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Everything posted by Jhunt7507

  1. And there were those perks from fallout. You could collect bandits fingers and some other body part
  2. Jhunt7507

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    DayZ should completely reorganize the wilderness and expand it. Add more survival aspects too. So we can have skilled woodsman that know their way around the forest and can live off the land and have bandits/scavengers in the urban areas.
  3. Jhunt7507

    Skinning other players (hot topic obviously)

    But the brain disease is only found in a few places and you actually have to eat the brain. Also I don't think your character should experience emotions. The emotions should be coming from you. It's my choice if my character is a hardened psychopathic cannibalistic killer or a sympathetic nice guy. But back to the skinning, i don't really see much point to it. Idk what you would do with human hide besides collect it. Theres not much of it to make clothing and even them you would have to turn it into leather and it would be a long process that wouldn't save you from the elements. This is DayZ not silence of the lambs.
  4. Jhunt7507

    Hanging People and Zombies

    Could give DayZ a darker tone. Just find a rope, make a noose, and put it around your victims neck. This could act as a leash if they are handcuffed and hopefully with a burlap sack over their head. Then you can hang them from a tree, bridge, or barn. This could be used as a "no trespassing" sign on a bandit gang's base or maybe just target practice. You should also be able to hang a sign around their neck and write what you want. You should be able to hang any corpse or zombie.
  5. Jhunt7507

    Hanging People and Zombies

    >Wandering through cherno >meet 9/10 woman >??? >9 months later have baby dropped off at your base >the joys of being a single dad
  6. You should be able to collect ears, eyes, tongues, and fingers from your victims while they are still alive. Missing your ears will damage you hearing in game. If you lose your eyes you shouldn't be able to see. If you lose just one then you can just see through one side of your screen Missing your tongue should disable in game speech. And depending which fingers you lose, you should have a really hard time doing basic things like shooting, opening cans, and giving people the bird.
  7. Jhunt7507

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Thats good news
  8. Jhunt7507

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    I agree with this completely. The number 1 priority for DayZ dev team should be fixing the engine. Then it should be adding atmosphere and immersion
  9. Jhunt7507

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    I want a northern expansion with a different feel to it. Small towns surrounded by extremely dense pine forests with wolves lurking in there. It should be a higher elevation so it could snow. Rifles should be easier to find in the houses and there should he at least one military base with unique gear such as snow camo.
  10. Jhunt7507

    Firearm Concepts

    Here's my suggestion I was thinking of a few days ago. Guns should be found in places where they make sense, not leaned up against a door way. Hunting weapons should be more common the further you move away from the cities. They should be found under beds and in closets with a few rounds next to them. Handguns should be found in the cities more than anywhere else. Usually found in a police station or in nightstands of some apartments. Military grade weapons such as kalashnikov rifles, svds, and even armor piercing and tracer rounds should be found in military bases and crash sites.
  11. Jhunt7507

    Suggestion for broken legs

    It would be cool if there was more depth for broken legs and limbs. Here are some suggestions i thought up quickly. Feel free to post yours. 1. If my friend breaks his leg I should be able to have him lean on my shoulder and hop. 2. Some broken legs should be manageable with a splint while some could really mess up your player. IE: Jumping out a window with a 10 foot drop vs. taking a 7.62 54r shot to the shin. The mild broken legs should be manageable with a splint while the devastating breaks should immobilize the player unless they find a wheelchair in the hospital :p. 3. The ability to lay your friend in a car/helicopter if he's unconscious or has a broken leg. 4. Make it possible to break two legs. This should have them crawling at an incredibly slow pace. So if my newspawn tied up in the forest tries to run away before I pour bleach down his throat then eat him I cant break both of his legs so he can never get away. Of course I can't move him to another location without a transport. 5. A cracking/snapping sound when you break your leg would be a nice feature. When I broke my leg my friends heard it 20-30 feet away. 6. When you try to walk before your leg is in a splint or completely healed there should be a chance to make the injury worse. That's all I have for now.
  12. Jhunt7507

    Sturmgewehr 44

    You have any idea how rare those are? They can cost up to 30,000 dollars.
  13. Jhunt7507

    Sunglasses to dim / reduce glare from the sun!

