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About stewe231

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. stewe231

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Why not just make it so if Zombies are aggro'd on you, and you disconnect, it keeps your character there after you leave for 30s?
  2. 3rd person is pretty annoying, but the biggest problem with most servers is the scroll menu spotting and seeing player names from 700m away. Half of my group got killed because some dick saw us from 700m away when we were looking through a building. And with looking around with the scroll menu spotting, you see the perfect range, and you can sometimes see through hills and buildings. I definitely needs to be completely removed from all servers.
  3. stewe231

    DayZ screenshot competition

    Wish my Graphics were set to higher for this one.
  4. stewe231

    Expanded Camps

  5. stewe231

    Turning After Being Bitten

    I think that after a player dies, around 15 minutes after, they should get up and join the undead. It would be neat to hunt player zombies for their gear. It could totally be a Walking Dead type thing. Where death causes you to turn into one.
  6. stewe231

    Expanded Camps

    Something I really would like to do, is to be able to find sandbags, barbed wire, and other fortification props to build camps out of, and that these objects save with the character after you interact with them. Also make Tents save with the character, not the server.
  7. stewe231

    Rain or other meteorologic effects

    Heavy Storms would be pretty cool, and yeah, All weather should have a reduced stats for zombies.