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Everything posted by DKSTV

  1. DKSTV

    What to do next?

    Protect new spawns and help them get geared! Build an army around you lol
  2. DKSTV

    I'm Stuffed

    Yeah the hunger system seems to get worse and worse every time I get on :/ dying from starvation after playing for 15 mins sucks gotta move quick and there seems to be no spawns on items ever unless a server restart
  3. DKSTV

    DayZ is peaceful

    What's up guys I'm DKS I have been playing DayZ SA for about a month. I played DayZ mod for a couple months before moving on to other games until the standalone came out. Now I am back to playing both SA and Mod. Can't wait to see the game progress through Alpha haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. I make videos and stream DayZ and other games on my Youtube channel and stream over on Twitch. Glad to be apart of such a helpful awesome community here!
  4. DKSTV

    Will there be "mods" for dayz?

    It would be pretty crazy to have mods in a game that came from a mod, but I hope there is for sure... And I am sure they will have mods
  5. DKSTV

    Eternal Night

    Don't think I have ever even joined a server while it was night time but maybe once and it didn't last long at all...
  6. DKSTV

    My first run in w/ hackers (possible)

    I ran into what I believe was a hacker the other night while streaming in a random room the second i popped out on the construction site roof I got sniped. Got mad about it respawned walked a few feet got sniped again never saw a player either time and was being super aware when I respawned.... First time running into this and have put over 30 hours in SA
  7. DKSTV

    You are dead

    I'm sure they are working on it man.... I ran into the same problem last night had to restart the game a hundred times and switched servers thats what ended up working :/