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Everything posted by Marston

  1. Marston

    Cannoli's, hear me out on this

    Every supermarket in the game should be a whole foods.
  2. Marston

    dean this, rocket that

    Dean is in us all...
  3. Marston

    Base Building Comfirmed!

    We need their to be a video tour of their office, I'm sure some unpixelated boards of info would be in one of those...
  4. Marston

    Sugestion: Teammate Recognitions

    That is a really good idea, you easily could do that with the spraycans and rags in the game already.
  5. Marston

    Picking Spawn Locations.

    1. Die 2. Go into low pop server 3. Spawn near an airfield. 4.
  6. Call me crazy, but I think it would be pretty hard to shoot at someone while apparently doing some sort of football huddle. :emptycan: :beans: :emptycan: BTW, where is Purgatory on the map lol.
  7. Marston

    In-Game Golfing

    take all my beans
  8. Hopefully when the big hordes of zombies are implemented into cities it will stop the bambi fighting rings in the big cities. Can't wait to run over pants less bambis with a car when vehicles are implemented :)
  9. Marston

    Rain water collection

    I don't know, it's a cool idea but when Dean and Co. have to work on stuff like weapons, updating the server hardware etc I don't think they will get around to this. Not to mention their are already dozens of water pumps in the world to suit your every aquatic need.
  10. I must say! SyL3X's opinion must be important! It's it BIG BOLD letters for crying out loud11!! :o inb4 lock
  11. If you stay in the same server for 30 mins their is no penalty. Please pick a name that does not have "troll" in it if you want to ask serious questions.
  12. Marston

    not a single night server..

    Ya it's fun running around with your clouds off while everyone else has flashlights out so you can see them from a mile away and stalk them :)
  13. Marston

    What is your opinion on this outfit?

    I think the black rocket aviator sunglasses would be better for it.
  14. I don't know, I think I can live with the 2-3 seconds it takes me to type "dayz memes" into google ;)
  15. They made you a lot slower at least in one of the last patches.
  16. Marston

    What Happens when you Help Newspawns

    Ya I learned whenever you go into new spawn territory, wear a motorcycle helmet so you can't be knocked unconscious with their fists. And I do have to agree with this guy shooting you, I was giving some stuff to a guy with an magnum when 2 new spawns with axes ambushed me. Just to be safe, I shot the guy with the magnum first so he didn't betray me and help the 2 people attacking me.
  17. They should implement those hopping zombies from the mod and make them faster then you, but make them unable to climb over fences and obstacles so they have to go around those, giving you some time to run and gain some distance. And military zombies can be slower but tougher etc.
  18. Yea Goner I found literally 2 pieces of every fruit in the game in that kind of house once.
  19. Marston

    Punches don't knockout people easily anymore

    Did you test this out in someway?
  20. Marston

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    Totally agree with the OP.
  21. Marston

    Leather jacket?

    I love you