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Everything posted by FrankWhite

  1. With the new update, my frame drop to 1 fps, and I cant move, game crash. I have been pretty upset that, there is no fixes for this game, and they keep adding meaningless stuff like spray paint, and now....sewing machines... I dont understand, I thought this was a zombie game, but why is sewing machines taking priority over bug fixes? What are sewing machines suppose to do? Does anyone want to start a sewing machine business in cherno? and have others defend us? We can sew cloths for food
  2. I honeslly think after their 1 million in sales, they could close up shop and call it a success. alot of people are playing it on steam..they dont have to fix the game, because people will still play it, even in its unplayable state I guess this answers my question of why they are adding sewing machines and not fixing the game
  3. many reports of people cant play http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/558747287647629244/
  4. FrankWhite

    The Lag is Real

    I lag, this is a bad alpha.... there is alpha. then there is bad alpha. this is bad alpha