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TheDee (DayZ)

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About TheDee (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bristol, England
  1. Turn PvP off..... You do realise that PvP is one of the core aspects of the game right? There are servers right now that have PvP off and next to no one plays them.
  2. TheDee (DayZ)

    Explain Your Avatar!

    It is Fluttershy, because I like Fluttershy and she is in armour.
  3. There release it in alpha for testing. It'll be some time yet till the game is officially out of beta and has all the features Rocket wants.
  4. TheDee (DayZ)

    No one is playing this anymore??

    I always see about 9000+ or more people playing. No idea what your looking at.
  5. TheDee (DayZ)

    Logging Out Location

    Who's to say it was someone logging in? You could have easily missed someone being sneakier then you and more willing to just dart in and out while you're sat in a tree pissing yourself with worry about losing your gear for an hour.
  6. TheDee (DayZ)

    Joined server and lost every thing.

    Did you miss read the part where I was ported to the wastes after logging back in? But it was the same server where I had stuff hidden just to let you know.
  7. So I logged in to check my tent and car I stashed near by to check that it was all there, all was ok I had every thing still. I had to log out to drive my sister to work, but when I logged back in I had nothing and was in the wastes. log out and re log back in and I'm on spawn coast with nothing. I tried logging back into a different server, but I'm still at the coast with nothing. What happened? and what can I do about it?
  8. TheDee (DayZ)

    Tents spawning loot?

    If you want to be a real arsehole, shoot it.
  9. TheDee (DayZ)

    Crossbow arrows?

    yes, you have to use the mouse wheel while looking at the arrow. Try to get head shots as it's apparently easier to get your arrows back.
  10. TheDee (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Now that's out'o the way let me bust your post. "But - even if I were still unemployed, this game sucks balls. Sure, it's alpha; cheaper to have us test it than hire REAL programmer/gamer types to test it. Ah! Rocket went to the BIll Gates school of software development! Write it and let the end-user test it!" There are plently of beta and alpha builds that allow the users to test the product and give there own feed back on it. Yes it's cheaper and it helps programmes who have no where near the ammount of money to hire professional groups to do the testing. "Much like Rocket is conning us out of money and time." From what I understand, this it is a free mod and is has always been free. If you paid for it you must be an idiot for getting scammed. "Being in alpha isn't about debugging it or they wouldn't be banning people for hacking; stopping the hack attacks is what they OUGHT to be doing, and they can only do that NOW (cause they are out of development) by having real script kiddies and hackers beat on the product." Although I somewhat agree that you shouldn't ban people for trying to break an alpha build, there is a massive difference between people going over code/making code to find a back door to find a way around the restrictions and people deliberately hacking a game to ruin other peoples fun. "Rocket needs to man up, buy a pair, and fix the system (since it will stay a mod as well as go separate)." From what I understand Rocket has been in contact with BI trying to help them with detecting hacking programs and/or scripts. He has nothing to do with BI and thus can't do nothing to stop the hackers apart from create a BI like clone that will be inferior to BI. "I've written software for 30 years, and in my life I've never seen such a POS, nor have I ever seen an Alpha released to the public." Have you heard of Minecraft? It's quite popular and the pricing model of DayZ will be the same is it was. "And then they BAN people accidentally (cause BI are MORONS) and don't unban them??? They must be Republicans." Bring it to BI and let them know, the fact that people get banned because of BI has nothing to do with Rocket, so posting about it here is like praying to god to sort out your life. It's pointless. "No morals, no honor, no courage and no shame. Fuck this; I'd rather be forced to dig out my Pong game and play it non-stop for 48 hours than play this again. And even if I was forced to play, I wouldn't ever play with someone who cheats others out of the cost (time and money) of ARMA/DayZ) like Rocket/BI do with the 'accidental' bans. (I already said that banning in Alpha is stupid, but I wanted to clarify this one point.) BI/Rocket are, to me, thieves and liars and have no honor. Worf would tear them a new one." As I've already said, Rocket has never charged money for DayZ, they might be liars and promised updates or changes to the game that they never made, but they have a valid reason for doing so: Making the change from a few people making a mod to a whole team making a dedicated game out of a popular mod. I myself have voiced my own opinions on the DayZ team, but with the news that Bohemia are working with rocket to make this a standalone game I can see why there has been a lack of content. leave if you wish, but I'll be here enjoying the game once we get it and I'll be more than happy to pay for it.
  11. You do understand what alpha testing of a game is right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Alpha
  12. That's nice, but thanks for the bump.
  13. I've been playing DayZ since mid/late May, but only been apart of the forums since mid June. In that time there have been zero updates to the gameplay for DayZ. The frequent "updates" we have received have done nothing but make zombies more powerful or underpowered and that is it. Rocket and the team either have no idea where to take the "game" or are completely Incompetent in being able to finish the "game". I'm not trying to sound like I'm some 1337 game designer because I'm not, but I am a gamer and I have been for years. I have been apart of betas and the vibe this "game" gives off is that it's not even in an alpha stage, a stage where content is added to see how it works within the game. Currently The feeling I get from this "game" is that it has no idea what it wants to be or do. We get updates that change the gameplay minutely, but it honestly gives us nothing. Where is the group play elements we were told were in development and "right around the corner"? They are nowhere to be seen. Rocket thinks he is at a point where this "game" will be a stand alone by next month? What exactly has changed in the past 4-5 months to warrant it becoming a standalone? Nothing in my opinion.
  14. TheDee (DayZ)

    Brand New to DayZ Looking for some people!

    Double post. Mods please delete, because I suck.
  15. TheDee (DayZ)

    Brand New to DayZ Looking for some people!

    Rule 1 of DayZ: You will lose your beans often, get used to it.