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Everything posted by dokibaxxi

  1. Today I was killed by a guy twice who was flying and teleporting and was shooting through objects... These totally ruin the game :(
  2. dokibaxxi

    Pls do sg. against cheaters!

    I know there are more cheaters in other games, but I can see more and more cheaters in DayZ SA recently, and that's what worries me. AntonioAJC Thanks for your smart response...
  3. This logout system is obviously a bad decision. When I want to join az empty server, or join a server where there are very few players, in about 50% I have to wait those 5 minutes, because server kicks me, or authentication timeout occours. So please, change this system to a register that counts to 0 when you want to logout.....
  4. What about a counter/register that counts from let's say 30 to 0 when you want to log out?
  5. I usually want to loot, so I just join an empty or low-population server, and I don't usually add them to favourites, but maybe I'll add some (that's why I don't add them, because when I want to loot again [eg. I died/char reset, etc.] the chance is high that those servers won't be empty). Of course, when I don't want to loot, I join high-population servers, so it will surely not kick me.
  6. The servers that kick me or I get authentication timeout are BAD servers, because all my friends are kicked(and get timeouts) too. I like this system because it stops/slows down comat logging and server hopping. The annoying thing is, when there's a server restart right after you join/you get kicked/you get auth. timeout, and stuff like this, you have to wait that 5 minutes. So the ones who couldn't understand me, because they don't have the brain for it, I want to stop combat logging and server hopping, but also want to avoid the things I've listed
  7. I am not a server hopper, it just really annoys me. I understand that there has to be done sg. against them, and combat loggers, but this is not okay like this