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BlackSun (DayZ)

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About BlackSun (DayZ)

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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  1. BlackSun (DayZ)

    Dean Hall on Dayz ported to consoles.

    The Xbox1 and Ps4 have plenty of power and both support USB keyboards and mice.
  2. BlackSun (DayZ)

    Who has never played DayZ mod?

    I've never played the mod and I don't even know what arma even is. When I see youtube videos of people playing the mod I usually see tanks running over people and eveybody hunting helecopter parts, its hard to see the mod as the same game as standalone. I know there is a lot more content but it seems so different. Can you build forts/basses? Did ghosting ruin base building?
  3. BlackSun (DayZ)

    ( Not a tutorial)How to get easy long range scope?

    I have only found the LRS in the barracks building - the single story military one with all of the bedrooms. The only other building it spawns in is the AC Tower in an airfield, although I would suggest not to look in a AC Tower because its such a high risk area. It does not spawn in outposts, the double story military one with the prison. Up until yesterday I had looked for two weeks (20 hours of play) and could not find it no matter how much I searched. Yesterday I found one in a barracks but the server restarted just after I picked it up and it was gone next server I joined. Then just one hour of searching later I found another one the same day. Two in one day and none in two weeks, it may be a long time before you loot one. There is another way however, go to a area where there is typically a lot of snipers with LRS's camping on other players - Airfields, sniper hill in electro etc. and you can just sneak up and kill the sniper and take his LRS. If someone has found the LRS in a civilian building please tell me, which building was it? I have never actually seen/heard it spawn elsewhere.
  4. BlackSun (DayZ)

    DayZ feels American

    https://maps.google.de/?ie=UTF8&t=h&...,0.013551&z=17 Stary and Novy Sobor you can see berezino, cherno, electro and other locations nearby
  5. BlackSun (DayZ)

    Long range scopes?

    Will trade for LRS, whatever you need.
  6. BlackSun (DayZ)

    Free Item Paperchase [High value stuff]

    Where are you finding so many scopes... I have been looking for a week - barracks and hangers. Where on the map are the spawning?
  7. BlackSun (DayZ)

    anyone finding pistol red dot sight anymore?

    They are very rare and totally useless on the fxn. I have only had one and it was ruined, the semi-auto pistol is such junk the scope just let's you see how bad the accuracy really is.
  8. BlackSun (DayZ)

    How do you dress?

    Cammo Bandanna TTKO pants/shirt DMP cammo vest splitting axe (not a fire axe as they are bright red/yellow, just awful cammo) hunter backpack green boots green mosin no sunglasses or masks the Black/African player skin for cammo (the Caucasian skin is too bright)
  9. BlackSun (DayZ)

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Legit, the idea of throwing spies in to the mix along with heroes, bandits, medics, kos'ers ect, just adds to the game.
  10. BlackSun (DayZ)

    So what is the excuse for the poor performance now?

    GTA5 had a budget of $280 million. DayZ does not has that same budget
  11. BlackSun (DayZ)


    The same thing happened to me but I noticed that once I started eating/drinking to my full capacity after the patch the "stuffed" icon went back to normal.