    Same thing with motorcycle helmets. Or aviator goggles
  14. Jhunt7507

    (Modern) Water purification / filtering !

    We should be able to find giant water filters that cost around 300 dollars with a giant picture of Alex Jones' face on them
  15. Jhunt7507

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Nothing like patrolling the streets dressed like a nazi. This game would probably be banned in Germany though, they're pretty hardcore about censoring free speech and policing opinions there. Idk why there would be nazi uniforms in East Europe. Maybe there could be a museum you can loot in Elektro
  16. Jhunt7507

    shotgun slugs, different barrels, and different gauges

    20 gauge would be cool but I never found them useful. The gun is so light that they don't absorb the recoil so it feels very similar to the 12 gauge. Slugs and birdshot would be a nice feature. Birdshot would only be effective close range. (Don't say it's weak, search up "how I blew my leg off with a shotgun" on google if you want to see what birdshot can do at close range). Slugs should be pretty much an instakill if it hits the upper legs or anywhere around the torso. A 12 gauge slug has the power of a 50 cal but doesn't have the range. Also some shells should be different lengths, the longer ones would be more powerful. If 12 gauge isn't enough for you, then there's always this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4wssCnvuVbU
  17. -Replace the majority of M4s with AKs -More vodka bottles and ciggerettes in bars -Have soldiers wear Russian Camoflauge -Tracksuits, lots of tracksuits -Weather that looks grey -More Soviet Inspired Propaganda Feel free to suggest your ideas
  18. Jhunt7507

    SKS attatchments

    No mags for the sks. The only magazines that work for the sks are ones from norinco they are from china. The SKS is meant to be a standard 10 shot battle rifle. No sane person would "sporterize" it and destroy its beauty
  19. I just want zombies that can't see/run through walls
  20. Jhunt7507

    DayZ vehicles: complete list

    Don't forget the crappy/stolen German cars purchased from Albania
  21. Jhunt7507

    Civilian Weapon Suggestions

    If this is east europe the most common civilian weapon would be the mosin nagant. They're probably the most common weapon in the world. In america you can get one for around 150 dollars. I cant imagine how cheap they are in Eastern Europe
  22. Jhunt7507

    New Map Idea for DayZ

    I KNOW THE CURRENT MAP IS FAR FROM FINISHED. THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION Here are some pictures I found in about 5 minutes. This should give you a basic idea of what this map should be like. I think it would be cool to have a snowy map that takes place in the mountains. There could be one large town like Cherno at the base of the mountains. This could house some factories, apartments, and hospitals. On the other side of the mountains there should be a few ski resorts, tourist shops, even a hotel. Both these places should have hardly any weapons and a lot of zombies. On the mountains themselves there should be hardly any zombies but the conditions should be brutal. With freezing temperatures, thick snow, and blizzards warm clothes are a requirement. During these blizzards driving a car or flying any aircraft should be extremely difficult and near impossible. You can travel through the windy, icy roads or take a shortcut and hike to get to the otherside of the mountain range. Houses in the mountains should be stocked with hunting equipment and warm clothes. On top of one of the highest mountains in the mountain range there should be a military base with a system of numerous bunkers housing research labs containing zombies that were experimented on and hidden/lockedweapon caches with AKs, dragonovs, and other eastern block weapons. This military base used to recieve the power it needed from a nuclear powerplant at the edge of the map. You can explore it to find some interesting discoveries. url.htm white death.htm
  23. Jhunt7507

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    So I've heard Mostly disinfecting wounds and molotov cocktails. It would be fun to drink a whole bottle and run/crawl around cherno wasted. I can agree with this. Maybe more blue style police uniforms a lot of eastern european countries use. (We've all seen the GIF of the ukranian riot police taunting the protesters in an innapropriate manor) Im glad we can agree Soviet inspired propaganda that still might be there. I don't know, something to give it a more eastern bloc feel
  24. Jhunt7507

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    So what. If it was taking place in America I would suggest more mcdonald type fast food resturaunts, suburbs, and car dealerships.