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About mittinskittens

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mittinskittens

    Fuck it, kill everyone

    I don't see why people have problems with people that just shoot on sight... Sometimes you just need to unwind by just shooting somebody in the face, repeatily, until they die and loot their stuff. True it can be annoying if you're on the receiving side, but let's all be honest, once or twice, we've done it, and we've felt pretty good about it... Then other times, you can have your fun moments of bumping into a stranger and helping each other along. Sometimes even more so :D
  2. Hello people. I got a couple questions relating to the zombies and the night. After the latest couple of patches, and understandably, screwed up how I deal with sneaking around zombies. I'm finding that they seem to have laser vision and hearing and I'm struggling to work out what I need to do now. Does anyone have any tips besides "Go prone and slowly crawl everywhere" As for the night. Do Zombies get lower vision in the night? I've been trying to work out if they do. I've personally come to SOME conclusion that yes, zombies visions go down in the night but it's a bit hard to test, especially when I'm going around with a load of stuff that I would like to keep. This also brings me to the question of, Do zombies get attracted to flashlights, mainly, the one I got on the end of my Remington shotgun? I obviously understand the dangers of using it around people but I don't know if I need to be fearful of zombies too? Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you again if you can help me any way :) Edit:- One more question sorry. Is there a way to bring up some FPS counter in game? I've haven't found a way to do it yet in the 1 month~ of playing DayZ :<
  3. No. The mystery should be part of the mod. This takes away from that and I feel could hamper the experience if you knew who was a bandit by mousing over them. Also, I'm going to need to add this, sorry Rocket that I'm breaking your 20 word count, but there is also the problem of. What if you're hard of hearing/deaf and you play this. There is a reason why stuff like this also has a visual indicator, is so people with hearing problems don't miss the cues :). Sorry for the paragraph but I felt the need to get my two points across. Either way, I think you'll make the right decision :)
  4. mittinskittens

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    Wow. They didn't say that anywhere on here by the looks. That's really annoying :< I already miss my Female skin and I've not even played with the male skin yet... Oh well, Hopefully it comes back soon :3
  5. mittinskittens

    Was Female, respawned Male

    I logged in today after dying yesterday and being done for the day. Server: Not sure what server Time: 10:30am (British Summer Time (BST)) Player name: Mittins Player ID: 12859014 So annoying. I really hate the male skins, they look so ugly compared to the female skins :< Is there anything we can do to try and get our female skins back? Or do we need to wait for the database guys to go into the database and change the related variables? Edit:- Found this in this thread