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About DerDuderich

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  1. DerDuderich

    Flashlight pool

    Agree. I myself do the very same. Personally I like playing on night servers, I think night adds a lot to the atmosphere. You can really feel the danger then. If I was on a protected privat server with only "normal" players I would definitly play on normal settings and actually use chemlights and stuff. But with all the KoS Call-Of-Duty Kiddies recently it's a suicide mission to play on normal settings and carry a light. If the server has more then 10 players you'll be dead within 10 Minutes without seing a player. I guarantee it. :( So I drop both, flashlight and battery (stun is useless imho, unless I encounter a bandit I'm friendly anyways).
  2. DerDuderich

    Lockpicking: Minigames yes or no

    Agree! But I feel like there should be some kind of "skill variable" in the equation. Picking a lock takes a lot of practice and by making it pure luck you can't improve or learn...
  3. Ok guys :) So for everyone that isn't up to date: Apparently will will get lockpicking very soon, in the newest devblog there is a new item mentioned, a "Lock Picking kit" (here). Now obviously this is going to be a first step into barricading: Locked doors that you can unlock with the above mentioned item. Now we do not know exactly how locking doors and lockpicking is going to work, but there are basically two possibilitys for lockpicking: 1. Plain trial and error This is the most "basic" version: The lockpicking kit has a certain % chance to unlock a door, depending maybe on the quality of the lock (5% breaking a pristine lock, 20% breaking a damaged lock, and so on). When you find a locked door, you look at it, you select "Pick lock" from the menu and you repeat this (smash the F key) until the door is open. Propably there will be a cance, you'll break one of the wrenches and destroy your lockpicking set, let's say 1%. Now this system would be pure luck, basically without any player impact on the result. 2. Minigame(s) Now the other option would be to implement a "lockpicking minigame" as we know it for example from Skyrim or the Mafia series: Picture 1: Breaking into a car in Mafia 2 Picture 2: Picking a lock in TES: Skyrim This kind of system would allow players to actually "impact" the result by directly influencing what is going on. The downside is, that after a little practice, everyone knows how to pick a lock and locks do not provide any "secure protection" anymore (consider though that one could break the lock with an axe anyways). Now my question is: Which version of lockpicking would do you guys want to see in DayZ? In terms of realism, which one do you consider better?
  4. DerDuderich

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    I don't get how you can starve to death at the moment. Seriously. There is food like EVERYWHERE. Looking forward to the whine-wars once this game actually becomes a survival game and as hard as it's supposed to be...
  5. DerDuderich

    0.49 crashsites (& a few observations)

    iZurvive map has all the new crashsite spawnpoints (the red explosion markers). I just found a helicopter on the field north of the NWAF.
  6. DerDuderich

    Spawn near your Friends (realistic)

    Well, first of: Modding will be a big part of the game and if you have a nice idea, make your own mod/server plugin and see if people like it. However, the thing with spawning in groups is: Even though I totally understand why "casual" gamers would like such a feature, the big problem is that most people will abuse it. How? For example a group of 5 people spawns, check which one has the best locations (closest to the airfield) and everyone teleports to him. Or people offer "taxi services" like this: Forum conversation: Player A: Hey, I need to get to Cherno as fast as possible Random player B: Jo, I'm at Cherno, come join my group and teleport to me No matter how you restrict it, people will find a way to mess with the system and so it's best to completly keep it out of DayZ.
  7. DerDuderich

    "Fishing Hook" alternatives

    Well obviously fishing will become much more important once the rediculous spawnrates have been adjusted and there isn't a ton of food in every damn building anymore. Currently hunting/fishing is unimportant but the time will come when it'll be an essential part of surviving...
  8. DerDuderich

    "Fishing Hook" alternatives

    So I would like to try out fishing. But I can't because for some reason I can't find a Fishing Hook. Don't ask me why, over the past two weeks I couldn't find a single one. Since the other items required (rope, stick, worms) are much easier to find, I've been carrying them around with me for weeks now blocking inventory slots. But they're useless without the hook. I'm not a professional fisher (we go fishing once a year maybe?) but from my experience it shouldn't be a problem to craft a somewhat useable hook yourself. But because I didn't want to rely on my personal experience, I looked up "fishing" in some survival books. Turns out I was right: You should be able to use a little piece of wood or bone (with sharpened ends) as a fishing hook. This graphic illustrates how it is supposed to work: So essentially I'm asking for the option to craft an Improvised Fishing Hook. Wooden Stick + Kitchen Knife/Hunting Knife = Improvised Fishing Hook Of cause the Impovised Hook would have a significant lower chance to actually catch a fish, compared to the professional Fishing Hook. But still, it would be a nice additional to the game in terms of realism... Source: Nehberg, Rüdiger: Die Kunst zu Überleben: Survival. Munich, 2004.
  9. DerDuderich

    DayZ map development

    I watched the last Dev stream and to be honest, I didn't like it too much. I think it's great that the devs try to be in touch with the community, I really apprechiate their effort, but I think a stream is the wrong way. Why? Basically because a stream is not "searchable" like a text document. Either you watch the whole 60+ minutes stream, or you don't. And if you don't watch it all, you miss important information. Now the thing is, 90% of what is said in there has been said 100 times before and because stupid people ask the same stupid question(s) over and over again (When will vehicles come? What vehicle will come? What color? When? Will I be able to attach a big-massacre-multi-chaingun to it?) a lot of what is said in there is... boring and important or new questions are ignored between all the flaming... Now if I'm looking for a special piece of information (e.g.: What did devs say about the current issues with doors not syncing correctly) there is no way for me to search the stream or quickjump to the point where they talk about it. Or if I forgot and want to look up something that was said in a stream weeks ago, I have no way to figure out when exactly in what stream it was. As I said, I really apprechiate how streams lets us take part in the development, but I personally would prefer a "traditional" Q&A, where the community can send in questions as plain text and the devs respond in text. (kinda like Blizzards blueposts)...
  10. DerDuderich

