happen to a player in my group. Easy fix: delete the beclient.dll from your appdata local dayz folder. The reason why this works is it forces you to re-download beclient.dll and the service is reset after you've signed in to the server, and doesn't fail random pbo checksums when its reloaded. That's what's actually happening, he was getting kicked for completely random checksum fails, the beclient just seems to be parsing them incorrectly when the game session starts.
  16. Black Dynamite

    Temp Fix for Stable Branch "Heart Attack"

    Guy falls for admin trolling... ... Demands devs fix
  17. Black Dynamite

    Mic will not work on Direct Chat

    It should be set as your default communications device... not playback device. I don't think that's it but worth checking. You should also make sure you have voice chat enabled in steam.
  18. Black Dynamite

    Anyone want a supressor?

  19. Black Dynamite

    Global Ban for ArmA 2 going to DayZ and ArmA 3?

    RAT is probably the second most common excuse for using scripts. The most common one is "I was just trying to pirate COD" I have no idea why people use these excuses for BE bans, because they're completely nonsensical. Why can't you just admit you're a cheating bastard?
  20. Black Dynamite

    2 Steam Accounts

    You're half right. That's your windows account name coming up, not your real name. The stuff about IP and MAC the other guy said is provably wrong. The GUID is, I suspect, stored in the windows account application data. Switching accounts should allow you to maintain both.
  21. Black Dynamite

    Dear Dean....

    Your joking right? Rates are variable and a trade secret on the part of valve - they NDA the shit out of it, but they take way more than 10%. Even from the big boys. Why do you think EA pissed away so much money on Origin?
  22. Black Dynamite

    Dear Dean....

    The game hasn't crashed any more or less than normal in my experience. I reboot the game every few hours because of the memleaks. I'm running NVIDIA hardware right now, so I know that isn't it.
  23. Black Dynamite

    Stop complaining about KoS

    Unfortunately, if someone isn't part of my crew, they are fair game. I don't care what your personal motivations are or how many bambis you've shot in the head. You aren't with us, so you're against us. Other players have nothing to offer me anyway, except lead, but I have plenty to offer them as well. Simple as zat.
  24. Black Dynamite

    No servers popping up for me

    You have to update the game client I suspect, especially if you are experimental branch. EDIT: If this is not the case, verify game file integrety in Steam, and if that doesn't fix it uninstall/reinstall from steam.