    DayZ map development

    The map development is currently (only) focusing on the north of the map because it used to be completly empty. After the north is finished, the "old" parts of the map will be reworked too. I think SenChi said a while ago that he wasn't happy with Elektro and Cherno and that those old citys will get complete overhauls including new and unique buildings, too (once the north is finished). Also several "special" locations have been confirmed, and people had a TON of good ideas (abandoned amusement park, soccer stadium, government buildings, big shipyard, oilrig, aircraft carrier...). The problem with expanding the map ("new landmass") has already been discussed several times. The bottom line is, that even if it might not be completly impossible, it would be at least very, very hard to expand the map. Suggestions like your second picture are most likely not going to happen, allthough it would be completly possible to add new (small) islands and expand the land into the ocean to a certain degree. I personally am completly fine with not making Chernarus bigger. I would like to see other maps instead, as big as Chernarus, but with a different setting, e.g.: an "american" map, based on the (mostly rural) northern part of the US, with great lakes, cities looking like chicago, small farms etc. an "exotic" map, with white beaches, palmtress, swamps and mosquitos. Propably not one big landmass big several larger islands (landscape like Florida, Louisiana & Co., Bahamas, carribean). The "TRUE BLOOD" setting most likely... a middle east/african style desert map (Takistan look-alike). With sand, rocks and more sand. Oilfields and very little vegetation. Very limited water ressources. And a LOT of HEAT. Some kind of snowy winter map. Either a winter-version of Chernarus or a completly new map. "Austria" for example, gives nice options for unique buildings and architecture... or scandinavia, how about norway or finland? Large mountains, a lot of nature and fewer houses adn only two or three big cities.So you have different settings to choose from, propably with different loot tables (new weapons and items), other options ("Search for Coconuts"), different dangers (Crocodiles instead of wolves) and so on.
  11. DerDuderich

    [Graphics] Why does my horizon look weird?

    Overall Quality: Custom VSync: Enabled Textures Video memory: 2048MB Texture Detail: Very high Texture Filtering: Very high Quality Everything on very high except shadows only on High Rendering Antialiasing: Normal Alpha to coverage: All trees + grass Edge Smoothing: FXAA Very High HDR Quality: Low Ambient Occlusion: Enabled Post Processing: Very high I tried to reproduce the issue by serverhopping to servers with different time and weather and the landscape/horizon always looked good: Morning Noon Rainy But then, like 10 Minutes later, the issue shows up again, at "normal" sunny weather at a completly different location: Picture I'm not sure if it's about the weather because on one screenshot it's sunny and everything is fine, on the next screenshots it's sunny and the mountains look bad. I also think that something is wrong with the fog (not matching the clouds color), but somehow it woorks sometimes (note how there is a difference in the color of the fog between the "Morning" and "Rainy" image) while not working at other times. And overall there is a huge difference between how the game looks for me and how it looked at the dev's computer (even though my settings are all on max). Is it maybe a driver/hardware issue? Like the game is better optimized for nvidia cards?
  12. Hey guys! I have a problem that really bothers me. So I usually don't watch many streams or videos because I think it's more fun playing myself. However, last friday (I think?) I was watching the dev stream and I noticed something weird. While I have almost all my graphic settings as high as possible (except for shadows i think to gain a few extra FPS), objects that are far away look "bad" on my system. It's not terrible, I didn't even notice it before because it has always been like this but now that I know that it actually can look better I get somewhat angry every time I watch the horizon (yes, I am what some people call a "graphics-whore" :P) Please have a look at these screenshots I took right from last weeks stream: (The small text is hard to read, sorry for that, looked better in GIMP, it says: "The mountains far away are pretty dark and the contours aren't clear to see"). http://i.imgur.com/3nS3JGf.jpg Well to sum it up, DayZ does look... good there. Now please have a look at this screenshot I took half an hour ago on my system: http://i.imgur.com/dEXvFZ6.jpg As stated, the mountains far away are way to bright and I don't know, it just looks bad imho. Any speculations, tipps or ideas? --- My PC: OS: Windows 64B w. 8GB RAM CPU: Intel Core i5 2500 @ 3.30Ghz Mainboard: ASUS P8H61-M LE GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6870
  13. Apart from the obvious (reading it!) you can rip pages out of books to start a fire or write on them...
  14. DerDuderich

    Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

    Problem is: The game is FAR to easy at the moment. 1. No teamwork is needed for anything 2. Surviving on your own is very, very simple 3. Every douche can get military gear and weapons without hard work in a very a short time# All this PvP and KoS is mainly happening, because 1.) people are bored because there is nothing to do once you are geared up and 2.) because the game is so easy, we have hordes of "Call of Duty"-type kids that don't know anything else but shooting, dying, respawning... Once the game becomes harder and surviving more of a challenge, all the stupid ego shooter kids whos main goal it is to upload videos with titles like "0ver PWN0r killz 4 bandids with rotten applez in DayZ" to Youtube will whine around for a couple weeks and then go back to Call of Duty and Battlefield. THEN we will eventually see some teamwork.... :D
  15. DerDuderich

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    I just got a rotten apple from searching an apple tree. So they got removed from loot spawns but at least for apples there still is a way to get them.